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Added more indicators

SIMAILA DJALIM requested to merge export_indicators into main

The function parameter update_progress_bar has been renamed to progressbar_placeholder to improve the semantics of the function. This change does not affect the functionality of the code.

feat( add new morphological indicators to the output of the get_advanced_data function The get_advanced_data function now calculates and returns the following morphological indicators:

  • MI_mR: the ratio of the maximum radius to the mean radius
  • MI_mH: the ratio of the maximum radius to the height of the object
  • V_scan: the volume of the scanned object
  • R_V_scan: the radius of a sphere with the same volume as the scanned object
  • S_V_scan: the surface area of a sphere with the same volume as the scanned object
  • R_h: the hydraulic radius of the object
  • HI: the hydraulic index of the object

Merge request reports
