Thème Angular Material personnalisé : avertissements dart-sass à la compilation
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- David Dorchies changed the description
changed the description
By Mathias Chouet on 2020-07-08T10:54:54 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies assigned to @mathias.chouet
assigned to @mathias.chouet
By Mathias Chouet on 2020-07-08T10:54:57 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies added bug label
added bug label
- Author Owner
Le problème semble avoir disparu, dans la branche 60- en tout cas; peut-être grâce à la mise à jour d'une dépendance ?
By Mathias Chouet on 2020-08-26T10:34:55 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies added To Do label
added To Do label
- David Dorchies removed To Do label
removed To Do label
- Author Owner
The issue is still present:
DEPRECATION WARNING: As of Dart Sass 2.0.0, !global assignments won't be able to declare new variables. Consider adding `$_mat-density-generate-styles: null` at the root of the stylesheet.
The reason is explained here:
I found some related issues on Angular Material, and especially this comment:
By Dorchies David on 2021-11-08T17:13:55 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies changed milestone to %Version 4.16.0 - Anguilla anguilla
changed milestone to %Version 4.16.0 - Anguilla anguilla
- David Dorchies added Internal label
added Internal label
- David Dorchies changed milestone to %Version 4.17.0
changed milestone to %Version 4.17.0
- David Dorchies assigned to @francois.grand and unassigned @mathias.chouet
assigned to @francois.grand and unassigned @mathias.chouet
By Dorchies David on 2022-09-15T09:50:58 (imported from GitLab)
- Author Owner
Le message n'apparaît plus à la compilation, vraisemblablement grâce à la MAJ Angular 14.
By Grand Francois on 2022-11-07T09:23:54 (imported from GitLab)
- David Dorchies closed