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  • v2.1.2
    c2b7f44e · Issues : ·
    Milestone 2.1.2 issues solved
  • v2.1.1
    Solved some minor issues :
    #49 #50 #51 #52
  • v2.1
    a6fee727 · Issue 48 closed ·
    Release: SHiNeMaS v2.1
    - New web app design
    - New home page with list of species
    - Storage devices management : Create storage devices in a Location, store seedlot in thesedevices
    - Germplasm management : Upload germplasm with files and link data to germplasms, new forms to create/update germplasm
    - New species profil page : This page include a map with farmer using this species
    - Update Germplasm profil page : Germplasm page include a map of fermers using this germplasm, also a network picture of this germplasm history
    - Graph network explorer : An interface representing a network of seedlots
    - Update germplasm model : modify the name field : the real name of Germplasm without constraint on this name, add a field idgermplasm : the id used in the SeedLot names (with constraints on the name)