App's function `find_output` fails to find files in case of extended filename was passed with path
Trying to write filename directly with a filename extension results in a failure while checking output existence :
2022-06-09 11:19:00 (ERROR) [pyOTB] BandMathX: execution seems to have failed, /home/vidlb/Projets/git/pypollum/Nighttime acquistition of Fribourg_Partial delivery_20220522_preprocessed/JL1GF03C02_MSS_20220326035621_200079257_101_0021_001_L1A_MSS/JL1GF03C02_MSS_20220326035621_200079257_101_0021_001_L1A_MSS_tmp.tif?writegeom=false&writerpctags=true&gdal:co:PHOTOMETRIC=RGB&nodata=0 does not exist
TODO: remove filename extension before checking path
Edited by Cresson Remi