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Sandra Pelletier / anaDiff
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1Transcriptomic analysis, microarray and rnaseq, used in IRHS unit
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Stacomi / stacoshiny
MIT LicenseUpdated -
URGI-Anagen / TE_finder
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.0A suite of C++ programs developed for transposable element search and their annotation in large eukaryotic genome sequence. A part of the REPET package.
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DipSO / Bridge DataINRAE Nextcloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0App Nextcloud permettant de publier des fichiers du Nextcloud INRAE vers DataINRAE
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PAPPSO / libmass
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlylibmass is a C++ static library that is referenced from other projects.
The libmass static library is designed to enshrine the non-gui functionalities needed by the following two projects:
msXpertSuite/massXpert; msXpertSuite/mineXpert2.libmass has a companion GUI library, libmassgui , that is designed to enshrine the GUI functionalities needed by the same two projects above.
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PAPPSO / libmassgui
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterlibmassgui is a C++ static library that is referenced from other projects. The libmassgui static library is designed to enshrine the gui functionalities needed by the following two projects:
msXpertSuite/massXpert; msXpertSuite/mineXpert2.
libmassgui has a companion GUI library, libmass , that is designed to enshrine the non-GUI functionalities needed by the same two projects above.
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PAPPSO / massxpert2
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlymassXpert2 (of the http://www.msxpertsuite.org software collection) is a desktop-oriented program that allows one to create polymer chemistry definitions. The definitions are then used to perform calculations in a desktop calculator-like manner and to perform sophisticated polymer sequence mass spectrometry simulations.
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GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
GAUTIER Mathieu / baypass public
CeCILL-B Free Software License AgreementUpdated -
SK8 / sk8-apps / ARA / RIVERLY / cruesR
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterA shiny application that make time series events selection and modification simpler.
Lien vers l'application : https://crues-r.sk8.inrae.fr
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record / Tabular File Checker
MIT LicenseUpdated -