Explore projects
GWT experiments: minimum and basic dependencies to run on Tomcat along with code quality checkers.
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GEGA - Gallus Enriched Gene Annotation - Easily explore the richness of the chicken genome
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Gestion des collections d'échantillon - management of samples collections
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PASTE (Platform for Automated Simulation and Tools in Epidemiology) is a software pipeline that produces a web architecture for a decision-support tool based on mechanistic epidemiological models (written with EMULSION)
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Projet regroupant les codes de l'outil opensilex, systèmes d'Information ouverts pilotés par des ontologies
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Application de reporting / datavisualisation qui a pour objectif de fournir une série d’indicateurs visuels et synthétiques représentatifs des volumes d’interventions sur les postes de secours ayant pris part au projet SWYM pour la collecte numérique de données via ODK.
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This package is a Rshiny implementation of the BilHN crop model designed at INRAE, a decision-support tool developed at the Auzeville Experimental Unit. It is a crop model with daily time steps which allows to establish a diagnosis of water and nitrogen resources available to plants as a function of soil and climatic conditions and technical interventions.