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Pystac extension for Sentinel-2 products
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Sentinel-2 L2A THEIA pystac extension
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Build custom pystac extensions easily with pydantic
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A package build on top of airGRiwrm containing helper functions for pre-processing data and vignettes with a complete example of an integrated hydrological model setup from scratch and publicly available data.
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panREPET is a pipeline detecting shared Transposable Element (TE) insertions among a pangenome. It takes in charge multiple de novo whole-genome assemblies of the same species. It compares TE copies between each pair of genomes then identifies TE copies shared by a group of individuals.
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i2MassChroQ (identification & inference -- mass chromatogram quantification) is the successor of X!TandemPipeline-Java. Following a full rewrite in C++17 and integration of the MassChroQ module, i2MassChroQ features a quantitative proteomics solution
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the ontology to describe the interaction between organisms and cultivated plants
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L’objectif de l’atelier est d’intégrer et d’analyser des données omiques hétérogènes via des approches statistiques notamment disponibles dans les packages R (MixOmics, iClusterPlus, MOFA2).
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Nextflow pipeline creating a Neo4j Ortho_KB database.
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