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Coupling crops models with populations dynamics models in heterogeneous and dynamics landscapes.
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archive du projet recmoustics
Un modèle d'irrigation couplé au modèle bio-physique STICS
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This a the private clone archive of toulbar2. The real project is on GitHub. This one contains the "diverse solution" branch that needs to be pulled in the main repo (master)
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mechanistic-statistical environement
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R'MES is a tool for studying word frequencies in biological sequences.
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X!TandemPipeline is a free software (GPL v3) that helps you to filter and group your peptide/protein identifications from MS/MS mass spectra.
Publication: J. Proteome Res. 2017, 16, 2, 494–503 -- https://doi.org/10.102
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A suite of C++ programs developed for transposable element search and their annotation in large eukaryotic genome sequence. A part of the REPET package.
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PAPPSOms++ is a comprehensive C++ library including useful functions to handle mass spectrometric data, either in a proteomics setting or for data visualization. Abstractions include peptides, proteins, isotopic clusters, mass/drift spectra...
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Lightweight C++ and Java library to produce Open Document Spreadsheet (.ods) files. The main goal is to write data as simply as writing it to a simple text file (csv or tsv). Libodsstream allows yout to read and write ODS files as stream
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set of usefull mass spectrometry and proteomics utilities used by the PAPPSO team (http://pappso.inra.fr/). Get ion tables from peptides, SVG drawings of MS/MS annotated spectrum, expected intensity ratio of isotopes from a peptide....
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MassChroQ (Mass Chromatogram Quantification) is a powerful and versatile software that performs retention time alignment, XIC extraction, peak detection and quantification on data obtained from liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques.