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urgi-is / FAIDARE
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalFAIDARE: FAIR Data-finder for Agronomic Research
It provides web services (based on the BrAPI standard) and a web interface with easy to use filters to facilitates the access to plant datasets from a federation of sources.
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DRAP is a De novo Rna Assembly Pipeline allowing to clean and filter RNA-seq De novo assemblers results to get the most compact and complete set of transcripts.
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PO2-Tools / PO²Manager
MIT LicenseUpdated -
R'MES is a tool for studying word frequencies in biological sequences.
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migale / Formations
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalArchived 0Updated -
PAQmiR : Prediction Annotation and Quantification of miRNA with miRDeep2
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metexplore / MetExploreViz
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Dépôts contenant les fichiers de construction et codes liés au microscope SPIM du PIAF
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Explores a neo4j database according to some application logic
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PAPPSO / xtpcpp
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyX!TandemPipeline is a free software (GPL v3) that helps you to filter and group your peptide/protein identifications from MS/MS mass spectra.
Publication: J. Proteome Res. 2017, 16, 2, 494–503 -- https://doi.org/10.102
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in-sylva development / in-sylva.search.app
GNU General Public License v3.0 or latersearch.app is used by package search, and implement search processes
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GNU Affero General Public License v3.0SHiNeMaS is a database with its web interface, dedicated to the management of the history of seed lots and related data like phenotyping, environment and cultural practices. SHiNeMaS is freely available under GNU Affero GPL Licence
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Guillaume Devailly / perepigenomics_app
MIT LicenseSource code for shiny app PEREpigenomics: Profile Explorer of Roadmap Epigenomics data Pre-processing scritps: https://github.com/gdevailly/perepigenomicsAnalysis
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in-sylva development / in-sylva.portal
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUsed to manage account, policies and sources. Access reserved to insylva administrators and source managers
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anaee-dev / coby
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterAnnotation pipeline (transform SGBDR/CSV data to rdf)