# matreex 0.2.0
## Breaking changes
* `tree_format()` will get deprecated and fully integrated in `sim_deter_forest()`.
## Documentation
* New functions `summary()` for `ipm` and `species` class.
* New vignette `Harvesting.Rmd`.
* New vignette `matreex.Rmd`.
* `make_IPM()` is more flexible for climate input to simplify scripts.
Single rows matrix and data.frame are now accepted.
This replace `climate <- drop(as.matrix(subset(climate_species, ...)`.
* `species()` class constructor has now default values and should be preferred to `new_species()`.
* Added a `` file to track changes to the package.
* Changed package name to `{matreex}`.
* Add disturbance model from Julien.
* Class `ipm` was modified and *invalidate* previous script output (if saved as
* Idea from Arnaud to precompute mu values to speed up in-simulation integration
and modify climate. This kind of simulations takes longer but is very flexible.
New class `mu_gr`.
* Refactorisation of harvest process for Uneven and Even process.
Uneven works with multi species.
* Refactorisation of integration process to gain time and allow a more general
function (added input choices).
* Multi species simulations works with 1 to n species in a general setup.
Also created a generic output format usable in `{tidyverse}`.
* Add functions to load old IPMs and modify them in new class (`ipm`, `species`
, `forest`).
* Packaging functions from [Kunstler *et al* (2020)]( under initial name `{treeforce}`.