Fix ci pages dependencies
Status | Pipeline | Created by | Stages | Actions |
Passed 00:01:25
| Stage: build | No artifacts found |
Opération de maintenance au data center INRAE de Toulouse du jeudi 20 mars à 15h00 au lundi 24 Mars 2025 à 13h
Les services ForgeMia et Mattermost seront donc inaccessibles pendant cette période (plus de détails)
13/03/2025 : Forgemia et Mattermost seront inaccessibles ce soir de 19h30 à 21h30 pour mise à jour de sécurité.
For some reasong, building the pkgdown website required the packages DiagrammeR and DiagrammeRsvg due to having {dm} as a dependency. These are suggested packages, and we are not plotting any diagrams. Yet, building the pkgdown website failed and requested those pacakges.
Status | Pipeline | Created by | Stages | Actions |
Passed 00:01:25
| Stage: build |
Download artifacts
No artifacts found |