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Dotplot large Genomes in an Interactive, Efficient and Simple way
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NGSPipelines integrates pipelines and user interfaces to help biologists to analyse data outputed from biological applications such as RNA-seq, sRNA-seq, Chip-Seq, BS-seq, and so on.
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The software enable to retrieve information (exon boundaries, mutation effect, known SNP...) about transcribed SNP. It's based on ensembl API.
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Algorithms for dense linear systems and used for Finites Elements Method. Simulators codes.
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job array allows managing list of jobs execution across sge and PBS scheduler system. each job is considered as an independent task. DAG management is also possible by defining constraints between job array
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Documents des cours
Méthodes de preuves, optimisation et satisfaction de contraintes (MPOSC) M2R IA, UPS Toulouse. Modélisation probabiliste et Algorithmes pour la Biologie (MAB) M2R IA, UPS Toulouse. Graphes et réseaux, SupAero Toulouse.Updated -
DataDiscovery aims at providing researchers a simple and fast access to relevant biological data using specific keywords and easy to use filters.
This tool is expected to be easily customizable for specific filters, environments, or data schemas.
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CarthaGène is multi-population genetic/radiated hybrid mapping software. CarthaGene looks for multiple populations maximum likelihood consensus maps using a fast EM algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation and powerful ordering algorithms.
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This a the private clone archive of toulbar2. The real project is on GitHub. This one contains the "diverse solution" branch that needs to be pulled in the main repo (master)
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Sirius Quality BioMa Wheat LAI module
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R'MESPlot est une application permettant l'exploitation interactive des résultats générés avec le logiciel R'MES.