Maintainer: The Debichem Group <>
dpkg-dev (>= 1.18.25),
cmake (>= 3.12),
libpappsomspp-dev (>= @LIBPAPPSOMSPP_VERSION@),
libpappsomspp-widget-dev (>= @LIBPAPPSOMSPP_VERSION@),
Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
Description: C++ version of X!TandemPipeline
The program allows one to perform the following tasks:
-Reads X!Tandem xml results files
-Reads MASCOT dat results files
-Reads TPP pepXML results files
-Reads PSI mzIdentML results files
-Run X!Tandem analyzes through a graphical user interface
-Implements various filters based on statistical values
-Powerful original grouping algorithm to filter redundancy
-Phosphopeptide mode to handle phosphoproteomics datasets
-Edit, search and sort the data graphically
-XIC chromatogram browser (eXtracted Ion Current)
-Comparisons of theoretical isotope patterns to measured MS1 XIC areas
-Export data directly to Microsoft Office 2010 and LibreOffice (ods export)
-Handle huge datasets very quickly
-Perform peptide quantification through MassChroQml export
Package: xtpcpp-doc
Section: doc
Architecture: all
Depends: libjs-jquery,
Description: C++ version of X!TandemPipeline (user manual)
The program allows one to perform the following tasks:
-Reads X!Tandem xml results files
-Reads MASCOT dat results files
-Reads TPP pepXML results files
-Reads PSI mzIdentML results files
-Run X!Tandem analyzes through a graphical user interface
-Implements various filters based on statistical values
-Powerful original grouping algorithm to filter redundancy
-Phosphopeptide mode to handle phosphoproteomics datasets
-Edit, search and sort the data graphically
-XIC chromatogram browser (eXtracted Ion Current)
-Comparisons of theoretical isotope patterns to measured MS1 XIC areas
-Export data directly to Microsoft Office 2010 and LibreOffice (ods export)
-Handle huge datasets very quickly
-Perform peptide quantification through MassChroQml export
This package ships the user manual in both PDF and HTML formats.
Package: tandemwrapper
Architecture: any
Multi-Arch: no
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
Description: X!Tandem wrapper for timsTOF pro and modern mzML data
Use X!Tandem "tandem.exe" orginally developped at transparently on timsTOF pro raw data
or any other standard format not yet handled natively by X!Tandem.