diff --git a/graphes/SA_daily_gs_FULL.jpeg b/graphes/SA_daily_gs_FULL.jpeg
index 2be8f4e1ba791bc53bf4e2fdebefb38ec5dabc43..96481e3677d691f9b9dc707f2100b91134caaa7b 100644
Binary files a/graphes/SA_daily_gs_FULL.jpeg and b/graphes/SA_daily_gs_FULL.jpeg differ
diff --git a/graphes/figure_TIR_accuracy.jpeg b/graphes/figure_TIR_accuracy.jpeg
index 1bbaee455056f20679576b16eeeb2b6586ba4444..c9f52a581ef0b898dbf54c83cae1c93dbf5ef1a0 100644
Binary files a/graphes/figure_TIR_accuracy.jpeg and b/graphes/figure_TIR_accuracy.jpeg differ
diff --git a/graphes/figure_daily_gs.jpeg b/graphes/figure_daily_gs.jpeg
index 2d02b024f6822822b8a264140159d5c5c2b40697..a2dfdc454c609b8c22eb08753090551ac538941d 100644
Binary files a/graphes/figure_daily_gs.jpeg and b/graphes/figure_daily_gs.jpeg differ
diff --git a/graphes/figure_energy_canopy.jpeg b/graphes/figure_energy_canopy.jpeg
index f095b6e002e12de66dcecef8b737d3a39d9fd0c5..d5ef8644591d22a7d28a78184b604604c318bea8 100644
Binary files a/graphes/figure_energy_canopy.jpeg and b/graphes/figure_energy_canopy.jpeg differ
diff --git a/scripts/figure_cam_target.R b/scripts/figure_cam_target.R
index 792ec718d39bfb47ee45973e3fe470835b35a1ca..673933ac606ebe540535573f10b0b4662a5f3f82 100644
--- a/scripts/figure_cam_target.R
+++ b/scripts/figure_cam_target.R
@@ -22,12 +22,11 @@ TIR_adequacy <- vroom::vroom(file.path("data","cam_adequacy_target.csv"),
 summary(lm(T_target_IR~ T_target_m, data = TIR_adequacy)) -> lm_Tcam_ttarget
 #### figure camera adequacy on dates kept ####
 (TIR_adequacy %>% 
    aes(x = T_target_m, y = T_target_IR)+
    geom_point(na.rm = T, alpha = .5)+
-   geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, colour = "blue", linetype = "dashed")+
+   geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, colour = "blue")+
    geom_abline(slope = lm_Tcam_ttarget$coefficients[2], intercept = lm_Tcam_ttarget$coefficients[1], colour = "red", linetype = "dashed")+
    # annotate("text",x = 5, y = 45, label = bquote({T[s] == .(round(lm_Tcam_ttarget$coefficients[2],2))*T[TIR] + .(round(lm_Tcam_ttarget$coefficients[1],2))}),
    #          size = textsize/3, alpha = 0.8, colour = " dark red", hjust = 0)+
@@ -35,8 +34,10 @@ lm_Tcam_ttarget$coefficients
             size = textsize/3, alpha = 0.8, colour = "red",hjust = 0)+
    # annotate("text",x = 5, y = 37, label = bquote({RMSE == .(format(sqrt(mean(lm_Tcam_ttarget$residuals**2)),digits = 2)) .(paste("°C"))}),
    #          size = textsize/3, alpha = 0.8, colour = " dark red",hjust = 0)+
+   theme_cowplot()+
+   theme(panel.border = element_rect(colour="black", fill=NA, size=1), axis.line = element_blank())+
    scale_y_continuous(expression(T[TIR]~paste("(°C)")), limits = c(5,55))+
-   scale_x_continuous(expression(T[thermocouples]~paste("(°C)")), limits = c(5,55))+theme_cowplot()+
+   scale_x_continuous(expression(T[thermocouples]~paste("(°C)")), limits = c(5,55))+
    annotate("text", x = 53,y=50, angle = 45, label ="1:1", size = textsize/3.5, colour ="blue")) %>% 
   ggsave2(filename =  file.path("graphes","figure_TIR_accuracy.jpeg"),plot = ., dpi= 300, bg="white",width= 70,height = 70,units = "mm" )
diff --git a/scripts/figure_daily_gs.R b/scripts/figure_daily_gs.R
index f2f9fc95a4abaa26e565962b64a77facc06e05fa..e90991c288a04fe701b3ab4cfa477b81bdf9e6cb 100644
--- a/scripts/figure_daily_gs.R
+++ b/scripts/figure_daily_gs.R
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ if (sys.nframe() == 0) {# must be run manually if this is the file on which we a
             axis.ticks = element_line(size = .3),
             axis.ticks.length = unit(-.15, units = "cm"),
-            axis.title = element_text(size = textsize),
-            axis.title.x.bottom = element_blank(),
+            axis.title = element_text(size = textsize*1.1),
+            axis.title.x.bottom = element_text(size = textsize*1.1, vjust = 0),
             axis.text.x = element_text(size =textsize , vjust = -1),
             axis.text.x.top = element_blank(),
             axis.ticks.x.top = element_blank(), 
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ if (sys.nframe() == 0) {# must be run manually if this is the file on which we a
       scale_linetype_manual(name = expression(g[s]~ method),
                             limits = c("GT","GT'","PMT"),values = c("solid","dashed","dotdash"),
                             labels = c(expression(g[paste("s",",GT")]),expression(g[paste("s",",GT'")]),expression(g[paste("s",",PMT")])))+
-      scale_x_datetime( date_breaks = "3 hours", date_labels = "%HH", date_minor_breaks = "1 hour")+
-      scale_y_continuous(parse(text="stomatal~conductance~(m.s^-1)"),labels = fmt_dcimals(2),
+      scale_x_datetime("Time (UT+1)", date_breaks = "3 hours", date_labels = "%HH", date_minor_breaks = "1 hour")+
+      scale_y_continuous(parse(text="canopy~conductance~(m.s^-1)"),labels = fmt_dcimals(2),
                          sec.axis = dup_axis()) } %>% 
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ if (sys.nframe() == 0) {# must be run manually if this is the file on which we a
                             limits = c("GT","GT'","PMT","PMEC"),values = c("solid","dashed","dotdash","twodash"),
                             labels = c(expression(g[paste("s",",GT")]),expression(g[paste("s",",GT'")]),expression(g[paste("s",",PMT")]),expression(g[paste("s",",PMEC")])))+
       scale_x_datetime( date_breaks = "3 hours", date_labels = "%HH", date_minor_breaks = "1 hour")+
-      scale_y_continuous(parse(text="stomatal~conductance~(m.s^-1)"),labels = fmt_dcimals(2),
+      scale_y_continuous(parse(text="canopy~conductance~(m.s^-1)"),labels = fmt_dcimals(2),
                          sec.axis = dup_axis())} %>% 
diff --git a/scripts/figure_energy_canopy.R b/scripts/figure_energy_canopy.R
index b18484e8a31c44827e275ff3daffc7e0df19ef20..c66245a0417938c52bb2493e4fc2b64fa5f91e6b 100644
--- a/scripts/figure_energy_canopy.R
+++ b/scripts/figure_energy_canopy.R
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ dates_Denis %>%
         scale_y_continuous(expression(Energy~flux~(W~m^-2)),limits = c(-100,450),
                            breaks = -1:4*100,expand = expansion(add=0),
                            sec.axis = sec_axis(expression(paste(T[canopy] - T[8]," (°C)")),trans=~(.-150)/50))+
-        scale_x_datetime("Hours (UT+1)",date_labels = "%H", date_breaks = "4 hours", expand = expansion(add = .01), position ="top")+
-        scale_fill_manual(values=c(Rn_canopy ="#cccccc",LE_canopy = "#818181",S_canopy = "#333333",Tc_Ta = "red")),x=-.005,y=.65,width = 1.02,height = .35,scale=1)) %>% 
+        scale_x_datetime("Time (UT+1)",date_labels = "%H", date_breaks = "4 hours", expand = expansion(add = .01), position ="top")+
+        scale_fill_manual(values=c(Rn_canopy ="#cccccc",LE_canopy = "#818181",S_canopy = "#333333",Tc_Ta = "red")), x=-.005,y=.65,width = 1.02,height = .35,scale=1)) %>% 
   ggsave2(file.path("graphes","figure_energy_canopy.jpeg"),.,dpi = 500, bg= "white", width = 140,height = 100, units = "mm" )