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Commit 9b464d4d authored by Mathias Chouet's avatar Mathias Chouet Committed by mathias.chouet
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Generate PAR Sim from PAR: popup for variating values

parent f5c7bbc9
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1 merge request!99Devel - PAR
......@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ import { DialogEditPabComponent } from "./components/dialog-edit-pab/dialog-edit
import { DialogEditParamComputedComponent } from "./components/dialog-edit-param-computed/dialog-edit-param-computed.component";
import { DialogEditParamValuesComponent } from "./components/dialog-edit-param-values/dialog-edit-param-values.component";
import { DialogGeneratePABComponent } from "./components/dialog-generate-pab/dialog-generate-pab.component";
import { DialogGeneratePARSimulationComponent } from "./components/dialog-generate-par-simulation/dialog-generate-par-simulation.component";
import { DialogLoadSessionComponent } from "./components/dialog-load-session/dialog-load-session.component";
import { DialogLogEntriesDetailsComponent } from "./components/dialog-log-entries-details/dialog-log-entries-details.component";
import { DialogSaveSessionComponent } from "./components/dialog-save-session/dialog-save-session.component";
......@@ -189,6 +190,7 @@ const appRoutes: Routes = [
......@@ -240,6 +242,7 @@ const appRoutes: Routes = [
......@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@
"type": "fieldset",
"fields": [
"id": "Z1",
"allowEmpty": true
"id": "Z2",
"allowEmpty": true
<h1 mat-dialog-title [innerHTML]="uitextGeneratePARSimulation"></h1>
<form id="form-generate-par-simulation">
<div mat-dialog-content>
<div id="generate-par-sim-desc">
{{ uitextDescription }}
<mat-select id="select-combination" [placeholder]="label" [(value)]="selectedValue">
<mat-option *ngFor="let e of entries" [value]="e" [title]="entryLabel(e)">
{{ entryLabel(e) }}
<div mat-dialog-actions [attr.align]="'end'">
<button mat-raised-button color="primary" [mat-dialog-close]="false" cdkFocusInitial>
{{ uitextCancel }}
<button mat-raised-button type="submit" color="warn" (click)="generatePARSimulation()" id="do-generate"
{{ uitextGenerate }}
#form-generate-par-simulation {
max-width: 500px;
mat-form-field {
width: 100%;
#generate-par-sim-desc {
margin-bottom: 1em;
import { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from "@angular/material/dialog";
import { Inject, Component } from "@angular/core";
import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service";
import { MultiDimensionResults } from "../../results/multidimension-results";
import { fv, longestVarNgParam } from "../../util";
selector: "dialog-generate-par-simulation",
templateUrl: "dialog-generate-par-simulation.component.html",
styleUrls: ["dialog-generate-par-simulation.component.scss"]
export class DialogGeneratePARSimulationComponent {
public selectedValue: number;
/** résultats de la ParCalage */
private _results: MultiDimensionResults;
/** size of the longest variable value */
private size = 0;
/** inferred extended values list for each variating parameter */
private varValues = [];
public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<DialogGeneratePARSimulationComponent>,
private intlService: I18nService,
@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any
) {
this._results = data.results;
this.selectedValue = 0;
if (this._results) {
// pre-extract variable parameters values
this.varValues = [];
// find longest list
const lvp = longestVarNgParam(this._results.variatedParameters);
this.size = lvp.size;
// get extended values lists for each variable parameter
for (const v of this._results.variatedParameters) {
const vv = [];
const iter = v.getExtendedValuesIterator(this.size);
while (iter.hasNext) {
const nv =;
public generatePARSimulation() {
generate: true,
selected: this.selectedValue,
size: this.size
public get uitextDescription() {
return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_DIALOG_PARSIM_DESC");
public get uitextGeneratePARSimulation() {
return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_PAR_SIMULATION");
public get uitextGenerate() {
return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_OPTION_GENERATE");
public get uitextCancel() {
return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_OPTION_CANCEL");
public get entries(): number[] {
const ret: number[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
return ret;
protected entryLabel(index: number): string {
const kv = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.varValues.length; i++) {
const vv = this.varValues[i];
const vp = this._results.variatedParameters[i];
let symbol = vp.symbol;
// is vp a parameter of a child Nub ?
if (
&& vp.paramDefinition.parentNub !== vp.paramDefinition.originNub
) {
const pos = vp.paramDefinition.parentNub.findPositionInParent() + 1;
symbol = this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_RADIER_N_COURT") + pos + "_" + symbol;
kv.push(`${symbol} = ${vv[index]}`);
return kv.join(", ");
public get label() {
return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_PARAMFIELD_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS");
......@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ import { PabTableComponent } from "../pab-table/pab-table.component";
import { MatDialog } from "@angular/material/dialog";
import { DialogConfirmCloseCalcComponent } from "../dialog-confirm-close-calc/dialog-confirm-close-calc.component";
import { DialogGeneratePABComponent } from "../dialog-generate-pab/dialog-generate-pab.component";
import { DialogGeneratePARSimulationComponent } from "../dialog-generate-par-simulation/dialog-generate-par-simulation.component";
import { PabTable } from "../../formulaire/elements/pab-table";
import { MultiDimensionResults } from "../../results/multidimension-results";
import { NgParameter } from "../../formulaire/elements/ngparam";
import { HotkeysService, Hotkey } from "angular2-hotkeys";
......@@ -124,6 +127,7 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe
private router: Router,
private confirmCloseCalcDialog: MatDialog,
private generatePABDialog: MatDialog,
private generatePARSimulationDialog: MatDialog,
private _elementRef: ElementRef,
private hotkeysService: HotkeysService,
private appSetupService: ApplicationSetupService,
......@@ -849,58 +853,109 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe
return (
&& ! parCalage.result.hasErrorMessages()
&& this.allParamsAreFixed([ "Z1", "Q" ]) // only Z1 and Q may vary
&& parCalage.prms.Z1.isDefined
&& parCalage.prms.Z2.isDefined
public get uitextGenerateParSimulationTitle(): string {
if (! this.allParamsAreFixed([ "Z1", "Q" ])) {
return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_ONLY_Z1_Q_MAY_VARY");
const parCalage = (this._formulaire.currentNub as Par);
if (! this.hasResults || parCalage.result.hasErrorMessages()) {
return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULATE_FIRST");
if (
|| parCalage.prms.Z2.isDefined
) {
return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_Z1_Z2_MUST_BE_DEFINED");
return "";
* Génère une simulation de passe à ralentisseurs à partir du calage en cours
* Génère une simulation de passe à ralentisseurs à partir du calage en cours; si
* au moins un paramètre varie, propose de choisir parmi les combinaisons de valeurs
public generatePARSimulation() {
const parCalage = (this._formulaire.currentNub as Par);
const pcal = parCalage.prms;
// copy base params
let pres: { [key: string]: number } = parCalage.result.values;
const varParams: NgParameter[] = this._formulaire.getVariatedParameters();
if (varParams.length > 0) {
// open popup to choose combination of varying parameters
const mdParResults = new MultiDimensionResults();
mdParResults.variatedParameters = varParams;
const dialogRef =
data: {
results: mdParResults
disableClose: false
dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => {
if (result && result.generate) {
const i = result.selected;
const s = result.size; // longest variating series, ie. number of iterations
pres = parCalage.result.resultElements[i].values;
// generate set of fixed values from chosen iteration i
Q: pcal.Q.isCalculated ? pres.Q : (pcal.Q.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.Q.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.Q.V),
Z1: pcal.Z1.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.Z1.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.Z1.V,
Z2: pcal.Z2.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.Z2.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.Z2.V,
S: pcal.S.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.S.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.S.V,
P: pcal.P.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.P.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.P.V,
L: pcal.L.isCalculated ? pres.L : (pcal.L.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.L.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.L.V),
N: pcal.N.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.N.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.N.V,
M: pcal.M.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.M.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.M.V,
Nb: pres.Nb,
ZR1: pres.ZR1,
ZD1: pres.ZD1,
ZR2: pres.ZR2,
ZD2: pres.ZD2,
a: pres.a
} else {
// no parameter is varyng, generate directly
Q: pcal.Q.V,
Z1: pcal.Z1.singleValue,
Z2: pcal.Z2.singleValue,
S: pcal.S.singleValue,
P: pcal.P.singleValue,
L: pcal.L.V,
N: pcal.Q.singleValue,
M: pcal.Q.singleValue,
Nb: pres.Nb,
ZR1: pres.ZR1,
ZD1: pres.ZD1,
ZR2: pres.ZR2,
ZD2: pres.ZD2,
a: pres.a
* Creates a new Formulaire with a ParSimulation Nub, using given
* values as parameters
protected doGenerateParSimWithValues(v: any) {
const parCalage = (this._formulaire.currentNub as Par);
const psim = new ParSimulationParams(
undefined, // Q
undefined, // Z1
pcal.Z2.singleValue, pcal.S.singleValue, pcal.P.singleValue,
undefined, // Nb
undefined, // ZR1
undefined, // ZR2
undefined, // ZD2
pcal.L.singleValue, pcal.a.singleValue, pcal.N.singleValue, pcal.M.singleValue
round(v.Q, 3), round(v.Z1, 3), round(v.Z2, 3),
round(v.S, 3), round(v.P, 3), round(v.Nb, 3),
round(v.ZR1, 3), round(v.ZD1, 3), round(v.ZR2, 3),
round(v.ZD2, 3), round(v.L, 3), round(v.a, 3),
round(v.N, 3), round(v.M, 3)
const parSimulation = new ParSimulation(psim);
// copy other params
parSimulation.parType = parCalage.parType;
// Z1 and Q, that might be variating
// P, Nb, ZR1
if (pcal.P.singleValue === undefined) {
psim.P.singleValue = round(parCalage.result.values.P, 3);
psim.Nb.singleValue = parCalage.result.values.Nb;
psim.ZR1.singleValue = round(parCalage.result.values.ZR1, 3);
// ZR2, ZD2
if (pcal.Z2.singleValue !== undefined) {
psim.ZD2.singleValue = round(parCalage.result.values.ZD2, 3);
psim.ZR2.singleValue = round(parCalage.result.values.ZR2, 3);
this.formulaireService.createFormulaire(CalculatorType.ParSimulation, parSimulation)
.then((f: FormulaireDefinition) => {
......@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ export abstract class FormulaireDefinition extends FormulaireNode implements Obs
return ngparam;
protected getVariatedParameters(): NgParameter[] {
public getVariatedParameters(): NgParameter[] {
let res: NgParameter[] = [];
// find variated local parameters
res = this.getDisplayedParamListFromState(ParamRadioConfig.VAR);
......@@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"INFO_DIALOG_PARSIM_DESC": "Choose a combination of values to generate the simulation",
......@@ -333,7 +334,9 @@
"INFO_MACRORUGOCOMPOUND_TITRE": "Compound rock-ramp fishpasses",
"INFO_MACRORUGOCOMPOUND_LINCL": "Lateral inclination (m/m): ",
"INFO_ONLY_Q_MAY_VARY": "Only flow may vary",
"INFO_ONLY_Z1_Q_MAY_VARY": "Only upstream elevation and flow may vary",
"INFO_Z1_Z2_MUST_BE_DEFINED": "Upstream and downstream elevations must be defined",
......@@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"INFO_DIALOG_PARSIM_DESC": "Choisir une combinaison de valeurs pour générer la simulation",
......@@ -334,7 +335,9 @@
"INFO_MACRORUGOCOMPOUND_TITRE": "Passe à macro-rugosités complexe",
"INFO_MACRORUGOCOMPOUND_LINCL": "Dévers latéral (m/m)&nbsp;:",
"INFO_ONLY_Q_MAY_VARY": "Seul le débit peut varier",
"INFO_ONLY_Z1_Q_MAY_VARY": "Seuls la cote amont et le débit peuvent varier",
"INFO_Z1_Z2_MUST_BE_DEFINED": "Les cotes amont et aval doivent être définies",
"INFO_MENU_EMPTY_SESSION_TITLE": "Nouvelle session",
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