added bug label
changed the description
By Dorchies David on 2023-07-27T08:45:09 (imported from GitLab)
moved from nghyd#623 (closed)
By Dorchies David on 2023-11-07T09:56:48 (imported from GitLab)
to address this issue created branch 355-cloisons-le-champ-cote-de-l-eau-amont-n-est-pas-vide-par-defaut
to address this issue
By Dorchies David on 2023-11-07T09:58:10 (imported from GitLab)
mentioned in commit ad03d9d4
mentioned in commit c05f5ee8
mentioned in commit 3ba2b1c9
mentioned in commit 8df48608
changed milestone to %Version 4.17.1
marked this issue as related to nghyd#623 (closed)