# recordweb project - erecord web services
recordweb project - erecord web services
The **recordweb** project contains some web development for models developed with Vle. There are some old web applications and the current erecord web services.
The **web services** provided by **erecord** allow to edit, modify and simulate some vle models. They are online at http://erecord.toulouse.inra.fr
## Details
### vle-x
... | ... | @@ -21,6 +22,32 @@ That is the version installed under the erecord Virtual Machine (erecord.toulous |
That is the current version under development.
Note :
The erecord online documentation uses/refers to the archive of the old
webrecord site (no longer online) (see vle-1.0 version), that must be
copied/installed under erecord VM by that way :
cp recordweb/vle-1.0/archive/webrecord /var/www/misc/webrecord
Latest tests (not finalized)
### erecord
erecord folder contains erecord project development from 2019). The web services provided by erecord allow to edit, modify and simulate some vle models, such as the Record platform ones.
Features :
- Version using containers for models repositories.
- Version under python 3.
That is the version of latest tests, it is not operational/finalized.
### vle-1.1
vle-1 folder contains the erecord project development from 2014 to 2018. The erecord web services allow to edit, modify and simulate some vle models, such as the Record platform ones.
... | ... | @@ -31,4 +58,8 @@ That version used pyvle, concerned more specifically models developed with vle-1 |
vle-1.0 folder contains the webrecord project development from 2011 to 2014, dedicated to web solutions for models of the Record platform : a web application prototype that enables remote simulations of some existing agronomic models developped with vle-1.0.3 version, that have been previously loaded into the web tool.
An archive of the webrecord site dedicated to the webrecord project presentation and productions (no longer online) : |
There exists an archive of the webrecord site (no longer online) dedicated to the webrecord project presentation and productions :
recordweb/vle-1.0/archive/webrecord/webrecord.pdf and
This archive is required by the erecord online documentation : see the vle-x version. |