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Resolve "Ajout de la passe à rugosité de fond: cas d'un radier incliné"

2 unresolved threads
@@ -82,9 +82,7 @@
"ERROR_STRUCTURE_Q_TROP_ELEVE": "The flow passing through the other devices is too high: the requested parameter is not calculable.",
"ERROR_STRUCTURE_ZDV_PAS_CALCULABLE": "Parameter \"Crest elevation\" cannot be calculated with this discharge law",
"ERROR_STRUCTURE_Z_EGAUX_Q_NON_NUL": "Upstream and downstream elevations are equal but flow is not null",
"ERROR_ELEVATION_Z1_LOWER_THAN_ZF1": "Upstream elevation is lower than the upstream bottom elevation of the ramp",
"ERROR_ELEVATION_Z1_EQUAL_TO_ZF1": "Upstream elevation is equal to the upstream bottom elevation of the ramp",
"ERROR_COEF_DEBIT_NULL": "Calculation is impossible when discharge coefficient is null",
"WARNING_COEF_DEBIT_NULL": "Apron n°%number%: Value of calculated parameter is null when discharge coefficient is null",
"ERROR_D65_NULL": "Calculation is impossible when d65 is null",
"INFO_CALCULATOR_CALC_NAME": "Calculator name",
@@ -229,6 +227,7 @@
@@ -409,6 +408,7 @@
"INFO_LIB_BMIN": "Minimal slot or weir width",
"INFO_LIB_PMINS": "Minimal basin width",
"INFO_LIB_PMINP": "Minimal basin width",
"INFO_LIB_LINCL": "Lateral inclination",
"INFO_LIB_LMINS": "Minimal basin length",
"INFO_LIB_LMINP": "Minimal basin length",
"INFO_LIB_HMIN": "Minimal head on weir",
@@ -518,6 +518,8 @@
"INFO_PAR_TITRE": "Baffle fishway: setup",
"INFO_RUGOFOND_TITRE": "Bed roughness fishpasses",
"INFO_RUGOFONDMULTIPLE_TITRE": "Bed roughness fishpasses",
"INFO_PAR_DESCRIPTION": "planes Denil Fatou superactive mixte chevrons canoe",
"INFO_PARSIMULATION_TITRE": "Baffle fishway: simulation",
@@ -720,6 +722,8 @@
"WARNING_SESSION_LOAD_NOTES_MERGED": "Notes have been merged",
"WARNING_VALUE_ROUNDED_TO_INTEGER": "Value of %symbol% was rounded to %rounded%",
"WARNING_VARIATED_LENGTH_LIMITED_BY_LINKED_RESULT": "Number of results is limited by linked result %symbol%",
"WARNING_ELEVATION_Z1_LOWER_THAN_ZF1": "Apron n°%number%: calculated flow is null because upstream elevation is lower than the upstream bottom elevation of the ramp",
"WARNING_ELEVATION_Z1_EQUAL_TO_ZF1": "Apron n°%number%: calculated flow is null because upstream elevation is equal to the upstream bottom elevation of the ramp",
"ERROR_PAR_P_DEVIATES_MORE_THAN_10_5_PCT": "Given spacing value is more than 10% lower or more than 5% greater than standard value %stdP%",
"ERROR_PAR_QSTAR_OUT_OF_RANGE": "Flow value %val% is outside of validity interval [ %min%, %max% ] given by abacuses",
"ERROR_PAR_HA_OUT_OF_RANGE": "Upstream head value %val% is outside of validity interval [ %min%, %max% ] given by abacuses",