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GNU Affero General Public License v3.0SHiNeMaS is a database with its web interface, dedicated to the management of the history of seed lots and related data like phenotyping, environment and cultural practices. SHiNeMaS is freely available under GNU Affero GPL Licence
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Population suppression using boosted-SIT technique in La Réunion. https://umr-astre.pages.mia.inra.fr/sit-reunion/
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metagenopolis / benchmark_mock
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterBenchmark second and third generation sequencing technologies on 3 synthetic microbial communities
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Collaborative repository of the ASTRE team for the ASF challenge. https://www6.inrae.fr/asfchallenge/
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The computer-model tool CRASH (Crops Rotation and Allocation Simulator using Heuristics) aims at helping technical advisors in supporting farmers in their choices and anticipating agricultural water needs depending on crop acreage.
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Analysis and figure production for Ts estimation and stomatal conductance method comparison.
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A fork of asf-challenge, for studying host density effects on dissemination speed. Info about the ASF challenge can be found here https://www6.inrae.fr/asfchallenge
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L XC / jvenn
Otherjvenn is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a flexible tool, based upon the venny tool first developed by J.C Oliveros (Oliveros, J.C (2007) VENNY, An integrative tool for comparing lists with Venn Diagrams).
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