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IBASAM: (Individual Based Atlantic SAlmon Model) is a simulation model, developed with an individual-based demo-genetic structure and integrating a significant amount of knowledge on [Salmo salar](http://www.fishbase.se/summary/Salmo-salar.html). To enhance realism, IBASAM has been developed in the framework of pattern-oriented modelling with multiple patterns validation at population levels using specific data collected over 15 yrs on the Scorff river, France. The genetic transmission of traits is included to allow evolutionary changes in Atlantic salmon life history.
In the river phase, individuals grew in weight according to individual and stage-dependent growth capacity and influenced by water temperature, population density and river flow. Growth increments in weight were then allocated to fat reserves (Fat) or somatic growth through an increase in body length depending on a variable individual propensity to accumulate fat. Survival in the river was phase dependent, with higher mortality for maturing individuals and during winter. The triggering of sea migration was size dependent 6 months before the run. The smoltification process allows an individual that was in the river (‘parr’) to become physiologically ready to run into the sea (as ‘smolt’). The probability of smolting for an individual followed a reaction norm based on its body length.
In the river phase, individuals grew in weight according to individual and stage-dependent growth capacity and influenced by water temperature, population density and river flow. Growth increments in weight were then allocated to fat reserves (Fat) or somatic growth through an increase in body length depending on a variable individual propensity to accumulate fat. Survival in the river was phase dependent, with higher mortality for maturing individuals and during winter. The triggering of sea migration was size dependent 6 months before the run. The smoltification process allows an individual that was in the river (‘parr’) to become physiologically ready to run into the sea (as ‘smolt’). The probability of smolting for an individual followed a reaction norm based on its body length.
... | @@ -12,4 +14,4 @@ The various thresholds (sex and location dependent) were transmitted by the two |
... | @@ -12,4 +14,4 @@ The various thresholds (sex and location dependent) were transmitted by the two |
Fishery mortality on returning individuals was simulated by the removal of a proportion of each sea age class (1SW or MSW, base proportion of 15%) from the population at the end of summer step, that is after the observation of number of returns and proportions of MSW.
Fishery mortality on returning individuals was simulated by the removal of a proportion of each sea age class (1SW or MSW, base proportion of 15%) from the population at the end of summer step, that is after the observation of number of returns and proportions of MSW.
The reproduction events were simulated according to relevant S. salar literature (Fleming 1996). The mating system allowed mature male parr to fertilize a fraction of the eggs. It selected anadromous males following size dominance while allowing satellite males to fertilize a significant fraction of the eggs. The number of egg per female was size dependent. Egg-to-emergence survival was water temperature, river flow and density dependent. |
The reproduction events were simulated according to relevant S. salar literature (Fleming 1996). The mating system allowed mature male parr to fertilize a fraction of the eggs. It selected anadromous males following size dominance while allowing satellite males to fertilize a significant fraction of the eggs. The number of egg per female was size dependent. Egg-to-emergence survival was water temperature, river flow and density dependent. |
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