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PO2-Tools / PO²Manager
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Site web du projet SONAR (Synthèse des dOnnées bioéconomiques et iNdicateurs trAnsitions des territoires uRbains) du métaprogramme BETTER https://better.hub.inrae.fr/
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URGI-Anagen / Caulifinder
MIT LicenseCaulifinder : a pipeline for automatic detection and annotation of caulimovirid endogenous viral elements in plant genomes
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URGI-Anagen / Caulifinder_docker
MIT LicenseIn frame of EVENT project, all code to build a docker image for the Caulifinder tool. It allows discovering Caulimoviridae sequences in plant genomes.
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PAPPSO / MassChroQ
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyMassChroQ (Mass Chromatogram Quantification) is a powerful and versatile software that performs retention time alignment, XIC extraction, peak detection and quantification on data obtained from liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques.
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Projet de la version V2 de l'application des ORE.
Le projet est constitué de 2 sous projet :
La partie serveur qui fournit les web services de l'application
La partie UI qui fournit une interface VueJS permettant d'interroger ces Web Service
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GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterGWT experiments: minimum and basic dependencies to run on Tomcat along with code quality checkers.
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mechanistic-statistical environement
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Adonis / Adonis_Webapp
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1Updated -
genotoul-bioinfo / metagWGS
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlymetagWGS is a workflow dedicated to the analysis of metagenomic data. It allows assembly, taxonomic annotation, and functional annotation of predicted genes. Since release 2.3, binning step with the possibility of cross-alignment is included. It has been developed in collaboration with several CATI BIOS4biol agents. Funded by Antiselfish Project (Labex Ecofect), ExpoMicoPig project (France Futur elevage) and SeqOccIn project (CPER - Occitanie Toulouse / FEDER), ATB_Biofilm funded by PNREST Anses, France genomique (ANR-10-INBS-09-08) and Resalab Ouest.
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Dépôt du site internet de la plateforme Genotoul-biostat