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metagenopolis / meteor
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyMeteor (Metagenomic Explorator), a software for profiling metagenomic data at gene level
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Documentation pour le SI SOERE Prairies Permanentes : https://urep.pages.mia.inra.fr/soere-pp/doc_soere-pp
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BONnes Pratiques sur LA gestioN des Données : https://urep.pages.mia.inra.fr/docs/bonpland
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Model to simulate the spread of Map within and between herds via trade movements between dairy herds. Some control measures can be applied. Model is mechanistic and data-driven, stochastic, discrete-time and individual-based.
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QuaysOfTheStics / socker
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterStics configuration for Docker. Inspired by the Rocker Project.
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Source code for the modelling and inference approach implemented by the INRAE team
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Projet pour élaborer le support de présentation du projet CANULAR. Le document est en LaTeX et le CI/CD permet de générer directement un fichier PDF.
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Scripts used in: "Integration of genomic selection into winter-type bread wheat breeding schemes: a simulation pipeline including economic constraints" S. Ben-Sadoun, A. Fugeray-Scarbel, J. Auzanneau, G. Charmet, S. Lemarié, S. Bouchet
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KON KAM KING Guillaume / nonlinearspikeslab
MIT LicenseSpike and slab variable selection in nonlinear models
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Stacomi / stacoshiny
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Sandra Pelletier / anaDiff
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1Transcriptomic analysis, microarray and rnaseq, used in IRHS unit
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select or stitch the best image for each uplot and save it in "selected_images" directory
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SK8 / sk8-apps / ARA / RIVERLY / MAKAHO
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0MAKAHO (pour MAnn-Kendall Analysis of Hydrological Observations) est un système de visualisation cartographique interactif permettant d’examiner les tendances présentes dans les données des stations hydrométriques aux débits peu influencés par les actions humaines. Le test de Mann-Kendall permet d’analyser la significativité des tendances de variables hydrologiques sur les différentes composantes du régime des cours d'eau (étiages, moyennes-eaux, crues), à mettre ensuite en relation avec les impacts du changement climatique sur l’hydrologie de surface.
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Support de présentation pour les sessions de formation bases de Linux et bonnes pratiques de développement informatique
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PAPPSO / libmass
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlylibmass is a C++ static library that is referenced from other projects.
The libmass static library is designed to enshrine the non-gui functionalities needed by the following two projects:
msXpertSuite/massXpert; msXpertSuite/mineXpert2.libmass has a companion GUI library, libmassgui , that is designed to enshrine the GUI functionalities needed by the same two projects above.
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PAPPSO / libmassgui
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterlibmassgui is a C++ static library that is referenced from other projects. The libmassgui static library is designed to enshrine the gui functionalities needed by the following two projects:
msXpertSuite/massXpert; msXpertSuite/mineXpert2.
libmassgui has a companion GUI library, libmass , that is designed to enshrine the non-GUI functionalities needed by the same two projects above.
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PAPPSO / massxpert2
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlymassXpert2 (of the http://www.msxpertsuite.org software collection) is a desktop-oriented program that allows one to create polymer chemistry definitions. The definitions are then used to perform calculations in a desktop calculator-like manner and to perform sophisticated polymer sequence mass spectrometry simulations.