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# How to contribute to FAIDARE
Célia Michotey's avatar
Célia Michotey committed
Raphaël Flores's avatar
Raphaël Flores committed

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Raphaël Flores committed
## Git management

### Branches

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Raphaël Flores committed
* One stable & protected [master](/) branch
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Raphaël Flores committed
* Feature branches for development following the pattern `[dev_type]/[dev_name]` (ie. `chore/explaining_how_to_merge`) where `[dev_type]` can be:
  * fix (bug fixes)
  * feat (new feature)
  * style (style modification)
  * refactor (code refactoring)
  * chore (base maintenance such as version bump)
  * test (for anything related to tests)
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Raphaël Flores committed

### Commit & branches merge
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Raphaël Flores committed
* Commit name should follow pattern `[dev_type]: [brief description of the commit, lower than 50 characters]. [JIRA-KEY]`
* All branches must be merged via a `merge request` (MR)
* Merge requests should be created at the time of the branch creation in order to allow reviewer to comment and follow the developments, specify the `WIP` tag in the MR name (go further: *[feature highlight WIP](*). Example:

  git checkout -b chore/explaining_how_to_merge
  git push --set-upstram origin chore/explaining_how_to_merge

  Returns a link for creating the merge request easily:

  Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
  remote: To create a merge request for chore/explaining_how_to_merge, visit:
  * [new branch]      chore/explaining_how_to_merge -> chore/explaining_how_to_merge
  La branche 'chore/explaining_how_to_merge' est paramétrée pour suivre la branche distante 'chore/explaining_how_to_merge' depuis 'origin'.
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Raphaël Flores committed

* A `git rebase` is strongly recommanded before merging a MR
  * [Git rebase official documentation](
  * [How to keep a clean history](
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Raphaël Flores committed
* Merge requests should be reviewed by at least 2 colleagues
* Continuous Integration is launched automatically by Gitlab on each commit push or merge request creation.

## Data management
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Raphaël Flores committed
* Git LFS (look at [how to install]( feature is enabled on this project in order to store JSON test data
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Raphaël Flores committed
* Another dedicated Git LFS project (internal only) will be created to handle all private + public JSON files
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Raphaël Flores committed
* **TODO**: refer to the good Git LFS project in the CI settings for indexing the relevant data into the relevant Elasticsearch indices/instances
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Raphaël Flores committed
* the JSON files generation will be handled by an external ET (extract/transform) tool.

## Development environment
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Raphaël Flores committed
* Look at the []( for installation and execution instructions.
* Recommanded IDE is [Intellij IDEA](
* Use linting to apply code standards within the team:
  * Use `yarn format` (for `web` code only)
  * Use [Checkstyle]( and [PMD]( (**TODO**: implement) for backend code
Raphaël Flores's avatar
Raphaël Flores committed
* All runtime variables should be externalized from the code in order to facilitate the CI management (database host/port, application name, public URL, JSON location...) and the adoption by partners
* Configure [Yelp's detect-secrets]( pre-commit hook to track any high entropy strings, which could possibly be leaked secrets.
  * Run: `pip3 install pre-commit detect-secrets --user && pre-commit install` to configure you dev environment.
  * If a secret is detected:
    * either fix it (because it must not be committed)
    * or run:
      * `detect-secrets scan --update .secrets.baseline` to update the secret baseline, then
      * `detect-secrets audit .secrets.baseline` to tag it as a false positive if relevant.
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Raphaël Flores committed
## Testing recommendations
Raphaël Flores's avatar
Raphaël Flores committed
Behaviour driven development (upon [TDD]( is recommended for all new developments.

More information on what is BDD: <>