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class.tx_nG6_db.php 116 KiB
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*  Copyright notice
*  (c) 2009 PF bioinformatique de Toulouse <>
*  All rights reserved
*  This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
*  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
*  (at your option) any later version.
*  The GNU General Public License can be found at
*  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  GNU General Public License for more details.
*  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!


 * Class_nG6_db' for the 'nG6' extension.
 * This class is in charge of all communication with the database
 * @author	PF bioinformatique de Toulouse <>
class tx_nG6_db {
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	 * Global functions
	* Update the specified field of the table
	* @param	string  $table the entity to change
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	* @param	string  $id     the element id to update
	* @param	string  $field  the field to change
	* @param	string  $value  the new value
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        function update_field($table, $id, $field, $value,$no_quote_fields) {
            if( $field == 'uid' ) {
                throw new Exception ("The function 'update_field' cannot change an id.") ;
            if( is_array($field) ){
                    for($i =0; $i<count($field);$i++){
                     $array=array($field => $value);
            if ( is_array($id) ){
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                $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']-> exec_UPDATEquery ($table, 'uid IN ('.implode(',',$id).')', $array,$no_quote_fields);
Celine Noirot's avatar
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                $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']-> exec_UPDATEquery ($table, 'uid='.$id, $array,$no_quote_fields);
	function select_all_in_view($view, $where) {
					'SELECT' 	=> '*',
					'FROM' 		=> $view,
					'WHERE' 	=> $where ,
					'ORDERBY' 	=> '',
					'LIMIT' 	=> ''
			$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
			return ($res);
	function select_count_in_view($view,$where) {
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		#select count All runs per project
		$queryParts = array(
					'SELECT' 	=> 'project_id , count(*) AS count',
					'FROM' 		=> $view ,
					'WHERE' 	=> $where,
					'GROUPBY' 	=> 'project_id',
					'ORDERBY' 	=> '',
					'LIMIT' 	=> ''
		$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
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                return ($res);
	function get_project_list_by_group_filter($create_user_id, $user_group_id){
			#select all project_id with group OR/AND without group
				'SELECT' => 'project_id',
				'FROM' => 'tx_nG6_view_project_user',
				'WHERE' => 'user_group IN ( '.$user_group_id .')',
				'GROUPBY' 	=> '',
				'ORDERBY' 	=> '',
				'LIMIT' 	=> ''
			$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
			while($res_row= $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
				if( $list_project_id_filter_by_group != ""){
					$list_project_id_filter_by_group .= ",".$res_row['project_id'];
					$list_project_id_filter_by_group = $res_row['project_id'];
			$where .= "uid NOT IN (".$list_project_id_filter_by_group.")";
		if($create_user_id != ""){
			if($where != ""){
				$where .= " AND cruser_id IN (".$create_user_id.")";
				$where .= "cruser_id IN (".$create_user_id.")";
			'SELECT' => 'uid AS project_id',
			'FROM' => 'tx_nG6_project',
			'WHERE' => $where,
			'GROUPBY' 	=> '',
			'ORDERBY' 	=> '',
			'LIMIT' 	=> ''
		$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
		while($res_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
			if ($list_project_id_laboratories != "") {
				$list_project_id_laboratories .=",".$res_row['project_id'];
    	return ($list_project_id_laboratories);
        # OBSOLETE / PURGE management
	function filter_list_retention_data_info($filter_size, $max_retention_date, $create_user_id, $user_group_id) {
		$where =  ' DATEDIFF( FROM_UNIXTIME( retention_date ) , now( ) ) <0';
                $where .= ' AND purge_demand_id IS NULL ';
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                $where .= ' AND state IN ( \'stored\', \'extended\') ';
		if ($max_retention_date != "") {
			$where = ' DATEDIFF( FROM_UNIXTIME( retention_date ) , STR_TO_DATE( "'.$max_retention_date.'", "%d/%m/%Y" ) ) <0';
		if ($filter_size != "") {
			$where .=" AND storage_size > $filter_size";
		$project_list_ids = "";
		if ($create_user_id != "" or $user_group_id != "") {
			$project_list_ids = tx_nG6_db::get_project_list_by_group_filter($create_user_id,$user_group_id);
			$where .=" AND project_id in (" . $project_list_ids.")" ;
		return (tx_nG6_db::select_list_retention_data_info($where));
	function select_a_project_retention_data_info($project_id) {
		$where =" project_id = " . $project_id ;
	function select_list_retention_data_info($where) {
		$res = tx_nG6_db::select_all_in_view( "tx_nG6_view_project_run" , $where);
		while($res_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
			if (!isset ($by_project[$res_row['project_id']])) {
				$by_project[$res_row['project_id']]= array(
						'project_id'			=> $res_row['project_id'],
						'project_name'			=> $res_row['project_name'],
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						'state'					=> array( "purged"  => array ('nb_run' => 0, 'size_run' => 0, 'run_ids'=> array(),
                                                                                                                                                "nb_analyze"=> 0, "size_analyze"=> 0, 'analysis_ids'=> array()),
                                                                                                                "extended"  => array ('nb_run' => 0, 'size_run' => 0, 'run_ids'=> array(),
                                                                                                                                                "nb_analyze"=> 0, "size_analyze"=> 0, 'analysis_ids'=> array()),
                                                                                                                "stored"  => array ('nb_run' => 0, 'size_run' => 0, 'run_ids'=> array(),
                                                                                                                                                "nb_analyze"=> 0, "size_analyze"=> 0, 'analysis_ids'=> array())
						'total_purgeable_size'	=>  $res_row['storage_size'],
						'nb_runs'				=>0,
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Celine Noirot committed
						'nb_analyses'			=>0);
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                        if ($res_row['run_id'] != "") {
                                $by_project[$res_row['project_id']]['total_purgeable_size'] += $res_row['storage_size'];
		$res = tx_nG6_db::select_all_in_view("tx_nG6_view_project_run_analyze",$where,'10');
		while($res_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
			if (!isset ($by_project[$res_row['project_id']])) {
    			$by_project[$res_row['project_id']]= array(
Celine Noirot's avatar
Celine Noirot committed
						'project_id'			=> $res_row['project_id'],
						'project_name'			=> $res_row['project_name'],
						'state'					=> array( "purged"  => array ('nb_run' => 0, 'size_run' => 0, 'run_ids'=> array(),
                                                                                                                                                "nb_analyze"=> 0, "size_analyze"=> 0, 'analysis_ids'=> array()),
                                                                                                                "extended"  => array ('nb_run' => 0, 'size_run' => 0, 'run_ids'=> array(),
                                                                                                                                                "nb_analyze"=> 0, "size_analyze"=> 0, 'analysis_ids'=> array()),
                                                                                                                "stored"  => array ('nb_run' => 0, 'size_run' => 0, 'run_ids'=> array(),
                                                                                                                                                "nb_analyze"=> 0, "size_analyze"=> 0, 'analysis_ids'=> array())
						'total_purgeable_size'	=>  $res_row['storage_size'],
						'nb_runs'				=>0,
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Celine Noirot committed
						'nb_analyses'			=>0);
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                        if ($res_row['analyze_id'] != ""){
                                $by_project[$res_row['project_id']]['state'][$res_row['state']]['nb_analyze'] += 1;
                                $by_project[$res_row['project_id']]['state'][$res_row['state']]['size_analyze'] += $res_row['storage_size']+$res_row['purged_size'];
                                $by_project[$res_row['project_id']]['total_purgeable_size'] += $res_row['storage_size'];
		$res = tx_nG6_db::select_all_in_view("tx_nG6_view_project_analyze", $where);
		while($res_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
			if (!isset ($by_project[$res_row['project_id']])) {
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Celine Noirot committed
                               $by_project[$res_row['project_id']]= array(
						'project_id'			=> $res_row['project_id'],
						'project_name'			=> $res_row['project_name'],
						'state'					=> array( "purged"  => array ('nb_run' => 0, 'size_run' => 0, 'run_ids'=> array(),
                                                                                                                                                "nb_analyze"=> 0, "size_analyze"=> 0, 'analysis_ids'=> array()),
                                                                                                                "extended"  => array ('nb_run' => 0, 'size_run' => 0, 'run_ids'=> array(),
                                                                                                                                                "nb_analyze"=> 0, "size_analyze"=> 0, 'analysis_ids'=> array()),
                                                                                                                "stored"  => array ('nb_run' => 0, 'size_run' => 0, 'run_ids'=> array(),
                                                                                                                                                "nb_analyze"=> 0, "size_analyze"=> 0, 'analysis_ids'=> array())
                                                                                                ) ,
						'total_purgeable_size'	=>  $res_row['storage_size'],
						'nb_runs'				=>0,
						'nb_analyses'			=>0);
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			if ($res_row['analyze_id'] != ""){
				$by_project[$res_row['project_id']]['state'][$res_row['state']]['nb_analyze'] += 1;
				$by_project[$res_row['project_id']]['state'][$res_row['state']]['size_analyze'] += $res_row['storage_size']+$res_row['purged_size'];
Celine Noirot's avatar
Celine Noirot committed
				$by_project[$res_row['project_id']]['total_purgeable_size'] += $res_row['storage_size'];
		$res = tx_nG6_db::select_count_in_view("tx_nG6_view_project_run","");
		while($res_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
			if (isset ($by_project[$res_row['project_id']])) {
		$res = tx_nG6_db::select_count_in_view("tx_nG6_view_project_run_analyze","");
		while($res_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
			if (isset ($by_project[$res_row['project_id']])) {
		$res = tx_nG6_db::select_count_in_view("tx_nG6_view_project_analyze","");
		while($res_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
			if (isset ($by_project[$res_row['project_id']])) {
				if (!isset ($by_project[$res_row['project_id']]["nb_analyses"])) {
		#retrieve user per project
		$res = tx_nG6_db::select_all_in_view("tx_nG6_view_project_user", "");
		while($res_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
				if (!isset ($by_project[$res_row['project_id']]["users"])) {
				array_push($by_project[$res_row['project_id']]["users"],array ('user_name' => $res_row['user_name'], 'email' =>$res_row['email'], 'groups' =>$res_row['user_group'], 'right_level_label' =>$res_row['right_level_label'], 'user_group_title' => $res_row['user_group_title']));
     * Add purge initial purge demand in db
     * @param	int	$project_id	project id link to the purge demand
     * @param	int	$total_purgeable_size	size of files to purge
     * @return	New purge id
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    function add_purge_demand($cruser_id, $project_id, $total_purgeable_size, $all_runs_ids, $all_analyses_ids,$managers_name){
        $date= time();
    	$purge_data = array(
			'cruser_id'			=>	$cruser_id,
                        'project_id'                => $project_id,
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                        'analyze_ids'             => implode(',',$all_analyses_ids),
                        'run_ids'                    => implode(',',$all_runs_ids),
			'mail_sent_date'	=>	$date,
                        'purge_size'              => $total_purgeable_size,
			'demand_state'	=>	"sent",
			'tstamp'			=> 	$date,
			'crdate'			=> 	$date
    	$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery('tx_nG6_purge_demand', $purge_data);
        $purge_demand_id = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_insert_id();
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        tx_nG6_db::update_field('tx_nG6_run', $all_runs_ids, array('mail_sent_date','purge_demand_id'),array($date,$purge_demand_id));
        foreach($managers_name as $user_name){
                $res= tx_nG6_db::select_user_by_username($user_name);
                $purge_data_user = array(
                        'tstamp'			=> 	$date,
			'crdate'			=> 	$date,
                        'cruser_id'                 =>	$cruser_id,
                        'purge_demand_id'    =>  $purge_demand_id,
                        'fe_users_id'              =>  $res['uid']
                $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery('tx_nG6_purge_demand_fe_users', $purge_data_user);
    	return $purge_demand_id;
    function get_purge_demand_from_id($values){
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        #select all demand id not processed
                'SELECT' => ' uid as demand_id,project_id,purge_size,mail_sent_date,processed_date,demand_state,analyze_ids,run_ids',
                'FROM' => 'tx_nG6_purge_demand',
                'WHERE' => 'uid IN ('.implode(",",$values).')',
                'GROUPBY' 	=> '',
                'ORDERBY' 	=> '',
                'LIMIT' 	=> ''
        $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
        while($res_row= $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    function get_purge_demand_list($delay_in_days){
        #select all demand id not processed
                'SELECT' => 'tx_nG6_purge_demand.uid AS demand_id, `tx_nG6_purge_demand`.project_id AS project_id, as project_name, 
                `tx_nG6_purge_demand`.purge_size AS purge_size, `tx_nG6_purge_demand`.mail_sent_date, `tx_nG6_purge_demand`.demand_state, 
                `fe_users`.username, `fe_groups`.title AS user_group_title, 
                DATEDIFF( FROM_UNIXTIME( `tx_nG6_purge_demand`.mail_sent_date ) , now( ) ) >'.$delay_in_days.' AS delay_excedeed',
                'FROM' => '`tx_nG6_purge_demand`
INNER JOIN tx_nG6_project ON tx_nG6_project.uid = tx_nG6_purge_demand.project_id
INNER JOIN `tx_nG6_purge_demand_fe_users` ON `tx_nG6_purge_demand_fe_users`.`purge_demand_id` = tx_nG6_purge_demand.uid
INNER JOIN fe_users ON fe_users.uid = `tx_nG6_purge_demand_fe_users`.`fe_users_id`
INNER JOIN fe_groups ON fe_groups.uid = fe_users.usergroup',
                'WHERE' => '`tx_nG6_purge_demand`.processed_date IS NULL',
                'GROUPBY' 	=> '',
                'ORDERBY' 	=> '',
                'LIMIT' 	=> ''
        $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
        while($res_row= $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                if ( array_key_exists($res_row["demand_id"] , $results)){
                        $results[$res_row["demand_id"]]["users"][]=array("username"=>$res_row["username"], "user_group_title"=>$res_row["user_group_title"]);
                } else {
Celine Noirot's avatar
Celine Noirot committed
                                "users"=>array(array("username"=>$res_row["username"], "user_group_title"=>$res_row["user_group_title"]))
    	return ($results);
     * Select all project for the current user
     * @param	string	$by	by can group, organism, location
     * @param	string	$role	role can be create_user, manager
     * @return	table with all projects
    function select_projects_repartition($role, $by='title') {
    	if ($role == "create_user") {
    				'SELECT' 	=> 'tx_nG6_project.uid as pid, fe_groups.title as title, fe_groups.uid as group_id , fe_groups.tx_nG6_organism as organism, fe_groups.tx_nG6_location as location',
    				'FROM' 		=> 'tx_nG6_project '
    				.' INNER JOIN fe_users ON tx_nG6_project.cruser_id=fe_users.uid '
    				.' INNER JOIN fe_groups ON fe_groups.uid=fe_users.usergroup ',
    				'WHERE' 	=> "",
    				'GROUPBY' 	=> '',
    				'ORDERBY' 	=> '',
    				'LIMIT' 	=> ''
    		//$where = "tx_nG6_project.cruser_id="
    	} else if ($role == "manager") {
	    	$queryParts = array(
    				'SELECT' 	=> 'tx_nG6_project.uid as pid, fe_groups.title as title, fe_groups.uid as group_id , fe_groups.tx_nG6_organism as organism, fe_groups.tx_nG6_location as location',
	    			'FROM' 		=> 'tx_nG6_project '
	    			.' INNER JOIN fe_rights ON tx_nG6_project.uid=fe_rights.project_id '
	    			.' INNER JOIN fe_users ON fe_rights.fe_user_id=fe_users.uid '
	    			.' INNER JOIN fe_groups ON fe_groups.uid=fe_users.usergroup ',
	    			'WHERE' 	=> "fe_rights.right_id=1",
	    			'GROUPBY' 	=> '',
	    			'ORDERBY' 	=> '',
	    			'LIMIT' 	=> ''
    	$by_title = array() ;
    	$by_organism = array();
    	$by_location = array();
    	$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
    	while($res_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    		if (!isset ($by_title[$res_row['title']])) {
    			$by_title[$res_row['title']] = array(
    					'count'			=> 1,
    					'group_id'	=> $res_row['group_id'],
    					'organism'		=> $res_row['organism'],
    					'location'		=> $res_row['location']);
    		} else {
    			$by_title[$res_row['title']]['count'] += 1;
    		if (!isset ($by_organism[$res_row['organism']])) {
    			$by_organism[$res_row['organism']] = array(
    					'count'			=> 1);
    		} else {
    			$by_organism[$res_row['organism']]['count'] += 1;
    		if (!isset ($by_location[$res_row['location']])) {
    			$by_location[$res_row['location']] = array(
    					'count'			=> 1);
    		} else {
    			$by_location[$res_row['location']]['count'] += 1;
    	if ($by=='title') {
    		return ($by_title);
    	} else if ($by=='organism') {
    		return ($by_organism);
    	} else if ($by=='location') {
    		return ($by_location);
    function select_projects_evolution($values, $by, $role, $cumulate) {
Celine Noirot's avatar
Celine Noirot committed
        if ($by == "organism" || $by == "location") {
                $by = "tx_nG6_".$by;

        $from = "" ;
        $where = "fe_groups.".$by." IN ('".implode("', '", $values)."')" ;
Penom Nom's avatar
Penom Nom committed
    	if ($role == "create_user") {
    		$from = 'tx_nG6_project '
	    			.' INNER JOIN fe_users ON tx_nG6_project.cruser_id=fe_users.uid '
	    			.' INNER JOIN fe_groups ON fe_groups.uid=fe_users.usergroup ' ;
    	} else if ($role == "manager") {
    		$from = 'tx_nG6_project '
    				.' INNER JOIN fe_rights ON tx_nG6_project.uid=fe_rights.project_id '
    				.' INNER JOIN fe_users ON fe_rights.fe_user_id=fe_users.uid '
    				.' INNER JOIN fe_groups ON fe_groups.uid=fe_users.usergroup ';
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
    		$where .= " AND fe_rights.right_id=1" ;
Penom Nom's avatar
Penom Nom committed
    	$queryParts = array(
    			'SELECT' 	=> 'tx_nG6_project.crdate, count(tx_nG6_project.crdate) nb',
Penom Nom's avatar
Penom Nom committed
    			'FROM' 		=> $from,
    			'WHERE' 	=> $where,
    			'GROUPBY' 	=> 'tx_nG6_project.crdate',
    			'ORDERBY' 	=> 'tx_nG6_project.crdate',
Penom Nom's avatar
Penom Nom committed
    			'LIMIT' 	=> ''
    	$results = array();
    	$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
    	while($res_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    		if ($cumulate && count($results) > 0) {
    			$results[] = array($res_row["crdate"], $res_row["nb"] + $results[count($results)-1][1]);
    		} else {
    			$results[] = array($res_row["crdate"], $res_row["nb"]);
Penom Nom's avatar
Penom Nom committed
    	return $results;

    function select_projects_distribution($values, $by, $role) {
Celine Noirot's avatar
Celine Noirot committed
        $from = "" ;
        $where = "" ;
        if ($by == "organism" || $by == "location") {
                $by = "tx_nG6_".$by;
    	if ($role == "create_user") {
    		$from = 'tx_nG6_project '
	    			.' INNER JOIN fe_users ON tx_nG6_project.cruser_id=fe_users.uid '
	    			.' INNER JOIN fe_groups ON fe_groups.uid=fe_users.usergroup ' ;
    	} else if ($role == "manager") {
    		$from = 'tx_nG6_project '
    				.' INNER JOIN fe_rights ON tx_nG6_project.uid=fe_rights.project_id '
    				.' INNER JOIN fe_users ON fe_rights.fe_user_id=fe_users.uid '
    				.' INNER JOIN fe_groups ON fe_groups.uid=fe_users.usergroup ';
    		$where = "fe_rights.right_id=1" ;
    	$queryParts = array(
    			'SELECT' 	=> 'fe_groups.'.$by.', count(fe_groups.'.$by.') nb',
    			'FROM' 		=> $from,
    			'WHERE' 	=> $where,
    			'GROUPBY' 	=> 'fe_groups.'.$by,
    			'ORDERBY' 	=> '',
    			'LIMIT' 	=> ''
    	$results = array();
    	$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
    	$others = 0 ;
    	while($res_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    		if( in_array($res_row[$by], $values) ) {
    			$results[] = array($res_row[$by], $res_row["nb"]);
    		} else {
    			$others += $res_row["nb"] ;
    	if ($others != 0) { 
    		$results[] = array("OTHERS", $others);
    	return $results;
    function select_storage_distribution($values, $by, $role, $get_analyzes, $octet) {
    	if ($by == "organism" || $by == "location") {
    		$by = "tx_nG6_".$by;
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
    	$storage_unit = "full_seq_size";
    	if ($octet) {
    		$storage_unit = "storage_size";
    	$from = "" ;
    	$where = "" ;
    	if ($role == "create_user") {
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
    		$from = 'tx_nG6_project '
    		.' INNER JOIN tx_nG6_project_run ON tx_nG6_project_run.project_id= tx_nG6_project.uid'
    		.' INNER JOIN tx_nG6_run ON tx_nG6_project_run.run_id= tx_nG6_run.uid'
    		.' INNER JOIN fe_users ON tx_nG6_project.cruser_id=fe_users.uid '
    		.' INNER JOIN fe_groups ON fe_groups.uid=fe_users.usergroup ' ;
    	} else if ($role == "manager") {
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
    		$from = 'tx_nG6_project '
    		.' INNER JOIN tx_nG6_project_run ON tx_nG6_project_run.project_id= tx_nG6_project.uid'
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
    		.' INNER JOIN tx_nG6_run ON tx_nG6_project_run.run_id= tx_nG6_run.uid'
    		.' INNER JOIN fe_rights ON tx_nG6_project.uid=fe_rights.project_id '
    		.' INNER JOIN fe_users ON fe_rights.fe_user_id=fe_users.uid '
    		.' INNER JOIN fe_groups ON fe_groups.uid=fe_users.usergroup ';
    		$where = "fe_rights.right_id=1" ;
    	$queryParts = array(
    			'SELECT' 	=> 'tx_nG6_run.uid, tx_nG6_run.'.$storage_unit.', fe_groups.'.$by,
    			'FROM' 		=> $from,
    			'WHERE' 	=> $where,
    			'GROUPBY' 	=> '',
    			'ORDERBY' 	=> '',
    			'LIMIT' 	=> ''
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
    	$results = array();
    	$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
    	$others = 0 ;
    	while($res_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    		$analyses_size = 0;
    		if ($get_analyzes && $octet) {
    			$run_analysis = tx_nG6_db::get_run_analysis($res_row["uid"]);
    			foreach($run_analysis as $analyse_id => $analyze_values) {
    				$analyses_size += intval($analyze_values["storage_size"]);
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
    		if( in_array($res_row[$by], $values) ) {
    			if( array_key_exists( $res_row[$by], $results) ) {
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
    				$results[$res_row[$by]] += $res_row[$storage_unit] + $analyses_size;
    			} else {
    				$results[$res_row[$by]] = $res_row[$storage_unit] + $analyses_size;
    		} else {
    			$others += $res_row[$storage_unit] + $analyses_size;
    	if ($others != 0) {
    		$results["OTHERS"] = $others;
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
    	$final_results = array();
    	foreach($results as $group_key => $group_values) {
    		$final_results[] = array( $group_key, $group_values );
    	return $final_results;
	function select_storage_evolution($values, $by, $role, $get_analyzes, $octet, $cumulate) {
        if ($by == "organism" || $by == "location") {
                $by = "tx_nG6_".$by;
        $storage_unit = "full_seq_size";
        if ($octet) {
        	$storage_unit = "storage_size";
        $from = "" ;
        $where = "fe_groups.".$by." IN ('".implode("', '", $values)."')" ;
        if ($role == "create_user") {
                $from = 'tx_nG6_project '
                .' INNER JOIN tx_nG6_project_run ON tx_nG6_project_run.project_id= tx_nG6_project.uid'
                .' INNER JOIN tx_nG6_run ON tx_nG6_project_run.run_id= tx_nG6_run.uid'
                .' INNER JOIN fe_users ON tx_nG6_project.cruser_id=fe_users.uid '
                .' INNER JOIN fe_groups ON fe_groups.uid=fe_users.usergroup ' ;
        } else if ($role == "manager") {
                $from = 'tx_nG6_project '
                .' INNER JOIN tx_nG6_project_run ON tx_nG6_project_run.project_id= tx_nG6_project.uid'
                .' INNER JOIN tx_nG6_run ON tx_nG6_project_run.run_id= tx_nG6_run.uid'
                .' INNER JOIN fe_rights ON tx_nG6_project.uid=fe_rights.project_id '
                .' INNER JOIN fe_users ON fe_rights.fe_user_id=fe_users.uid '
                .' INNER JOIN fe_groups ON fe_groups.uid=fe_users.usergroup ';
                $where .= " AND fe_rights.right_id=1" ;
        $queryParts = array(
                        'SELECT'        => 'tx_nG6_run.uid, tx_nG6_run.crdate, tx_nG6_run.'.$storage_unit.', tx_nG6_run.purged_size, fe_groups.'.$by,
                        'FROM'          => $from,
                        'WHERE'         => $where,
                        'GROUPBY'       => '',
                        'ORDERBY'       => 'tx_nG6_run.crdate',
                        'LIMIT'         => ''
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed

        $results = array();
        $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
        while($res_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                $analyses_size = 0;
                $analyses_size_purged = 0;
                if ($get_analyzes && $octet) {
                        $run_analysis = tx_nG6_db::get_run_analysis($res_row["uid"]);
                        foreach($run_analysis as $analyse_id => $analyze_values) {
                                $analyses_size += intval($analyze_values["storage_size"]);
                                $analyses_size_purged += intval($analyze_values["purged_size"]) + intval($analyze_values["storage_size"]);

                if( array_key_exists( $res_row["crdate"], $results) ) {
                        $results[$res_row["crdate"]][0] += $res_row[$storage_unit] + $analyses_size;
                        $results[$res_row["crdate"]][1] += $res_row["purged_size"] + $analyses_size_purged;
                } else {
                        $results[$res_row["crdate"]] = array($res_row[$storage_unit] + $analyses_size, $res_row["purged_size"] + $analyses_size_purged);
        $final_results = array();
        foreach($results as $group_key => $group_values) {
                if ($cumulate && count($final_results) > 0) {
                        $final_results[] = array( $group_key, $group_values[0] + $final_results[count($final_results)-1][1],$group_values[0] + $group_values[1] + $final_results[count($final_results)-1][2]);
                } else {
                        $final_results[] = array( $group_key, $group_values[0], $group_values[0] + $group_values[1] );

        return $final_results;
Jerome Mariette's avatar
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	 * Add a comment to the comment table
	 * @param unknown $table_name
	 * @param unknown $id_label
	 * @param unknown $element_id
	 * @param unknown $cruser_id
	 * @param unknown $new_comment
    function add_comment($table_name, $id_label, $id, $cruser_id, $new_comment){
    	$new_comment = htmlentities($new_comment, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML5);
    	$comment_data = array(
    	 		'cruser_id'			=>	$cruser_id,
    	 		'comment'			=>	$new_comment,
    	 		'tstamp'			=> 	time(),
    	 		'crdate'			=> 	time()
    	$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery('tx_nG6_comment', $comment_data);
    	$comment_id =  $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_insert_id();
    	$comment_link_data = array(
    	 		'cruser_id'		=>	$cruser_id,
    	 		$id_label		=>	$id,
    			'comment_id'	=> 	$comment_id,
    	 		'tstamp'		=> 	time(),
    	 		'crdate'		=> 	time()
    	$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery($table_name, $comment_link_data);
    	return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_insert_id();

     * Retrieve all comments from a given project, run or analysis
     * @param unknown $table_name
     * @param unknown $id_label
     * @param unknown $uid
     * @return multitype:multitype:unknown
    function get_all_comments($table_name, $id_label, $id){
    	$comments = array();
    	$temp = array();
    	$queryParts = array(
    			'SELECT' 	=> 'tx_nG6_comment.uid AS comment_id, '.
    			'tx_nG6_comment.comment AS comment, '.
    			'tx_nG6_comment.cruser_id AS cruser_id, '.
    			'tx_nG6_comment.crdate AS comment_crdate ',
    			'FROM' 		=> $table_name .' INNER JOIN tx_nG6_comment ON '. $table_name . '.comment_id=tx_nG6_comment.uid',
    			'WHERE' 	=> $table_name . '.' . $id_label . '=' . $id,
    			'ORDERBY' 	=> 'comment_id',
    	$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
    	while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    		$comment_id = $row['comment_id'];
    		if (!isset ($temp['comment_'.$comment_id])) {
    			$temp['comment_'.$comment_id] = '';
    			$user_info = tx_nG6_db::get_user_informations($row['cruser_id']);
    			$comments[] = array(
    					'id'			=> $comment_id,
    					'comment'		=> html_entity_decode($row['comment'], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML5),
    					'date'			=> date( 'd.M.Y-H:i' ,$row['comment_crdate']),
    					'cruser_info'	=> $user_info,
    	return $comments;
     * Delete a given commentary from the database
     * @param unknown $table_name
     * @param unknown $id_label
     * @param unknown $id
     * @param unknown $comment_id
    function delete_comment($table_name, $id_label, $id, $comment_id){
    	$res = 0 ;
    	//from association table
    	$where = $table_name.'.'.$id_label.'='.$id.' AND '.$table_name.'.comment_id='.$comment_id ;
    	$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']-> exec_DELETEquery ($table_name, $where);
    	//from comment table
    	$where = 'tx_nG6_comment.uid='.$comment_id ;
    	$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']-> exec_DELETEquery ('tx_nG6_comment', $where);
    	if ($res != 1) {
    		$res = 1 ;
    	return $res ;
     * Update an existing comment
     * @param unknown $comment_id
     * @param unknown $new_comment
    function update_comment($comment_id, $new_comment){
    	return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']-> exec_UPDATEquery ('tx_nG6_comment', 'uid='.$comment_id, array('comment' => $new_comment));
	 * Project functions

     * Add a comment to the project described by project_id
     * @param unknown $project_id
     * @param unknown $cruser_id
     * @param unknown $new_comment
    function add_project_comment($project_id, $cruser_id, $new_comment){
    	return tx_nG6_db::add_comment('tx_nG6_project_comment', 'project_id', $project_id, $cruser_id, $new_comment);
     * Retrieve all comments from a given project
     * @param unknown $project_id
    function get_all_project_comments($project_id){
    	return tx_nG6_db::get_all_comments('tx_nG6_project_comment', 'project_id', $project_id);
     * Delete a given project comment
     * @param unknown $project_id
     * @param unknown $comment_id
    function delete_project_comment($project_id, $comment_id){
    	return tx_nG6_db::delete_comment('tx_nG6_project_comment', 'project_id', $project_id, $comment_id);
	 * Select all project for the current user
	 * @param	string	$user_id	the user id
	 * @return	table with all projects
	function select_all_user_projects($user_id, $orderby='', $limit='') {		
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		// If the user is not logged on display demonstration project
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		if ($user_id == null) { $where = 'tx_nG6_project.public=0'; } 
		else { $where = 'fe_rights.fe_user_id='.$user_id; }
		//First, get the analyzis project-scale
		$queryParts = array(
			'SELECT' => 'tx_nG6_project.uid AS project_id, '.
						' AS project_name, '.
						'tx_nG6_project.description AS project_description, '.
						'tx_nG6_project.public AS project_public, '.
Jerome Mariette's avatar
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						'tx_nG6_project.crdate AS project_crdate, '.
						'tx_nG6_project.hidden AS project_hidden ',
			'FROM' => 'tx_nG6_project INNER JOIN fe_rights ON fe_rights.project_id=tx_nG6_project.uid',
			'WHERE' => $where,
			'GROUPBY' => '',
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
			'ORDERBY' => $orderby,
			'LIMIT' => $limit
		$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);		
		while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
			$project_id = $row['project_id'];
Jerome Mariette's avatar
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			if (!isset ($projects['project_'.$project_id])) {		
				$projects['project_'.$project_id] = array(
					'name'			=> $row['project_name'],
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
					'hidden'		=> $row['project_hidden'],
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
					'date'			=> $row['project_crdate'],
					'public'		=> $row['project_public'],
					'description'	=> $row['project_description']);
	* Select all project for the current user
	* @param	string	$user_id	the user id
	* @return	table with all projects
	function get_user_projects($user_id, $orderby='', $limit='') {
		$projects = array();
		// If the user is not logged on display demonstration project
		if ($user_id == null) {
			$where = 'tx_nG6_project.public=0';
		else { 
				$where = 'fe_rights.fe_user_id='.$user_id.' AND ((fe_rights.right_id<>2 AND tx_nG6_project.hidden=0) '
				.'OR fe_rights.right_id=2)' ;
		//First, get the analyzis project-scale
		$queryParts = array(
				'SELECT' => 'tx_nG6_project.uid AS project_id, '.
							' AS project_name, '.
							'tx_nG6_project.description AS project_description, '.
							'tx_nG6_project.public AS project_public, '.
							'tx_nG6_project.crdate AS project_crdate, '.
							'tx_nG6_project.hidden AS project_hidden ',
				'FROM' => 'tx_nG6_project INNER JOIN fe_rights ON fe_rights.project_id=tx_nG6_project.uid',
				'WHERE' => $where,
				'GROUPBY' => '',
				'ORDERBY' => $orderby,
				'LIMIT' => $limit
		$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
		while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
			$project_id = $row['project_id'];
			if (!isset ($projects['project_'.$project_id])) {
				$projects['project_'.$project_id] = array(
						'id'			=> $project_id,				
						'name'			=> $row['project_name'],
						'hidden'		=> $row['project_hidden'],
						'date'			=> $row['project_crdate'],
						'public'		=> $row['project_public'],
						'description'	=> $row['project_description']);
		return $projects;

	 * Select a run from the database
	 * @param	string	$project_id	the project id to return
	 * @return	hash table with all project information
	function select_project($project_id) {
		$queryParts = array(
			'SELECT' => '*',
			'FROM' => 'tx_nG6_project',
			'WHERE' => 'tx_nG6_project.uid = '.$project_id,
			'GROUPBY' => '',
			'ORDERBY' => '',
			'LIMIT' => ''
		$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
		$vals = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
		return array('id'			=> $vals['uid'],				
					 'name'			=> $vals['name'],
					 'hidden'		=> $vals['hidden'],
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
					 'date'			=> $vals['crdate'],
					 'public'		=> $vals['public'],
					 'description'	=> $vals['description']);

	 * Select all runs linked to the specified project
	 * @param	string	$project_id	the project id
	 * @return	hash table with all runs information
function get_project_runs($project_id, $orderby='', $limit='') {
		// First select all runs from the database
			'SELECT' => 'tx_nG6_run.uid AS run_id,'.
					 	' AS run_directory,'.
					 	'tx_nG6_run.species AS run_species,'.
						'tx_nG6_run.description AS run_description, '.
Jerome Mariette's avatar
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						'tx_nG6_run.data_nature AS run_data_nature, '.
						'tx_nG6_run.sequencer AS run_sequencer, '.
						'tx_nG6_run.type AS run_type, '.
						' AS run_name, '.
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
						'tx_nG6_run.nb_sequences AS run_nb_sequences, '.
						'tx_nG6_run.full_seq_size AS run_full_seq_size, '.
						' AS run_date, '.
						'tx_nG6_run.hidden AS run_hidden, '.
						'tx_nG6_run.data_state AS run_data_state, '.
						'tx_nG6_run.retention_date AS run_retention_date, '.
						'tx_nG6_run.purged_date AS run_purged_date, '.
						'tx_nG6_run.purged_size AS run_purged_size, '.
						'tx_nG6_run.mail_sent_date AS run_mail_sent_date, '.
						'tx_nG6_project.uid AS project_id, '.
						' AS project_name ',
Jerome Mariette's avatar
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			'FROM' => 'tx_nG6_project '.
  						'INNER JOIN tx_nG6_project_run ON  tx_nG6_project.uid=tx_nG6_project_run.project_id '.
  						'INNER JOIN tx_nG6_run ON tx_nG6_project_run.run_id=tx_nG6_run.uid ',
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
			'WHERE' => 'tx_nG6_project.uid='.$project_id,
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
			'ORDERBY' => $orderby,
			'LIMIT' 	=> $limit
		// Then create the result hash table
		$results = array();
		$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
		while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
Jerome Mariette's avatar
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			$run_id = $row['run_id'];				
			if (!isset($results['run_'.$run_id])) {				
				$results['run_'.$run_id] = array( 
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
					'id'			=> $run_id,
					'directory'		=> $row['run_directory'], 
					'name' 			=> $row['run_name'],
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
					'project_name' 	=> $row['project_name'],
					'hidden'		=> $row['run_hidden'],
					'species' 		=> $row['run_species'],
Jerome Mariette's avatar
Jerome Mariette committed
					'nb_sequences' 	=> $row['run_nb_sequences'],
					'full_seq_size' => $row['run_full_seq_size'],
					'project_id' 	=> $row['project_id'],
					'date'			=> $row['run_date'],
Jerome Mariette's avatar
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					'data_nature'	=> $row['run_data_nature'],
					'sequencer'		=> $row['run_sequencer'],
					'type'			=> $row['run_type'],
					'description' 	=> $row['run_description'],
					'data_state' 	=> $row['run_data_state'],