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David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "ERROR_DICHO_CONVERGE": "Dichotomy could not converge",
    "ERROR_DICHO_FUNCTION_VARIATION": "unable to determinate function direction of variation",
    "ERROR_DICHO_INITVALUE_HIGH": "Dichotomy: initial value %variableSymbol%=%variableInitValue% is too high (target is %targetSymbol%=%targetValue%, %targetSymbol%(%variableSymbol%=%variableInitValue%)=%initTarget%)",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "ERROR_DICHO_INITVALUE_LOW": "Dichotomy: initial value %variableSymbol%=%variableInitValue% is too low (target is %targetSymbol%=%targetValue%, %targetSymbol%(%variableSymbol%=%variableInitValue%)=%initTarget%)",
    "ERROR_DICHO_INIT_DOMAIN": "Dichotomy: target %targetSymbol%=%targetValue% does not exist for variable %variableSymbol% valued in interval %variableInterval%",
    "ERROR_DICHO_INVALID_STEP_GROWTH": "Dichotomy (initial interval search): invalid null step growth",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "ERROR_DICHO_NULL_STEP": "Dichotomy (initial interval search): invalid null step",
    "ERROR_INTERVAL_OUTSIDE": "Interval: value %value% is outside of %interval",
    "ERROR_INTERVAL_UNDEF": "Interval: invalid 'undefined' value",
    "ERROR_LANG_UNSUPPORTED": "internationalisation: unsupported '%locale%' locale",
    "ERROR_NEWTON_DERIVEE_NULLE": "Null function derivative in Newton computation",
    "ERROR_PARAMDEF_CALC_UNDEFINED": "calculability of '%symbol%' parameter is undefined",
    "ERROR_PARAMDEF_VALUE_FIXED": "value of '%symbol%' parameter cannot be changed",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "ERROR_PARAMDEF_VALUE_INTERVAL": "parameter '%symbol%': value %value% is out of [%minValue%, %maxValue%] interval",
    "ERROR_PARAMDEF_VALUE_NULL": "value of '%symbol%' parameter cannot be 0",
    "ERROR_PARAMDEF_VALUE_POS": "value %value% of '%symbol%' parameter is invalid (cannot be <=0)",
    "ERROR_PARAMDEF_VALUE_POSNULL": "value %value% of '%symbol%' parameter is invalid (cannot be <0)",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "ERROR_PARAMDEF_VALUE_UNDEFINED": "value of '%symbol%' parameter is undefined",
    "ERROR_PARAMDOMAIN_INTERVAL_BOUNDS": "invalid %minValue%/%maxValue% min/max boundaries for 'interval' parameter definition domain",
    "ERROR_PARAMDOMAIN_INVALID": "parameter '%symbol%: non supported '%domain%' definition domain",
    "ERROR_REMOUS_PAS_CALCUL_DEPUIS_AMONT": "Upstream boundary condition < Critical elevation: no possible calculation from upstream",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "ERROR_REMOUS_PAS_CALCUL_DEPUIS_AVAL": "Downstream boundary condition < Critical elevation: no possible calculation from downstream",
    "ERROR_REMOUS_PENTE_FORTE": "The water line slope is too steep at abscissa %x% m (the discretisation step should be reduced)",
    "ERROR_SECTION_NON_CONVERGENCE_NEWTON_HCONJUG": "Non-convergence of the calculation of the combined depth (Newton's method)",
    "ERROR_SECTION_NON_CONVERGENCE_NEWTON_HCRITIQUE": "Non-convergence of the calculation of the critical depth (Newton's method)",
    "ERROR_SECTION_NON_CONVERGENCE_NEWTON_HFLU": "Non convergence of the calculation of the corresponding elevation (Newton's method) for the calculation of the subcritical depth",
    "ERROR_SECTION_NON_CONVERGENCE_NEWTON_HNORMALE": "Non convergence of the calculation of the normal depth (Newton's method)",
    "ERROR_SECTION_NON_CONVERGENCE_NEWTON_HTOR": "Non convergence of the calculation of the corresponding height (Newton's method) for the calculation of the supercritical depth",
    "ERROR_SECTION_PENTE_NEG_NULLE_HNORMALE_INF": "The slope is negative or zero, the normal depth is infinite",
    "ERROR_STRUCTURE_Q_TROP_ELEVE": "The flow passing through the other devices is too high: the requested parameter is not calculable.",
    "INFO_CALCULATOR_PARAMFIXES": "Fixed parameters",
    "INFO_CLOISONS_TITRE": "Fish ladder: Cross walls",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_CLOSE_DIALOGUE_TEXT": "Warning ! Parameters and results will be lost. Really close?",
    "INFO_CLOSE_DIALOGUE_TITRE": "Please confirm",
    "INFO_COURBEREMOUS_TITRE": "Backwater curves",
    "INFO_DEVER_TITRE": "Free flow weir stage-discharge laws",
    "INFO_DIALOG_SAVE_SESSION_TITLE": "Save calculator modules",
    "INFO_EMPTY_SESSION_DIALOGUE_TEXT": "Warning ! All open calculators will be lost. Continue ?",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_ENUM_OUVRAGE_Q_REGIME_1": "Partially submerged",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_B": "Surface width (m)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_CV": "Cv: Velocity coefficient",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_CVQT": "CV.QT: Corrected discharge (m³/s)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_EC": "EC: Kinetic energy (m)",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_FLU": "Subcritical water line",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_FR": "Froude number",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_HS": "Specific head (m)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_HSC": "Critical head (m)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_I-J": "Linear variation of specific head (m/m)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_IMP": "Impulse (N)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_J": "Head loss (m)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_OUVRAGE_Q": "Discharge (m³/s)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_P": "Wetted perimeter (m)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_PV": "Volumic dissipated power (W/m³)",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_Q": "Flow (m³/s)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_Q_GUIDETECH": "Technical guide flow (m³/s)",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_R": "Hydraulic radius (m)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_S": "Wetted area (m²)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_TAU0": "Tractive force (Pa)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_TOR": "Supercritical water line",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_V": "Average speed (m/s)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_V_GUIDETECH": "Technical guide speed (m/s)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_VDEB": "Conveyance speed (m/s)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_VMAX": "Maximal speed (m/s)",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_YC": "Critical depth (m)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_YCO": "Conjugate depth (m)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_YF": "Subcritical depth (m)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_YN": "Normal depth (m)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_YT": "Supercritical depth (m)",
    "INFO_EXTRARES_LIB_ZF2": "Downstream bottom elevation (m)",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_LECHAPTCALMON_TITRE": "Lechapt-Calmon",
    "INFO_LIB_ALPHA": "Alpha coefficient",
    "INFO_LIB_BETA": "Beta coefficient",
    "INFO_LIB_CD": "Discharge coefficient",
    "INFO_LIB_BT": "Half opening of the triangle (m)",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_LIB_FS_PARAM_CALC": "Calculation parameters",
    "INFO_LIB_FS_OUVRAGE": "Device",
    "INFO_LIB_L": "Weir width",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_LIB_PR": "Display accuracy",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_LIB_SELECT_LOIDEBIT": "Stage-discharge law",
    "INFO_LIB_SELECT_LOIDEBIT1_KIVI": "Kindsvater-Carter and Villemonte",
    "INFO_LIB_SELECT_OUVRAGE_SEUIL_RECT": "Rectangular weir",
    "INFO_LIB_ZDV": "Crest weir elevation or gate base",
    "INFO_LIB_ZRAM": "Upstream apron elevation (m)",
    "INFO_LIB_ZT": "Triangle top elevation (m)",
mathias.chouet's avatar
mathias.chouet committed
    "INFO_MACRORUGO_TITRE": "Rock-ramp fishpasses",
    "INFO_MENU_LOAD_SESSION_TITLE": "Load session",
    "INFO_MENU_NOUVELLE_CALC": "New calculation module",
mathias.chouet's avatar
mathias.chouet committed
    "INFO_MENU_SAVE_SESSION_TITLE": "Save session",
mathias.chouet's avatar
mathias.chouet committed
    "INFO_MENU_SELECT_CALC": "Select calculator module",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_OPTION_NO": "No",
    "INFO_OPTION_YES": "Yes",
    "INFO_OPTION_CANCEL": "Cancel",
    "INFO_OPTION_SAVE": "Save",
    "INFO_OPTION_ALL": "All",
    "INFO_OPTION_ALL_F": "All",
    "INFO_OPTION_NONE": "None",
    "INFO_OPTION_NONE_F": "None",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_OUVRAGE": "Structure",
    "INFO_PABDIMENSIONS_TITRE": "Fish ladder: dimensions",
    "INFO_PABPUISSANCE_TITRE": "Fish ladder: dissipated power",
    "INFO_PARALLELSTRUCTURE_TITRE": "Parallel structures",
    "INFO_PARAMFIELD_PASVARIATION": "with a variation step of:",
    "INFO_PARAMFIELD_VALEURMAXI": "to maximum value",
    "INFO_PARAMFIELD_VALEURMINI": "From minimum value",
    "INFO_REGIMEUNIFORME_TITRE": "Uniform flow calculation",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_TIRANTCRITIQUE": "Critical water level",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_TIRANTNORMAL": "Normal water level",
    "INFO_REMOUS_CALCUL_FLUVIAL": "Downstream boundary condition >= Critical elevation: calculation of subcritical part from downstream",
    "INFO_REMOUS_CALCUL_TORRENTIEL": "Uptream boundary condition <= Critical elevation: calculation of supercritical part from upstream",
    "INFO_REMOUS_H_CRITIQUE": "Width at embankment level = %Yc% m",
    "INFO_REMOUS_H_NORMALE": "Normal water level = %Yn% m",
    "INFO_REMOUS_LARGEUR_BERGE": "Width at embankment level = %B% m",
    "INFO_REMOUS_RESSAUT_DEHORS": "Hydraulic jump detected %sens% abscissa %x% m",
    "INFO_REMOUS_RESSAUT_HYDRO": "Hydraulic jump detected between abscissa %xmin% and %xmax% m",
    "INFO_SECTIONPARAMETREE_TITRE": "Parametric section",
    "INFO_SETUP_NEWTON_MAX_ITER": "Newton iteration limit",
    "INFO_SETUP_PRECISION_AFFICHAGE": "Display accuracy",
    "INFO_SETUP_PRECISION_CALCUL": "Computation accuracy",
David Dorchies's avatar
David Dorchies committed
    "INFO_SETUP_TITLE": "Application setup",
    "WARNING_REMOUS_ARRET_CRITIQUE": "Calculation stopped: critical elevation reached at abscissa %x%",
    "WARNING_STRUCTUREKIVI_HP_TROP_ELEVE": "h/p must not be greater than 2.5. h/p is forced to 2.5",
    "WARNING_STRUCTUREKIVI_PELLE_TROP_FAIBLE": "Threshold height should be greater than 0.1 m. Beta coefficient is forced to 0"