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Omnicrobe / text-mining-workflow
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Library to manage in Fortran machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data.
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GAFL / Singularity / fastqc
MIT LicenseUpdated -
GAFL / Singularity / canu
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GAFL / Singularity / nanocomp
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GAFL / Singularity / porechop
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GAFL / Singularity / varscan
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GAFL / Singularity / stringtie
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GAFL / Singularity / multiqc
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GAFL / Singularity / bamtools
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GAFL / Singularity / fastp
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GAFL / Singularity / freebayes
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GAFL / Singularity / seqtk
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GAFL / Singularity / seqkit
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GAFL / Singularity / bowtie2
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GAFL / Singularity / sra-tools
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GAFL / Singularity / BUSCO
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GAFL / Singularity / bcftools
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