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Orfeo ToolBox / otb-simpleextractiontools
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.0Utils for RS data objects manipulation (extents, etc.)
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Orfeo ToolBox / otb-onnx
Apache License 2.0Run deep learning models from pytorch, tensorflow, keras, Caffe2, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, Apache MXNet, etc
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PAPPSO / Mseater
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
mechanistic-statistical environement
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pubilc repository for the MF1_2 farm model developped during the ATCHA project
model documentation: https://record-open-archives.pages.mia.inra.fr/mf1_2/
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PAPPSO / massxpert2
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlymassXpert2 (of the http://www.msxpertsuite.org software collection) is a desktop-oriented program that allows one to create polymer chemistry definitions. The definitions are then used to perform calculations in a desktop calculator-like manner and to perform sophisticated polymer sequence mass spectrometry simulations.
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PAPPSO / massXpert
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlymassXpert (of the http://www.msxpertsuite.org software collection) is a program that allows one to define brand new polymer chemistry definitions, to use them to define polymer sequences and to perform a large array of chemical simulations on them.
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PAPPSO / MassChroQ
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyMassChroQ (Mass Chromatogram Quantification) is a powerful and versatile software that performs retention time alignment, XIC extraction, peak detection and quantification on data obtained from liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques.
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Pierre Montalbano / LinToulbar2
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Life game (Conway) using vle::discrete_time cells and vle.generic.builder Builder model to generate cells and their connexions
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PAPPSO / libXpertMass
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
A library that contains a subset of the ProteoWizard libpwiz library with code mainly aimed at loading MS files (XML-based and MGF).
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PAPPSO / libodsstream
OtherLightweight C++ and Java library to produce Open Document Spreadsheet (.ods) files. The main goal is to write data as simply as writing it to a simple text file (csv or tsv). Libodsstream allows yout to read and write ODS files as stream
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PAPPSO / libmassgui
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterlibmassgui is a C++ static library that is referenced from other projects. The libmassgui static library is designed to enshrine the gui functionalities needed by the following two projects:
msXpertSuite/massXpert; msXpertSuite/mineXpert2.
libmassgui has a companion GUI library, libmass , that is designed to enshrine the non-GUI functionalities needed by the same two projects above.
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PAPPSO / libmass
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlylibmass is a C++ static library that is referenced from other projects.
The libmass static library is designed to enshrine the non-gui functionalities needed by the following two projects:
msXpertSuite/massXpert; msXpertSuite/mineXpert2.libmass has a companion GUI library, libmassgui , that is designed to enshrine the GUI functionalities needed by the same two projects above.
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Gauthier Quesnel / irritator
MIT LicenseUpdated -
PAPPSO / i2MassChroQ
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyi2MassChroQ (identification & inference -- mass chromatogram quantification) is the successor of X!TandemPipeline-Java. Following a full rewrite in C++17 and integration of the MassChroQ module, i2MassChroQ features a quantitative proteomics solution