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Site web de MIAT, avec wowchemy (hugo). Pour voir la version de dev: https://miat-com.pages.mia.inra.fr/miat_website
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FAIDARE: FAIR Data-finder for Agronomic Research
It provides web services (based on the BrAPI standard) and a web interface with easy to use filters to facilitates the access to plant datasets from a federation of sources.
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Projet regroupant les codes de l'outil opensilex, systèmes d'Information ouverts pilotés par des ontologies
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DataDiscovery aims at providing researchers a simple and fast access to relevant biological data using specific keywords and easy to use filters.
This tool is expected to be easily customizable for specific filters, environments, or data schemas.
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Project related to the development of a basket for RARe portal (https://urgi.versailles.inrae.fr/rare).
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Angular interface of the Cassiopée software
Production version of Cassiopée is available at https://cassiopee.g-eau.fr
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Dépôt du site internet de la plateforme Genotoul-biostat
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Supports pour la formation shiny - Plateforme de Biostatistique – Génopole Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées
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