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  • Bilal.El-Houdaigui's avatar
    Add GO Annotation facet. Fix GNP-5446. · d048d5bd
    Bilal.El-Houdaigui authored and Raphaël Flores's avatar Raphaël Flores committed
    Add annotation_id, annotation_name and ancestors to mapping and used annotation_name for GO facet. GNP-5446
    add search in annotation_id and ancestors to GO Annotation. GNP-5446
    switched GO extraction from annotation_name to the frontend and fixed facet display (To fix: badge show GO id only).GNP-5446
    Clean code and facet working with annotation_name (ancestors to add next). GNP-5446
    add boolQuery to in order to include ancestors in refinementQuery. GNP-5446
    Add descendants-checkbox component (still WIP). GNP-5446
    Finalize checkbox button. code cleaning (next fix tests).GNP-5446
    Fix broken backend tests. GNP-5446
    fix first part of front tests. GNP-5717
    fix part of frontend tests. GNP-5717
    Remove LOCAL_ID that is not present in master
    Fix compil error
    Remove unused variable spotted by lint
    Improved doc for macos and indexing
    Moved to camel case on AnnotationId. WIP.
    Fix broken facets/aggregations
    Code slight generalisation and concistency
    Improved and generalized descendant handling with search on ID rather than full name
    Fix test
    Remove a rare test from WheatISDocumentDaoTest
    Add test for annotation backend
    Fix front tests & code cleaning
    Add elasticsearch debug options
    Remove OpenMinTeD docs from WheatIS data files. GNP-5446.
    Remove OpenMinTeD docs from data-discovery data files. GNP-5446.
    Adding Biblio data.
    Updated URGI node to INRAE-URGI
    Avoid 'Argument list too long error'. fix GNP-5892
    Add RARE and WheatIS suggestion following Biblio data inclusion. fix GNP-5446
    Add datadiscovery suggestion following Biblio data inclusion. fix GNP-5446
    Correction of help icon behavior. fix GNP-5892
    UI Adjustments
    Generate datadiscovery suggestions. fix GNP-5446
    Generate rare and wheatis suggestions. fix GNP-5446
    Update documentation.