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Mise à jour vers Angular 15

Merged David Dorchies requested to merge 659-mise-a-jour-vers-angular-15 into devel
All threads resolved!
+ 23
@use '@angular/material' as mat;
@include mat.core();
// TODO(v15): As of v15 mat.legacy-core no longer includes default typography styles.
// The following line adds:
// 1. Default typography styles for all components
// 2. Styles for typography hierarchy classes (e.g. .mat-headline-1)
// If you specify typography styles for the components you use elsewhere, you should delete this line.
// If you don't need the default component typographies but still want the hierarchy styles,
// you can delete this line and instead use:
// `@include mat.legacy-typography-hierarchy(mat.define-legacy-typography-config());`
@include mat.all-legacy-component-typographies();
@include mat.legacy-core();
// palettes générées sur
$mat-irstea-marine: (
@@ -174,9 +183,20 @@ $nghyd-warn: mat.define-palette($mat-irstea-prune);
$nghyd-error: mat.define-palette($mat-irstea-rouille);
// $nghyd-warn: mat-palette($mat-irstea-rouille);
$nghyd-theme: mat.define-light-theme($nghyd-primary, $nghyd-accent, $nghyd-warn);
// $nghyd-theme: mat.define-light-theme($nghyd-primary, $nghyd-accent, $nghyd-warn);
@include mat.all-component-themes($nghyd-theme);
$nghyd-theme: mat.define-light-theme((
color: (
primary: $nghyd-primary,
accent: $nghyd-accent,
warn: $nghyd-warn
typography: mat.define-typography-config(),
density: 0
@include mat.all-legacy-component-themes($nghyd-theme);
// reuse custom base colors anywhere
$primary: map-get($nghyd-theme, primary);