SHINY DEVALPOMI : accelerate the loading of leaflet maps
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- cedricbriandgithub added DEVALPOMI shiny labels
- cedricbriandgithub assigned to @cedric.briand
assigned to @cedric.briand
- cedricbriandgithub created branch
to address this issuecreated branch
to address this issue - cedricbriandgithub mentioned in merge request !2
mentioned in merge request !2
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object.size(bv_layer) 87 Mo #87931736 bytes object.size(mortouvrage_layer) #1372744 bytes # Si je pars seulement de bv_layer <- ldeval_origin[[espece.]][[basin.]]$bv_layer object.size(bv_layer) #7094264 bytes bv_layer <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(bv_layer) object.size(bv_layer) #4811032 bytes Mo OK
patch and simplify current layers
load(file = str_c("C:/workspace/eda_model/eda_devalpomi/shiny/data/", "shiny_deval_list.Rdata")) for (species. in c("eel","sat")){ for (basin. in c("Loire","Loire-Vendée","Bretagne","Loire-Bretagne")){ bv_layer <- shiny_deval_list[[species.]][[basin.]][["bv_layer"]] bv_layer <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(bv_layer) #saveRDS(bv_layer, file= file.path("C:/workspace/Shiny_results/GT2_data",str_c(basin.,".rds"))) shiny_deval_list[[species.]][[basin.]][["bv_layer"]] <- bv_layer } } save(shiny_deval_list, file = str_c("C:/workspace/eda_model/eda_devalpomi/shiny/data/", "shiny_deval_list.Rdata"))
- cedricbriandgithub mentioned in commit f3d37ae7
mentioned in commit f3d37ae7
- cedricbriandgithub closed
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