Replace with new values geobs
@legurun.bgm @tableau-salt-loire @jerome.belliard I'm starting to work on the dump to restore a new version of the database The previous values come from a database dump 12th September 2019. The description of this previous dataset is here :
Another dump :03/07/2022 has been used see eda_dbeel/script script/
To save the old tables use :
#Dans powershell
pg_dump -U postgres -f "roe.sql" --schema roe -c --dbname=//${env:usermercure}:${env:pwdmercure}@$env:hostgeola/eda2.3
-replace 'roe', 'roe_2022' | Out-File -encoding ASCI roe.sql
The new dump was collected by Karl the 26th May 2024
Save old tables to roe_2019 ice_2021 bdoe_2019 -
Restore new database to the roe_2024 bdoe_2024 and ice_2024 -
Restore values using scripts in dbeel -
import_dam_france_1_dbeel_obstruction_place.sql -
TODO check cordemais
import_dam_france_2_dbeel_physical_obstruction.sql -
import_dam_france_3_pass_and_score.sql -
DELETE FROM montepomi.dbeel_obstruction_place WHERE id_original in ('ROE106058','ROE88566'); --2 supression d'ouvrages dont on sait qu'ils ne sont pAS des ouvrages hydroélectriques