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            This project is a fork of the X!Tandem protein sequence modeler
          for ease of modifying the code (addition of features and bug fixes)

                          X! tandem protein sequence modeler

  What is it?
  X! tandem open source software that can model tandem
  mass spectra with protein sequences. This software
  has a very simple, sophistocated application programming
  interface (API): it simply takes an XML file of instructions
  on its command line, and output the results into an XML file,
  which has been specified in the input XML file. 
  The Latest Version

  Details of the latest version can be found on the X! tandem
  project page under 
  This version is the 2nd release the Alanine edition (version 2017.02.01.4).


  This version of X! tandem is a full release, only including source
  level documentation. As more releases occur, better documentation
  will be included.


  Please see the file called INSTALL.


  Please see the file called LICENSE.


  For any question about this specific project, contact

  For any questions involving the original X!Tandem project, 
  please contact

  Acknowledgments (original authors and contributors)

  Ron Beavis - system design and implementation
  Rob Craig - debugging and LINUX implementation
  Jayson Falkner - code for GeeToo LINUX implementation
  Patrick Lacasse - initial additions for mzxml and mzdata functionality
  Brendan McLean - optimized changes for mzxml and mzdata functionality using expat library