Solveur multimodule: le module existe toujours après suppression
Pour reproduire le bug:
- Charger l'exemple "Débit d'un chenal avec ouvrage"
- Supprimer le module "Solveur multi-module"
- Créer un module "Solveur multi-module" vierge
Résultat: le module créé est entièrement renseigné avec les paramètres et résultats du module supprimé précédemment. Résultat attendu: le module créé devrait être vierge
C'est une régression introduite dans la version 4.15.0.
Newest first Oldest first
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- David Dorchies changed milestone to %Version 4.17.0
changed milestone to %Version 4.17.0
- David Dorchies added bug label
added bug label
- David Dorchies assigned to @francois.grand
assigned to @francois.grand
By Dorchies David on 2023-02-08T08:56:33 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies created merge request !203 (merged) to address this issue
created merge request !203 (merged) to address this issue
By Grand Francois on 2023-02-13T10:21:47 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies mentioned in merge request !203 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !203 (merged)
By Grand Francois on 2023-02-13T10:21:48 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies added To Do label
added To Do label
- Author Owner
Après réflexion, cela peut être utile que le champ "valeur initiale du paramètre recherché" soit rempli par défaut, même en mode "champs vides" (sauf si le nub cible n'a pas de valeur pour le paramètre ciblé par le lien).
Par contre, en mode champ vide, "valeur du paramètre cible" ne doit pas être rempli.
By Grand Francois on 2023-02-13T13:25:36 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies mentioned in commit 9e25a948
mentioned in commit 9e25a948
By Grand Francois on 2023-02-14T12:46:35 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies mentioned in commit 884d8d3c
mentioned in commit 884d8d3c
By Grand Francois on 2023-02-14T12:46:35 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies mentioned in commit 6a828ae1
mentioned in commit 6a828ae1
By Grand Francois on 2023-02-14T12:46:35 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies removed To Do label
removed To Do label
- David Dorchies added Doing label
added Doing label
- David Dorchies mentioned in commit fa7fd1b6
mentioned in commit fa7fd1b6
By Grand Francois on 2023-02-14T13:32:12 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies mentioned in issue #606 (closed)
mentioned in issue #606 (closed)
By Grand Francois on 2023-02-14T13:37:36 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies closed
- David Dorchies moved to jalhyd#342 (closed)
moved to jalhyd#342 (closed)
By Grand Francois on 2023-03-01T14:11:34 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies marked this issue as related to jalhyd#342 (closed)
marked this issue as related to jalhyd#342 (closed)
By Grand Francois on 2023-03-01T14:11:58 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies reopened
- David Dorchies mentioned in commit 5b6ccdcb
mentioned in commit 5b6ccdcb
By Grand Francois on 2023-03-01T14:44:03 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies mentioned in commit 56759310
mentioned in commit 56759310
By Grand Francois on 2023-03-01T14:44:03 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies mentioned in commit 6b533b60
mentioned in commit 6b533b60
By Grand Francois on 2023-03-01T14:44:03 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies mentioned in commit e143ed56
mentioned in commit e143ed56
By Grand Francois on 2023-03-01T14:44:03 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies mentioned in commit a9822a46
mentioned in commit a9822a46
By Grand Francois on 2023-03-01T14:44:03 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies mentioned in commit 6f84eb64
mentioned in commit 6f84eb64
By Grand Francois on 2023-03-03T15:55:29 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies closed
- David Dorchies mentioned in commit 4cee8d98
mentioned in commit 4cee8d98
By Dorchies David on 2023-03-03T17:00:09 (imported from GitLab)