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# nf-benchgapcloser
Pipeline to benchmark gapclosing tools. It compares:
* behavior for gaps of known and unknown length
* expected length
* identity of filled gaps
* running time
* max memory used
It can generate random reads and sequences or take given data as input.
## Quick Start
1. Install [`Nextflow`](
2. Install [`Singularity`]( for full pipeline reproducibility
3. Generate the singularity image
cd benchgapcloser
singularity build Singularity.img Singularityfile
4. Run the process on a small dataset
5. Run the process with your data
nextflow run benchgapcloser/ --all_gapcloser [--assembly 'assembly.fa' --reads 'reads.fq --reads_pos 'reads_pos.bed']
## Usage
nextflow run [options] --all_gapcloser [--assembly 'assembly.fa' --reads 'reads.fq --reads_pos 'reads_pos.bed']
Mandatory argument:
--all_gapcloser Runs all gapclosing tools for benchmark (GMcloser, LR_Gapcloser and TGS-GapCloser)
--GM_gapcloser Runs GMcloser only
--LR_gapcloser Runs LR_Gapcloser only
--TGS_gapcloser Runs TGS-GapCloser only
Scaffold options:
--assembly [file] Path to fasta file which contain one sequence without gaps. If not specified, a random sequence is generated.
--scaffold_length [int] Length of randomly generated sequence (default: 30Mb).
--contig_length [str] Contig length distribution (mean and stdev, default: '300000 50000')
--gap_length [str] Gap length distribution (mean and stdev, default: '20000 5000')
Reads options:
--reads [file] Path to fastq file of reads. If not specified, reads are generated using BadReads.
--reads_coord [file] Path to bed file of reads coordinates on assembly. It needs a fourth column: read ID.
Mandatory when --reads option is specified
--quantity [str] Reads depth to generate (default: '50x')
--length [str] Fragment length distribution (mean and stdev, default: '15000,13000')
--identity [str] Sequencing identity distribution (mean, max and stdev, default: '100,100,0')
--error_model [str] Can be "nanopore", "pacbio", "random" or a model filename (default: 'random')
--qscore_model [str] Can be "nanopore", "pacbio", "random", "ideal" or a model filename (default: 'random')
--glitches [str] Read glitch parameters (rate, size and skip, default: '0,0,0') [more info](
--junk_reads [int] This percentage of reads will be low-complexity junk (default: 0) [more info](
--random_reads [int] This percentage of reads will be random sequence (default: 0) [more info](
--chimeras [int] Percentage at which separate fragments join together (default: 0) [more info](
--start_adapter_seq [str] Adapter sequence for read starts (default: '')
--end_adapter_seq [str] Adapter sequence for read ends (default: '')
--seed [int] Random number generator seed for deterministic output (default: different ouput each time)
--outdir [str] Output directory (default: './results/')
## Input files
The only parameter needed is one of these: `--all_gapcloser`, `--GM_gapcloser`, `--LR_gapcloser` or `--TGS_gapcloser`. It specifies the gapcloser tool(s) to run. This will generate a random sequence and corresponding random reads.
If you want the pipeline to take as input your own sequence, use `--assembly` parameter. Your assembly must be a single fasta file without gaps. If you have a multi fasta file, split it and run the pipeline for each sequence.
If you want the pipeline to take as input your own reads, use `--reads` parameter. These reads can not be specified without the associated assembly. You must also give the coordinates of reads on your assembly in BED format with option `--reads_coord`.
## Output files
Output files are stored in the output directory specified by `--outdir` option (default: `./results`). It contains:
* `report.html`: An html report to show the efficiency of each gapcloser.
* `pipeline_trace.txt`: A table of each process run by Nextflow and some info such as mempry used, running time...
* `data/`: A directory with CSV files used to generate the report, assembly gapclosed by gapcloser, sequence and reads generated or given to the pipeline.
* `images/`: A directory with images of each gap and reads mapped on these regions. There is one directory of each gapcloser tool.
* `plots/`: A directory with plots generated for the report.
## Dependencies
If you do not use the singularity image, this is a list of required elements to install before running the workflow.
### Gapclosing tools
* [GMcloser](
* [LR_Gapcloser](
* [TGS-GapCloser](
Carefull: These tools heve dependencies not specified in Dependencies section. Please, take care of requirements when you install them.
### Other tools
* [badread](
* [bedtools](
* [blat](
* [bowtie2](
* [samtools](
### Python modules
* [biopython](
* [cython](
* [GenomeView](
* [numpy](
* [pysam](
* [pytz](
* [scipy](
### R libraries
* [ggplot2](
* [ggpubr](
* [rmarkdown](
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