feat: setup thymeleaf
- remove the frontend project from gradle
- remove the angular filter
- create a basic layout and home page using thymeleaf
Merge request reports
requested review from @celia.michotey
assigned to @cyril.pommier
added 38 commits
Toggle commit listadded 1 commit
- 08f3d23e - ci: adapt the ci config now that frontend is gone
added 1 commit
- 92893e72 - ci: adapt the ci config now that frontend is gone
added 1 commit
- bcd44ec3 - ci: adapt the ci config now that frontend is gone
SonarQube Code Analysis
Quality Gate failed
50.0% Coverage on New Code (is less than 80%)
See analysis details on SonarQube
Additional information
The following metrics might not affect the Quality Gate status but improving
them will improve your project code quality and security.0 Issues
0 Bugs
0 Vulnerabilities
0 Security Hotspots
0 Code Smells
Coverage and Duplications
50.0% Coverage (62.6% Estimated after merge)
0.0% Duplication (4.4% Estimated after merge)
added 1 commit
- 9675514a - ci: adapt the ci config now that frontend is gone
mentioned in merge request !84 (merged)