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A standalone version of the function performing dynamic programming in a band
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The computer-model tool CRASH (Crops Rotation and Allocation Simulator using Heuristics) aims at helping technical advisors in supporting farmers in their choices and anticipating agricultural water needs depending on crop acreage.
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Renne Thomas / pappsomspp
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyPAPPSOms++ is a comprehensive C++ library including usefull functions to handle proteomics data (spectrum, peptides, ions, isotopes).
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QTL / spell-qtl
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlySpecies Perscrutandis Enixe Locis Locabuntur.
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Jerome Mariette / ukfs
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Nathalie Rousse / spell-qtl
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlySpecies Perscrutandis Enixe Locis Locabuntur.
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Thomas Schiex / PMRF
MIT LicenseA clone of the PMRF code (MIT licence) to be able to add some minor bells and whistles for symmetry handling
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Pierre Nicolas / Multiple
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterMultiple is a program for de novo discovery of DNA motifs corresponding to Transcription Factor binding sites based on a probabilistic model of the DNA sequence that incorporates expression data as covariates.
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BONnes Pratiques sur LA gestioN des Données : https://urep.pages.mia.inra.fr/docs/bonpland
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Model to simulate the spread of Map within and between herds via trade movements between dairy herds. Some control measures can be applied. Model is mechanistic and data-driven, stochastic, discrete-time and individual-based.
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Scripts used in: "Integration of genomic selection into winter-type bread wheat breeding schemes: a simulation pipeline including economic constraints" S. Ben-Sadoun, A. Fugeray-Scarbel, J. Auzanneau, G. Charmet, S. Lemarié, S. Bouchet
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Documentation pour le SI SOERE Prairies Permanentes : https://urep.pages.mia.inra.fr/soere-pp/doc_soere-pp
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Projet pour élaborer le support de présentation du projet CANULAR. Le document est en LaTeX et le CI/CD permet de générer directement un fichier PDF.
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R'MES is a tool for studying word frequencies in biological sequences.
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KON KAM KING Guillaume / nonlinearspikeslab
MIT LicenseSpike and slab variable selection in nonlinear models
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Sandra Pelletier / anaDiff
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1Transcriptomic analysis, microarray and rnaseq, used in IRHS unit
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