index 5ce1a3d4a78cd156409c7a9869371af560fa9c6c..30872a739dd77ee4843eaa34449f390a71617df5 100644
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ importFrom(DESeq2,resultsNames)
@@ -84,8 +86,9 @@ importFrom(metacoder,heat_tree)
@@ -95,4 +98,5 @@ importFrom(phangorn,pml)
diff --git a/R/bars_fun.R b/R/bars_fun.R
index d131ce3fdfe297e9c46892cb3509ee3a8ac4b902..4b1001964d7bed20733f0f946002d875bf6d8177 100644
--- a/R/bars_fun.R
+++ b/R/bars_fun.R
@@ -31,6 +31,32 @@ rarefaction <- function(data = data, col = NULL, step = 100, ggplotly = TRUE){
+#' aggregate_top_taxa from microbiome package
+#' @param x phyloseq object
+#' @param top Keep the top-n taxa, and merge the rest under the category 'Other'. Instead of top-n numeric this can also be a character vector listing the groups to combine.
+#' @param level Summarization level (from ‘rank_names(pseq)’)
+#' @importFrom microbiome aggregate_taxa
+#' @importFrom microbiome top_taxa
+#' @export
+aggregate_top_taxa <- function (x, top, level){
+    x <- aggregate_taxa(x, level)
+    tops <- top_taxa(x, top)
+    tax <- tax_table(x)
+    inds <- which(!rownames(tax) %in% tops)
+    tax[inds, level] <- "Other"
+    tax_table(x) <- tax
+    tt <- tax_table(x)[, level]
+    tax_table(x) <- tax_table(tt)
+    aggregate_taxa(x, level)
 #' Barplots plotly
@@ -38,16 +64,16 @@ rarefaction <- function(data = data, col = NULL, step = 100, ggplotly = TRUE){
 #' @param rank Taxonomy rank to merge features that have same taxonomy at a certain taxonomic rank (among rank_names(data), or 'ASV' for no glom)
 #' @param top Number of top taxa to plot
 #' @param Ord1 Variable used to order sample (X axis) or split the barplot if split = TRUE
-#' @param Fact1 Variable used to change X axis tick labels and color (when split = FALSE)
+#' @param sample_labels If true, x axis labels are sample IDS, if false labels displayed are levels from Ord1 argument. Ignored if split = TRUE (FALSE)
 #' @param split if TRUE make a facet_wrap like grouped by Ord1 (default FALSE)
 #' @param relative Plot relative (TRUE, default) or raw abundance plot (FALSE)
+#' @param autoorder Automatic ordering xaxis labels based on Ord1 factor levels with gtools::mixedorder function (TRUE).
 #' @param ylab Y axis title ("Abundance")
 #' @param outfile Output html file.
 #' @return Returns barplots in an interactive plotly community plot
 #' @import plotly
-#' @importFrom microbiome aggregate_top_taxa
 #' @importFrom reshape2 melt
 #' @importFrom gtools mixedsort
 #' @importFrom dplyr group_map group_by across
@@ -56,8 +82,8 @@ rarefaction <- function(data = data, col = NULL, step = 100, ggplotly = TRUE){
 #' @export
-bars_fun <- function(data = data, rank = "Genus", top = 10, Ord1 = NULL, Fact1 = NULL, split = FALSE,
-                     relative = TRUE, ylab = "Abundance", outfile="plot_compo.html", verbose = TRUE){
+bars_fun <- function(data = data, rank = "Genus", top = 10, Ord1 = NULL, sample_labels = FALSE, split = FALSE, split_sid_order = FALSE,
+                     relative = TRUE, autoorder = TRUE, ylab = "Abundance", outfile="plot_compo.html", verbose = TRUE){
@@ -66,15 +92,14 @@ bars_fun <- function(data = data, rank = "Genus", top = 10, Ord1 = NULL, Fact1 =
-if( all(Ord1 != sample_variables(data)) | all(Fact1 != sample_variables(data))){
-  stop(paste("Wrong value in Ord1 or Fact1 arguments, please use variables existing in the phyloseq object:", toString(sample_variables(data))))
+if( all(Ord1 != sample_variables(data))){
+  stop(paste("Wrong value in Ord1, please use variables existing in the phyloseq object:", toString(sample_variables(data))))
-#{paste(sample_variables(data), collapse = ",")}
   Fdata = data
   psobj.top <- aggregate_top_taxa(Fdata, rank, top = top)
-  # print("get data")
   sdata <- as.data.frame(sample_data(psobj.top), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
   sdata$sample.id = sample_names(psobj.top)
   otable = as.data.frame(otu_table(psobj.top))
@@ -83,6 +108,8 @@ if( all(Ord1 != sample_variables(data)) | all(Fact1 != sample_variables(data))){
   # print("melt data")
   dat <- as.data.frame(t(otable))
   dat <- cbind.data.frame(sdata, dat)
+  flog.info('  Melting table...')
   meltdat <- reshape2::melt(dat, id.vars=1:ncol(sdata))
   tt <- levels(meltdat$variable)
   meltdat$variable <- factor(meltdat$variable, levels= c("Other", tt[tt!="Other"]))
@@ -92,29 +119,49 @@ if( all(Ord1 != sample_variables(data)) | all(Fact1 != sample_variables(data))){
   # print(levels(meltdat$sample.id))
   # save(list = ls(all.names = TRUE), file = "debug.rdata", envir = environment())
-  # TODO: Message d'erreur si factor n'est pas dans les sample_data
-  fun = glue( "xform <- list(categoryorder = 'array',
-                    categoryarray = unique(meltdat$sample.id[gtools::mixedorder(as.character(meltdat${Ord1}))]),
-                    title = 'Samples',
-                    tickmode = 'array',
-                    tickvals = 0:nrow(sdata),
-                    ticktext = sdata[unique(meltdat$sample.id[gtools::mixedorder(as.character(meltdat${Ord1}))]), '{Fact1}']@.Data[[1]],
-                    tickangle = -90)")
-  eval(parse(text=fun))
+  if(autoorder){
+  flog.info('  Ordering samples...')
+      fun = glue( "labs = gtools::mixedorder(as.character(meltdat${Ord1}))" )
+      eval(parse(text=fun))
-  # subplot to vizualize groups
+      orderedIDS <- unique(meltdat$sample.id[gtools::mixedorder(as.character(meltdat[,Ord1]))])
+      orderedOrd1 <- meltdat[,Ord1][gtools::mixedorder(as.character(meltdat[,Ord1]))]
+      orderedOrd1 <- factor(orderedOrd1, levels = gtools::mixedsort(levels(orderedOrd1)))
+    }else{
+      labs = 1:nrow(meltdat)
+      orderedIDS <- unique(meltdat$sample.id)
+      orderedOrd1 <- meltdat[,Ord1]
+    }
+  if(sample_labels){
+      lab1 = "sample.id"
+    }else{
+      lab1 = Ord1
+    }
+  flog.info('  Set labels...')
+  xform <- list(categoryorder = 'array',
+                categoryarray = unique(meltdat$sample.id[labs]),
+                title = 'Samples',
+                tickmode = 'array',
+                tickvals = 0:nrow(sdata),
+                ticktext = sdata[as.character(unique(meltdat$sample.id[labs])), lab1]@.Data[[1]],
+                tickangle = -90)
-  orderedIDS <- unique(meltdat$sample.id[gtools::mixedorder(as.character(meltdat[,Ord1]))])
-  orderedOrd1 <- meltdat[,Ord1][gtools::mixedorder(as.character(meltdat[,Ord1]))]
+  # subplot to vizualize groups
+  flog.info('  Subplot...')
   df1 <- cbind.data.frame(x=sdata[orderedIDS, "sample.id"]@.Data[[1]],
-                          g=sdata[orderedIDS, Fact1]@.Data[[1]],
+                          g=sdata[orderedIDS, Ord1]@.Data[[1]],
   fun = glue( "df1$g <- factor(df1$g, levels = as.character(unique(orderedOrd1)))")
-  fun = glue( "meltdat${Ord1} <- factor(meltdat${Ord1}, levels = as.character(unique(orderedOrd1)))")
+  fun = glue( "meltdat${Ord1} <- factor(meltdat${Ord1}, levels = as.character(unique(orderedOrd1)))") # keep sample ids order from metadata.
   subp1 <- df1 %>% plot_ly(
@@ -134,6 +181,7 @@ if( all(Ord1 != sample_variables(data)) | all(Fact1 != sample_variables(data))){
     otable=apply(otable,2, function(x){Tot=sum(x); x/Tot})
     dat= as.data.frame(t(otable))
     dat <- cbind.data.frame(sdata, dat)
     meltdat <- reshape2::melt(dat, id.vars=1:ncol(sdata))
     tt <- levels(meltdat$variable)
     meltdat$variable <- factor(meltdat$variable, levels= c("Other", tt[tt!="Other"]))
@@ -160,7 +208,7 @@ if( all(Ord1 != sample_variables(data)) | all(Fact1 != sample_variables(data))){
-  # facet_wrap output
+  # Splitted plot output
   if(!split) {
       htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p1, outfile)
@@ -169,15 +217,20 @@ if( all(Ord1 != sample_variables(data)) | all(Fact1 != sample_variables(data))){
   } else {
   flog.info('Splitted plot...')
-    p1 = meltdat %>% group_by(across({Ord1})) %>%
-      dplyr::group_map(~ plot_ly(data=., x = ~sample.id, y = ~value, type = 'bar',
-                                 name = ~variable,
-                                 color = ~variable, legendgroup = ~variable,
-                                 showlegend = (.y == levels(meltdat[, Ord1])[1])),
-                       keep = TRUE)  %>%
+    if(split_sid_order){
+    meltdat$sample.id = factor(meltdat$sample.id, levels = unique(meltdat$sample.id)) # keep sample ids order from metadata.
+    }
+    p1 = meltdat  %>% arrange(across({Ord1})) %>% group_by(across({Ord1})) %>%
+        mutate(across(where(is.character), as.factor)) %>%
+        dplyr::group_map(~ plot_ly(data=., x = ~sample.id, y = ~value, type = 'bar',
+                                   name = ~variable,
+                                   color = ~variable, legendgroup = ~variable,
+                                   showlegend = (.y == levels(meltdat[, Ord1])[1])),
+                         keep = TRUE)  %>%
       subplot(nrows = 1, shareX = TRUE, shareY=TRUE, titleX = FALSE) %>%
-             xaxis = list(title = glue("{Ord1} = {unique(meltdat[, Ord1])[1]}")),
+             xaxis = list(title = glue("{Ord1} = {levels(meltdat[, Ord1])[1]}")),
              yaxis = list(title = ylab),
              barmode = 'stack')
diff --git a/R/dada2_fun.R b/R/dada2_fun.R
index b25e5c8ea15ff04b80a0ce2fb57a7d30b1d353a1..471dc974e786490a03fdb51279e9138424bce102 100644
--- a/R/dada2_fun.R
+++ b/R/dada2_fun.R
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
 #' @import futile.logger
 #' @import digest
 #' @import phyloseq
+#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column
+#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
 #' @export
 # DADA2 function
@@ -235,19 +237,27 @@ dada2_fun <- function(amplicon = "16S", path = "", outpath = "./dada2_out/", f_t
       flog.info('Filtering reads...')
-      out <- filterAndTrim(fnFs, filtFs, fnRs, filtRs, truncLen=c(f_trunclen,r_trunclen),
+      out0 <- filterAndTrim(fnFs, filtFs, fnRs, filtRs, truncLen=c(f_trunclen,r_trunclen),
       maxN=0, maxEE=c(2,2), truncQ=2, rm.phix=TRUE, trimLeft=trim_l,
       compress=compress, multithread=TRUE)
+      row.names(out0) = sample.names
+      out <- as.data.frame(out0) %>%tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "sample.id")
+      filtFs_out <- grep("F_filt",list.files(glue::glue("{path}/filtered/"), full.names = TRUE), value = TRUE)
+      filtRs_out <- grep("R_filt",list.files(glue::glue("{path}/filtered/"), full.names = TRUE), value = TRUE)
+      samples_names <- grep(".fastq",list.files("./data_arch_links/", full.names = FALSE), value = TRUE)
     flog.info('Learning error model...')
-    errF <- learnErrors(filtFs, multithread=TRUE)
-    errR <- learnErrors(filtRs, multithread=TRUE)
+    errF <- learnErrors(filtFs_out, multithread=TRUE)
+    errR <- learnErrors(filtRs_out, multithread=TRUE)
@@ -269,8 +279,8 @@ dada2_fun <- function(amplicon = "16S", path = "", outpath = "./dada2_out/", f_t
     flog.info('Dereplicating fastq...')
-    derepFs <- derepFastq(filtFs, verbose=TRUE)
-    derepRs <- derepFastq(filtRs, verbose=TRUE)
+    derepFs <- derepFastq(filtFs_out, verbose=TRUE)
+    derepRs <- derepFastq(filtRs_out, verbose=TRUE)
@@ -285,7 +295,6 @@ dada2_fun <- function(amplicon = "16S", path = "", outpath = "./dada2_out/", f_t
     seqtab <- makeSequenceTable(mergers)
     flog.info('Removing chimeras...')
     seqtab.nochim <- removeBimeraDenovo(seqtab, method="consensus", multithread=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
@@ -295,19 +304,26 @@ dada2_fun <- function(amplicon = "16S", path = "", outpath = "./dada2_out/", f_t
-    track <- cbind.data.frame(out, stockFs, stockRs, sapply(mergers, getN), rowSums(seqtab.nochim))
+    track0 <- cbind.data.frame(stockFs, stockRs, sapply(mergers, getN), rowSums(seqtab.nochim))
+    rownames(track0) <- stringr::str_remove(rownames(track0), "_F_filt.fastq")
     # If processing a single sample, remove the sapply calls: e.g. replace sapply(dadaFs, getN) with getN(dadaFs)
-    colnames(track) <- c("input", "filtered", "denoisedF", "denoisedR", "merged", "nonchim")
-    rownames(track) <- sample.names
-    head(track)
-    write.table(track, paste(outpath,"/read_tracking.csv",sep=''), sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE)
+    track <- track0 %>% tibble::rownames_to_column(var="sample.id")
+    final_track <- out %>% dplyr::left_join(y = track, by = "sample.id")
+    colnames(final_track) <- c("sample.id", "input", "filtered", "denoisedF", "denoisedR", "merged", "nonchim") 
+    head(final_track)
+    write.table(final_track, paste(outpath,"/read_tracking.csv",sep=''), sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE)
     seqtab.export <- seqtab.nochim
     colnames(seqtab.export) <- sapply(colnames(seqtab.export), digest::digest, algo="md5")
     otu.table <- phyloseq::otu_table(t(seqtab.export), taxa_are_rows = TRUE)
+    colnames(otu.table) <- stringr::str_remove(colnames(otu.table), "_F_filt.fastq")
     flog.info('Writing raw tables.')
     write.table(cbind(t(seqtab.export), "Sequence" = colnames(seqtab.nochim)), paste(outpath,"/raw_otu-table.csv",sep=''), sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE)
diff --git a/R/decontam_fun.R b/R/decontam_fun.R
index 0f36706c13a9737d0b59d8f5b5be841baa85128a..446d9272201b7886e6954d1678e89f96845ad9c6 100644
--- a/R/decontam_fun.R
+++ b/R/decontam_fun.R
@@ -272,7 +272,12 @@ decontam_fun <- function(data = data, domain = "Bacteria", output = "./decontam_
     TABf=cbind.data.frame( TABtest_filt, TABf )
     names(TABf)[1] = names(TF)[j]
-  TABff <- cbind(as.matrix(TABf), as.matrix(data_no_filtering@tax_table[row.names(TABf),]))
+  if(!is.null(data@tax_table)){
+    TABff <- cbind(as.matrix(TABf), as.matrix(data_no_filtering@tax_table[row.names(TABf),]))
+  }else{
+    TABff <- as.matrix(TABf)
+  }
   write.table(TABff, file = paste(output,'/Exclu_out.csv',sep=''), sep = "\t", col.names=NA)
@@ -312,11 +317,25 @@ decontam_fun <- function(data = data, domain = "Bacteria", output = "./decontam_
   flog.info(paste("AFTER FILTERING: ",nsamples(data), "samples and", ntaxa(data),"ASVs in otu table") )
   flog.info('Writing raw tables.')
-  write.table(cbind(otu_table(data),"Consensus Lineage" = apply(tax_table(data), 1, paste, collapse = ";"), "sequences"=as.data.frame(refseq(data)) ), paste(output,"/raw_otu-table.csv",sep=''), sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE)
+  if(!is.null(data@tax_table)){
+    write.table(cbind(otu_table(data),"Consensus Lineage" = apply(tax_table(data), 1, paste, collapse = ";"), "sequences"=as.data.frame(refseq(data)) ), paste(output,"/raw_otu-table.csv",sep=''), sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE)
+  }else{
+    write.table(cbind(otu_table(data), "sequences"=as.data.frame(refseq(data)) ), paste(output,"/raw_otu-table.csv",sep=''), sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE)
+  }
   flog.info('Writing relative tables.')
   data_rel <- transform_sample_counts(data, function(x) x / sum(x) )
-  write.table(cbind(otu_table(data_rel),"Consensus Lineage" = apply(tax_table(data_rel), 1, paste, collapse = ";"), "sequences"=as.data.frame(refseq(data_rel))),paste(output,"/relative_otu-table.csv",sep=''), sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE)
+  if(!is.null(data@tax_table)){
+    write.table(cbind(otu_table(data_rel),"Consensus Lineage" = apply(tax_table(data_rel), 1, paste, collapse = ";"), "sequences"=as.data.frame(refseq(data_rel))),paste(output,"/relative_otu-table.csv",sep=''), sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE)
+  }else{
+    write.table(cbind(otu_table(data_rel), "sequences"=as.data.frame(refseq(data_rel))),paste(output,"/relative_otu-table.csv",sep=''), sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE)
+  }
   flog.info('Saving R objects.')
   save(data, file=paste(output,'/robjects.Rdata',sep=''))
diff --git a/R/diversity_alpha_fun.R b/R/diversity_alpha_fun.R
index f3b64a39fd5d8227ffbcd499f4fac5d0a4d7ae13..a775bb25a2a7ee362f94f0e57dc36a844cab873e 100644
--- a/R/diversity_alpha_fun.R
+++ b/R/diversity_alpha_fun.R
@@ -15,10 +15,11 @@ alphaPlot <- function(data = data, col1 = "", col2 = "", measures = c("Shannon")
     p <- plot_richness(data,x=col1, color=col2, measures=measures)
   p$layers <- p$layers[-1]
+  if(col2 != ""){legpos = "right"}else{legpos = "none"}
   p <- p + ggtitle('Alpha diversity indexes') +  geom_boxplot(alpha = 1, outlier.shape = NA) +
     theme_bw() +
     theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust=1),
-    legend.position = "none",axis.text=element_text(size=15),
+    legend.position = legpos, axis.text=element_text(size=15),
     strip.text.x = element_text(size = 18,face="bold"),
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ alphaPlotly <- function(data=data, alpha=alpha, col1='', col2='', measures=c("Sh
 #' @param data a phyloseq object (output from decontam or generate_phyloseq)
 #' @param output Output directory
-#' @param column1 Column name of first factor to test (covariable in ANOVA).
+#' @param column1 Column name of first factor to test (covariable in ANOVA), or principal factor if only one factor to test.
 #' @param column2 Column name of second factor to test (last factor in ANOVA).
 #' @param column3 Column name of subjects in case of repeated mesures (mixed model)
 #' @param supcovs One or more supplementary covariables to test in anova (provided as comma separated vector)
@@ -104,8 +105,8 @@ diversity_alpha_fun <- function(data = data, output = "./plot_div_alpha/", colum
     #alpha diversité tableau
     resAlpha = list()
     flog.info('Alpha diversity tab ...')
-    resAlpha$alphatable <- estimate_richness(data, measures = measures )
     # row.names(resAlpha$alphatable) <- gsub("X","",row.names(resAlpha$alphatable))
     write.table(resAlpha$alphatable,paste(output,'/alphaDiversity_table.csv',sep=''), sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE)
@@ -115,9 +116,10 @@ diversity_alpha_fun <- function(data = data, output = "./plot_div_alpha/", colum
     resAlpha$plot = p
     ggsave(paste(output,'/alpha_diversity.eps',sep=''), plot=p, height = 15, width = 30, units="cm", dpi = 500, device="eps")
-    anova_data <- cbind(sample_data(data), resAlpha$alphatable)
+    alphatable <- estimate_richness(data, measures = measures )
+    anova_data <- cbind(sample_data(data), alphatable)
     anova_data$Depth <- sample_sums(data)
+    resAlpha$alphatable <- anova_data 
     if(length(levels(as.factor(anova_data[,column1])))>1 & mean(table(anova_data[,column1])) != 1 ){
       flog.info('ANOVA ...')
       # variables <- paste(sep=" + ", "Depth", var1)
@@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ diversity_alpha_fun <- function(data = data, output = "./plot_div_alpha/", colum
         # }
         flog.info(paste("\n##pvalues of pairwise wilcox test on ", m, "with FDR correction \n"), sep="")
-        fun <- paste("wilcox_res1 <- pairwise.wilcox.test(anova_data$",m,", anova_data[,column1], p.adjust.method='fdr')", sep="")
+        fun <- paste("wilcox_res1 <- pairwise.wilcox.test(anova_data$",m,", anova_data[,column1], p.adjust.method='none')", sep="")
         eval(parse(text = fun))
         # print(round(wilcox_res1$p.value,3))
         wilcox_col1 <- round(wilcox_res1$p.value,3)
@@ -175,7 +177,7 @@ diversity_alpha_fun <- function(data = data, output = "./plot_div_alpha/", colum
         if(column2 != ''){
           flog.info(paste("\n##pvalues of pairwise wilcox test on ", m, "with FDR correction \n"), sep="")
-          fun <- paste("wilcox_res1 <- pairwise.wilcox.test(anova_data$",m,", anova_data[,column2], p.adjust.method='fdr')", sep="")
+          fun <- paste("wilcox_res1 <- pairwise.wilcox.test(anova_data$",m,", anova_data[,column2], p.adjust.method='none')", sep="")
           eval(parse(text = fun))
           wilcox_col2_fdr <- round(wilcox_res1$p.value,3)
diff --git a/R/diversity_beta_light.R b/R/diversity_beta_light.R
index 9f9e53054e772350d2f0c99eb8f61613c56a1a78..dd5987355bfe35ff797d0e0cc29ee5554e598be4 100644
--- a/R/diversity_beta_light.R
+++ b/R/diversity_beta_light.R
@@ -94,9 +94,18 @@ diversity_beta_light <- function(psobj, rank = "ASV", col = NULL, cov = NULL, di
-  p1 <- plot_samples(data_rank, ordinate(data_rank, ord0, dist0), color = col, axes = axes ) +
-  theme_bw() + ggtitle(glue::glue("{ord0} + {dist0}"))
-  if(ellipse){p1 <- p1 + stat_ellipse()}
+  p1 <- phyloseq::plot_ordination(physeq = data_rank, ordination = ordinate(data_rank, ord0, dist0), axes = axes)
+  p1$layers[[1]] <- NULL
+  sample.id = sample_names(data_rank)
+  sdata <- sample_data(data_rank) 
+  fact <- as.matrix(sdata[,col])
+  p1 <- p1 + aes(color = fact, sample.id = sample.id)
+  p1 <- p1 + stat_ellipse(aes(group = fact))
+  p1 <- p1 + geom_point() + theme_bw()
+  resBeta$plotly1 <- ggplotly(p1, tooltip=c("x", "y", "sample.id")) %>% config(toImageButtonOptions = list(format = "svg"))
   # plot(p1)
   flog.info('Plot ok...')
diff --git a/R/generate_phyloseq_fun.R b/R/generate_phyloseq_fun.R
index fce0935f9a17a355d5f72a9c721a878933bc42aa..02cb34e65065ae411bef2ffd98baefb1dbd693b4 100644
--- a/R/generate_phyloseq_fun.R
+++ b/R/generate_phyloseq_fun.R
@@ -42,8 +42,16 @@ generate_phyloseq_fun <- function(dada_res = dada_res, tax.table = tax.table, tr
   if(length(setdiff(colnames(dada_res$otu.table), sampledata$sample.id)) > 0){
-    flog.info(setdiff(colnames(dada_res$otu.table), sampledata$sample.id))
-    stop("ERROR: number of samples in metadata differ from otu table.")
+    message("ERROR: sample names in otu table differs from sample metadata.")
+    print(setdiff(colnames(dada_res$otu.table), sampledata$sample.id))
+    stop("Please check metadata table.",call. = FALSE)
+  }
+  if(length(setdiff(sampledata$sample.id, colnames(dada_res$otu.table))) > 0){
+    message("WARNING: One or more samples in metadata are not present in otu table:")
+    print(setdiff(sampledata$sample.id, colnames(dada_res$otu.table)))
+    sample.metadata <- sample.metadata[colnames(dada_res$otu.table),]
@@ -51,13 +59,31 @@ generate_phyloseq_fun <- function(dada_res = dada_res, tax.table = tax.table, tr
   flog.debug('Generate MD5 ids...')
   names(sequences) <- sapply(sequences,digest,algo='md5')
-  if(is.null(tree)){
-    flog.info('Building phyloseq object without tree...')
-    data <- phyloseq(dada_res$otu.table, tax_table(as.matrix(tax.table)), sample.metadata, DNAStringSet(sequences))
-  } else{
-    flog.info('Building phyloseq object with tree...')
-    data <- phyloseq(dada_res$otu.table, tax_table(as.matrix(tax.table)), sample.metadata, phy_tree(tree), DNAStringSet(sequences))
+  if(!is.null(tax.table)){
+    if(is.null(tree)){
+      flog.info('Building phyloseq object without tree...')
+      data <- phyloseq(dada_res$otu.table[,row.names(sample.metadata)], tax_table(as.matrix(tax.table)), sample.metadata, DNAStringSet(sequences))
+    } else{
+      flog.info('Building phyloseq object with tree...')
+      data <- phyloseq(dada_res$otu.table[,row.names(sample.metadata)], tax_table(as.matrix(tax.table)), sample.metadata, phy_tree(tree), DNAStringSet(sequences))
+    }
+  }else{
+     if(is.null(tree)){
+      flog.info('Building phyloseq object without tree...')
+      data <- phyloseq(dada_res$otu.table[,row.names(sample.metadata)], sample.metadata, DNAStringSet(sequences))
+    } else{
+      flog.info('Building phyloseq object with tree...')
+      data <- phyloseq(dada_res$otu.table[,row.names(sample.metadata)], sample.metadata, phy_tree(tree), DNAStringSet(sequences))
+    }
   data_rel <- transform_sample_counts(data, function(x) x / sum(x) )
diff --git a/man/aggregate_top_taxa.Rd b/man/aggregate_top_taxa.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82707c5f84b8ec70c828d814ff82b241467139be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/aggregate_top_taxa.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/bars_fun.R
+\title{aggregate_top_taxa from microbiome package}
+aggregate_top_taxa(x, top, level)
+\item{x}{phyloseq object}
+\item{top}{Keep the top-n taxa, and merge the rest under the category 'Other'. Instead of top-n numeric this can also be a character vector listing the groups to combine.}
+\item{level}{Summarization level (from ‘rank_names(pseq)’)}
+aggregate_top_taxa from microbiome package
diff --git a/man/bars_fun.Rd b/man/bars_fun.Rd
index 371979201a9b73d5f853fac985e6ce625c33e9e0..44373c9cda4802255c11ed3f61f118a6152b7e3e 100644
--- a/man/bars_fun.Rd
+++ b/man/bars_fun.Rd
@@ -9,9 +9,11 @@ bars_fun(
   rank = "Genus",
   top = 10,
   Ord1 = NULL,
-  Fact1 = NULL,
+  sample_labels = FALSE,
   split = FALSE,
+  split_sid_order = FALSE,
   relative = TRUE,
+  autoorder = TRUE,
   ylab = "Abundance",
   outfile = "plot_compo.html",
   verbose = TRUE
@@ -26,12 +28,14 @@ bars_fun(
 \item{Ord1}{Variable used to order sample (X axis) or split the barplot if split = TRUE}
-\item{Fact1}{Variable used to change X axis tick labels and color (when split = FALSE)}
+\item{sample_labels}{If true, x axis labels are sample IDS, if false labels displayed are levels from Ord1 argument. Ignored if split = TRUE (FALSE)}
 \item{split}{if TRUE make a facet_wrap like grouped by Ord1 (default FALSE)}
 \item{relative}{Plot relative (TRUE, default) or raw abundance plot (FALSE)}
+\item{autoorder}{Automatic ordering xaxis labels based on Ord1 factor levels with gtools::mixedorder function (TRUE).}
 \item{ylab}{Y axis title ("Abundance")}
 \item{outfile}{Output html file.}
diff --git a/man/diversity_alpha_fun.Rd b/man/diversity_alpha_fun.Rd
index 4f60f8d3b6db8079a37a898271a741811c8aba8c..714642e6bc092d32ebfabb7f8f392979af2cc146 100644
--- a/man/diversity_alpha_fun.Rd
+++ b/man/diversity_alpha_fun.Rd
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ diversity_alpha_fun(
 \item{output}{Output directory}
-\item{column1}{Column name of first factor to test (covariable in ANOVA).}
+\item{column1}{Column name of first factor to test (covariable in ANOVA), or principal factor if only one factor to test.}
 \item{column2}{Column name of second factor to test (last factor in ANOVA).}
diff --git a/man/diversity_beta_light.Rd b/man/diversity_beta_light.Rd
index 87425ad5ad6dee4957be5cc2bded53235c3484f6..357f044afdb36ba9663cd11363ad7fa8d1cf8a04 100644
--- a/man/diversity_beta_light.Rd
+++ b/man/diversity_beta_light.Rd
@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ diversity_beta_light(
   dist0 = "bray",
   ord0 = "MDS",
   output = "./plot_div_beta/",
-  tests = TRUE
+  axes = c(1, 2),
+  tests = TRUE,
+  verbose = 2,
+  ellipse = TRUE
@@ -30,7 +33,13 @@ diversity_beta_light(
 \item{output}{The output file directory.}
+\item{axes}{Axes to plot (c(1,2))}
 \item{tests}{Whether to compute tests or not (TRUE/FALSE)}
+\item{verbose}{Verbose level. (1: quiet, 2: print infos, 3: print infos + debug)}
+\item{ellipse}{Plot ellipse (TRUE)}
 Return specific plots and tests in list and output them in the output directory.