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report from a BAM alignment the number of BX:Z: tags shared between to blocks of given size
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Patrice Dehais / mpiarray
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterGiven a text file with shell command lines, mpiarray executes these lines in an MPI context and run as many as possible in parallel
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Formation et tp SLURM pour la FCC 2022 à Montpellier
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Library to manage in Fortran machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data.
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DipSO / eosc-pillar / dataverse-d4science-connector
Apache License 2.0Connecteur permettant les échanges de données entre dataverse et D4Science (https://www.d4science.org/)
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Joseph Tran / getSeqFlankBlatHit
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterGetting sequences flanking blat hits / Extraction des séquences flanquantes les hits blat.
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GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThe SeSAM R package allows fully automatic construction of two successive genetic maps: a first one including an optimized subset of markers ensuring the robustness of orders to a given statistical threshold, and a second one including almost all polymorphic markers. It can handle all common types of biparental mapping populations, including progenies obtained from crossing heterozygous parents. In addition to the automatic procedure, SeSAM includes many functions for interactive mapping, file formats conversions, and generates many graphs useful to assess the quality of data and maps.
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GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Pole MIAME / Acoustic / acoustique
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyUpdated -
Example GitBook site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/gitbook
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Example GitBook site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/gitbook