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metagWGS is a workflow dedicated to the analysis of metagenomic data. It allows assembly, taxonomic annotation, and functional annotation of predicted genes. Since release 2.3, binning step with the possibility of cross-alignment is included. It has been developed in collaboration with several CATI BIOS4biol agents. Funded by Antiselfish Project (Labex Ecofect), ExpoMicoPig project (France Futur elevage) and SeqOccIn project (CPER - Occitanie Toulouse / FEDER), ATB_Biofilm funded by PNREST Anses, France genomique (ANR-10-INBS-09-08) and Resalab Ouest.
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MassChroQ (Mass Chromatogram Quantification) is a powerful and versatile software that performs retention time alignment, XIC extraction, peak detection and quantification on data obtained from liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques.
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GWT experiments: minimum and basic dependencies to run on Tomcat along with code quality checkers.
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MCQR is a comprehensive set of objects and function for R to handle MassChroQ results.
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SHiNeMaS is a database with its web interface, dedicated to the management of the history of seed lots and related data like phenotyping, environment and cultural practices. SHiNeMaS is freely available under GNU Affero GPL Licence
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System for Evaluation of Agriculture faiSability using indicatOrs combiNation Système d’évAluatIon de la faiSabilité climatique des productiONs agricoles
Chaîne de traitement (sélection, calcul) d’indicateurs agroclimatiques sur un ensemble de points géographiques. Elle est utilisée en tant que telle ou pour le calcul des indicateurs dans SICLIMA.
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i2MassChroQ (identification & inference -- mass chromatogram quantification) is the successor of X!TandemPipeline-Java. Following a full rewrite in C++17 and integration of the MassChroQ module, i2MassChroQ features a quantitative proteomics solution
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mechanistic-statistical environement
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Contribution à la réalisation du "pilote" INRAE, dans le cadre du programme européen GraspOS
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