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Commit 50c7cb26 authored by MALOU THIBAULT's avatar MALOU THIBAULT
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remove the solvers of the adjoint model no longer used, and a bit of cleaning

parent 93a49709
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......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ Scenario: Generate the AdjointDiffusionConvectionReaction2DEquation object for t
Then the reaction term of the PDE is a linear operator
And the diffusion term of the PDE is a linear operator
And the convection term of the semi implicit PDE is a linear operator
And the div parts of the convection term of the semi implicit PDE have the expected values
And the convection term of the implicit PDE is a linear operator
And the output of the solver has the expected shape
And the initialization fails if the given time discretization is not implemented
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import cg
from scipy.sparse.linalg import gmres
from pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator import Advection
from pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator import AdvectionAdjoint
from pheromone_dispersion.diffusion_operator import Diffusion
from pheromone_dispersion.identity_operator import Id
......@@ -41,15 +40,6 @@ class AdjointDiffusionConvectionReaction2DEquation:
:math:`A^*:c^*\mapsto - \nabla\cdot(\vec{u}c^*)+(\nabla.\vec{u})c^*~\forall (x,y)\in\Omega~\forall t\in]0;T]`
with the boundary condition
:math:`\vec{u}c\cdot\vec{n}=0~\forall (x,y)\in\partial\Omega\cap \{(x,y)|\vec{u}(x,y,t)\cdot\vec{n}>0\}~\forall t\in]0;T]`.
A : ~pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator.Advection
The advection linear operator with the flux part of its adjoint operator
:math:`A^*_f:c^*\mapsto - \nabla\cdot(\vec{u}c^*)~\forall (x,y)\in\Omega~\forall t\in]0;T]`
with :math:`\vec{u}c\cdot\vec{n}=0~\forall (x,y)\in\partial\Omega\cap \{(x,y)|\vec{u}(x,y,t)\cdot\vec{n}>0\}~\forall t\in]0;T]`.
This operator is useful for semi-implicit numerical schemes when the flux part of adjoint operator
:math:`- \nabla\cdot(\vec{u}c^*)` is treated explicitly
and the divergence part of the adjoint operator
:math:`(\nabla.\vec{u})c^*` is treated semi-implicitly.
D : ~pheromone_dispersion.diffusion_operator.Diffusion
The diffusion linear operator with its adjoint operator
:math:`D^*:c\mapsto \nabla\cdot(\mathbf{K}^T\nabla c)~\forall (x,y)\in\Omega~\forall t\in]0;T]`
......@@ -57,22 +47,10 @@ class AdjointDiffusionConvectionReaction2DEquation:
The reaction linear operator with its adjoint operator :math:`R^*:c\mapsto \tau_{loss}c~\forall (x,y)\in\Omega~\forall t\in]0;T]`.
ID : ~pheromone_dispersion.identity_operator.Id
The identity operator :math:`Id:c\mapsto c~\forall (x,y)\in\Omega~\forall t\in]0;T]`.
negative_divU_advection_term : ~pheromone_dispersion.reaction_operator.Reaction
The negative part of the divergence part of the adjoint operator of the advection operator
:math:`A^*_{div^-}:c^*\mapsto (\nabla.\vec{u})_-c^*`.
This operator is useful for semi-implicit numerical schemes
when this part of the divergence part of the adjoint operator
:math:`(\nabla.\vec{u})c^*` is treated implicitly.
positive_divU_advection_term : ~pheromone_dispersion.reaction_operator.Reaction
The positive part of the divergence part of the adjoint operator of the advection operator
:math:`A^*_{div^+}:c^*\mapsto (\nabla.\vec{u})_+c^*`.
This operator is useful for semi-implicit numerical schemes
when this part of the divergence part of the adjoint operator
:math:`(\nabla.\vec{u})c^*` is treated explicitly.
implemented_solver_type: list of str
The list of keywords of the implemented types of time discretization.
The implemented types of time discretization are:
`['implicit', 'semi-implicit', 'implicit with matrix inversion', 'implicit with stationnary matrix inversion']`
`['implicit', 'semi-implicit', 'semi-implicit with matrix inversion', 'implicit with stationnary matrix inversion']`
time_discretization: str
The keyword identifying the type of time discretization.
The type of time discretization should be the same the one
......@@ -82,11 +60,13 @@ class AdjointDiffusionConvectionReaction2DEquation:
coincides with the discretization of the adjoint model.
tol_inversion : float
Tolerance for the inversion estimation algorithm called at each time step.
transpose_inv_matrix_semi_implicit_scheme : ~numpy.ndarray or None
Inverse matrix of the implicit part matrix of the semi-implicit time discretization.
Initialized to `None`.
transpose_inv_matrix_implicit_scheme : ~numpy.ndarray or None
Inverse matrix of the implicit part matrix of the implicit time discretization.
transpose_inv_matrix_implicit_part: ~numpy.ndarray or None
Inverse matrix of the implicit part matrix of the time discretization of the adjoint model.
If the time discretizations are the same, this matrix coincides
with the transpose of the inverse matrix of the implicit part matrix
of the time discretization of the pheromone propagation implemented
in the class
Initialized to `None`.
......@@ -94,11 +74,8 @@ class AdjointDiffusionConvectionReaction2DEquation:
In a future version of the module, the adjoint operator of the convection operator
:math:`A^*:c^*\mapsto - \nabla\cdot(\vec{u}c^*)+(\nabla.\vec{u})c^*` will be implemented
in the :class:`~pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator.Advection` class
(instead of implemented in the :class:`~pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator.AdvectionAdjoint` class).
The flux part of this adjoint operator :math:`A^*_f:c^*\mapsto - \nabla\cdot(\vec{u}c^*)` will be implemented
in a separate class
(and no longer in the :class:`~pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator.Advection` class)
in the :class:`~pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator.Advection` class,
instead of implemented in the :class:`~pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator.AdvectionAdjoint` class.
def __init__(self, U, K, coeff_depot, msh, time_discretization='semi-implicit', tol_inversion=1e-14):
......@@ -137,32 +114,20 @@ class AdjointDiffusionConvectionReaction2DEquation:
self.implemented_solver_type = [
'implicit with matrix inversion',
'semi-implicit with matrix inversion',
'implicit with stationnary matrix inversion',
if self.time_discretization not in self.implemented_solver_type:
raise ValueError("The given time discretization is not implemented.")
if time_discretization == 'semi-implicit':
self.A = Advection(U, msh)
pos_div_val = np.where(self.A.U.div >= 0, self.A.U.div, 0.0)
neg_div_val = np.where(self.A.U.div < 0, self.A.U.div, 0.0)
self.negative_divU_advection_term = Reaction(neg_div_val, msh)
self.positive_divU_advection_term = Reaction(pos_div_val, msh)
self.A_adjoint = AdvectionAdjoint(U, msh)
# elif time_discretization == 'implicit':
# self.A_adjoint = AdvectionAdjoint(U, msh)
self.tol_inversion = tol_inversion
self.transpose_inv_matrix_semi_implicit_scheme = None
self.transpose_inv_matrix_implicit_scheme = None
self.transpose_inv_matrix_implicit_part = None
def init_inverse_matrix(self, path_to_matrix=None, matrix_file_name=None):
Initialize the attribute :attr:`transpose_inv_matrix_implicit_scheme`
and :attr:`transpose_inv_matrix_semi_implicit_scheme` if needed.
Initialize the attribute :attr:`transpose_inv_matrix_implicit_part` if needed.
If the inverse matrix of the implicit part matrix of the time discretization
of the associated pheromone propagation model has already been computed,
it loads the previously computed inverse matrix and compute the adjoint.
......@@ -191,7 +156,7 @@ class AdjointDiffusionConvectionReaction2DEquation:
This method is usefull only if :attr:`time_discretization` is
either `'semi-implicit with matrix inversion'` or `'implicit with stationnary matrix inversion'`.
Otherwise, the linear system to solve at each time steps is solved using conjugate gradient or GMRES algorithm,
and the attributes :attr:`transpose_inv_matrix_implicit_scheme` and :attr:`transpose_inv_matrix_semi_implicit_scheme` are not used.
and the attribute :attr:`transpose_inv_matrix_implicit_part` is not used.
if path_to_matrix is None:
path_to_matrix = './data'
......@@ -200,10 +165,9 @@ class AdjointDiffusionConvectionReaction2DEquation:
if matrix_file_name is None:
if self.time_discretization == 'semi-implicit with matrix inversion':
matrix_file_name = 'inv_matrix_semi_implicit_scheme'
if self.time_discretization == 'implicit with matrix inversion':
matrix_file_name = 'inv_matrix_implicit_scheme'
if self.time_discretization == 'implicit with stationnary matrix inversion':
matrix_file_name = 'inv_matrix_implicit_scheme'
if matrix_file_name[-4:] != '.npy':
matrix_file_name += '.npy'
if not (Path(path_to_matrix) / matrix_file_name).exists():
......@@ -212,17 +176,13 @@ class AdjointDiffusionConvectionReaction2DEquation:
print("=== Load of the inverse of the matrix of the implicit part of the " + self.time_discretization + " scheme ===")
if self.time_discretization == 'semi-implicit with matrix inversion':
self.transpose_inv_matrix_semi_implicit = np.transpose(np.load(Path(path_to_matrix) / matrix_file_name))
if self.time_discretization == 'implicit with matrix inversion':
self.transpose_inv_matrix_implicit_scheme = np.transpose(np.load(Path(path_to_matrix) / matrix_file_name))
self.transpose_inv_matrix_implicit_part = np.transpose(np.load(Path(path_to_matrix) / matrix_file_name))
if self.time_discretization == 'implicit with stationnary matrix inversion':
self.transpose_inv_matrix_implicit_scheme = np.transpose(np.load(Path(path_to_matrix) / matrix_file_name))
self.transpose_inv_matrix_implicit_part = np.transpose(np.load(Path(path_to_matrix) / matrix_file_name))
def at_current_time(self, tc):
Update the attributes :attr:`A_adjoint`, :attr:`D`,
:attr:`A`, :attr:`negative_divU_advection_term`
and :attr:`positive_divU_advection_term` at a given time.
Update the attributes :attr:`A_adjoint` and :attr:`D` at a given time.
......@@ -231,26 +191,13 @@ class AdjointDiffusionConvectionReaction2DEquation:
Updates the attributes :attr:`A_adjoint`, :attr:`D` and :attr:`A` and their own attributes
using the method :meth:`~pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator.Advection.at_current_time` of resp.
the class :class:`~pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator.AdvectionAdjoint`,
the class :class:`~pheromone_dispersion.diffusion_operator.Diffusion` and
the class :class:`~pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator.Advection`,
and the attributes :attr:`negative_divU_advection_term`
and :attr:`positive_divU_advection_term`
using the method :meth:`~pheromone_dispersion.reaction_operator.Reaction.update_reaction_coeff`
of the class :class:`~pheromone_dispersion.reaction_operator.Reaction`.
Updates the attributes :attr:`A_adjoint` and :attr:`D` their own attributes
using the method :meth:`~pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator.AdvectionAdjoint.at_current_time` of resp.
the class :class:`~pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator.AdvectionAdjoint` and
the class :class:`~pheromone_dispersion.diffusion_operator.Diffusion`.
if self.time_discretization == 'semi-implicit':
self.A.at_current_time(tc, self.A.minus_U)
pos_div_val = np.where(self.A.U.div >= 0, self.A.U.div, 0.0)
neg_div_val = np.where(self.A.U.div < 0, self.A.U.div, 0.0)
# elif self.time_discretization == 'implicit':
def solver(self, adjoint_derivative_obs_operator, cost, display_flag=True):
......@@ -305,23 +252,29 @@ class AdjointDiffusionConvectionReaction2DEquation:
# using a conjugate gradient method for the current time step
if self.time_discretization == 'semi-implicit':
p, info = cg(
self.Id + self.msh.dt * (-self.D + self.R + self.negative_divU_advection_term),
self.Id + self.msh.dt * (-self.D + self.R),
- self.msh.dt
* (
+ self.positive_divU_advection_term(p_old)
+ adjoint_derivative_obs_operator(self.msh.t, cost.gradient_objectif_wrt_d())
* (self.A_adjoint.rmatvec(p_old) + adjoint_derivative_obs_operator(self.msh.t, cost.gradient_objectif_wrt_d())),
# p =
# p_old
# - self.msh.dt
# * (-self.A_adjoint.matvec(p_old) + adjoint_derivative_obs_operator(self.msh.t, cost.gradient_objectif_wrt_d()))
# )
# inverse the linear system resulting the implicit time discretization using a gmres method for the current time step
# inverse the linear system resulting the semi-implicit time discretization
# using the pre-computed inverse matrix
elif self.time_discretization == 'semi-implicit with stationnary matrix inversion':
RHS = p_old - self.msh.dt * (
self.A_adjoint.rmatvec(p_old) + adjoint_derivative_obs_operator(self.msh.t, cost.gradient_objectif_wrt_d())
if not np.linalg.norm(RHS, ord=np.inf) < 1e-16:
LHS = (self.Id + self.msh.dt * (-self.D + self.R)).matvec(p_old)
flag_residu = not np.linalg.norm(RHS - LHS) < self.tol_inversion * np.linalg.norm(RHS)
if flag_residu:
p =, RHS)
p = np.zeros_like(p)
info = 0
# inverse the linear system resulting the implicit time discretization
# using a gmres method for the current time step
elif self.time_discretization == 'implicit':
p, info = gmres(
self.Id + self.msh.dt * (-self.D + self.R + self.A_adjoint),
......@@ -329,18 +282,15 @@ class AdjointDiffusionConvectionReaction2DEquation:
elif self.time_discretization == 'implicit with matrix inversion':
p = self.transpose_inv_matrix_implicit_scheme[it, :, :].dot(
p_old - self.msh.dt * adjoint_derivative_obs_operator(self.msh.t, cost.gradient_objectif_wrt_d())
info = 0
# inverse the linear system resulting the implicit time discretization
# using the pre-computed inverse matrix
elif self.time_discretization == 'implicit with stationnary matrix inversion':
RHS = p_old - self.msh.dt * adjoint_derivative_obs_operator(self.msh.t, cost.gradient_objectif_wrt_d())
if not np.linalg.norm(RHS, ord=np.inf) < 1e-16:
LHS = (self.Id + self.msh.dt * (-self.D + self.R + self.A_adjoint)).matvec(p_old)
flag_residu = not np.linalg.norm(RHS - LHS) < self.tol_inversion * np.linalg.norm(RHS)
if flag_residu:
p =, RHS)
p =, RHS)
p = np.zeros_like(p)
info = 0
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ from pytest_bdd import then
from pytest_bdd import when
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator as LinOp
from pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator import Advection
from pheromone_dispersion.advection_operator import AdvectionAdjoint
from pheromone_dispersion.diffusion_operator import Diffusion
from pheromone_dispersion.diffusion_tensor import DiffusionTensor
......@@ -115,19 +114,8 @@ def the_diffusion_term_of_the_PDE_is_a_linear_operator(PDE_semi_imp, PDE_imp):
@then("the convection term of the semi implicit PDE is a linear operator")
def the_convection_term_of_the_semi_implicit_PDE_is_a_linear_operator(PDE_semi_imp):
"""the convection term of the semi implicit PDE is a linear operator"""
assert isinstance(PDE_semi_imp.negative_divU_advection_term, LinOp) and isinstance(PDE_semi_imp.negative_divU_advection_term, Reaction)
assert isinstance(PDE_semi_imp.positive_divU_advection_term, LinOp) and isinstance(PDE_semi_imp.positive_divU_advection_term, Reaction)
assert isinstance(PDE_semi_imp.A, LinOp) and isinstance(PDE_semi_imp.A, Advection)
@then("the div parts of the convection term of the semi implicit PDE have the expected values")
def the_div_parts_of_the_convection_term_of_the_semi_implicit_PDE_have_the_expected_values(PDE_semi_imp):
"""the div parts of the convection term of the semi implicit PDE have the expected values"""
x = np.random.random((PDE_semi_imp.msh.y.shape[0] * PDE_semi_imp.msh.x.shape[0],))
res_exp = PDE_semi_imp.positive_divU_advection_term(x)
res_imp = PDE_semi_imp.negative_divU_advection_term(x)
assert (res_exp == 2 * x).all()
assert (res_imp == 0.0).all()
assert isinstance(PDE_semi_imp.A_adjoint, LinOp)
assert isinstance(PDE_semi_imp.A_adjoint, AdvectionAdjoint)
@then("the convection term of the implicit PDE is a linear operator")
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