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Pole MIAME / Acoustic / Acoustic v2
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
LOZAC H LOIC / AgriSoilMoisture
Apache License 2.0Computes soil moisture over agricultural areas
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CHIP-GT / AntiPoachingGame
MIT LicenseImplementation of the Anti-Poaching game, a grid-world game between cooperative rangers and independent poachers.
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SK8 / sk8-apps / SA / ASTRE / arbocartoR app
CeCILL-C Free Software License AgreementL'application permet de simuler la dynamique spatio-temporelle de populations de moustiques Aedes (albopictus et aegypti) dans divers environnements et la dynamique de transmission de trois arboviroses : dengue, zika, chikungunya.
Lien vers l'application : https://arbocarto-r-app.sk8.inrae.fr
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SK8 / sk8-apps / PHACC / bilhn-app
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThis package is a Rshiny implementation of the BilHN crop model designed at INRAE, a decision-support tool developed at the Auzeville Experimental Unit. It is a crop model with daily time steps which allows to establish a diagnosis of water and nitrogen resources available to plants as a function of soil and climatic conditions and technical interventions.
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Skander Hatira / BiSePS
MIT LicenseBisulfite Sequencing Processing Software : Snakemake Pipeline
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IRHS-Bioinfo / BiSePS
MIT LicenseBisulfite Sequencing Processing Software : Snakemake Pipeline
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Cedric Midoux / boardgametools
MIT LicenseUpdated -
URGI-Anagen / Caulifinder_docker
MIT LicenseIn frame of EVENT project, all code to build a docker image for the Caulifinder tool. It allows discovering Caulimoviridae sequences in plant genomes.
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A quick overview of the changes of Covid-19 mortality in the most affected countries of the European Union + the United Kingdom and of Africa. https://umr-astre.pages.mia.inra.fr/covid19-mortality/
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SK8 / sk8-apps / ARA / RIVERLY / cruesR
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A shiny application that make time series events selection and modification simpler.
Lien vers l'application : https://crues-r.sk8.inrae.fr
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DipSO / eosc-pillar / dataverse-jupyterhub-connector
Apache License 2.0Connecteur entre dataverse et jupyterhub