diff --git a/snakecnv/bin/delly.py b/snakecnv/bin/delly.py
index f6d6d77df1d9f2c5141f89d3d81a52a5254ce547..69ee6dcc6099dc13ea4b7f91abcb1a48e2a5ffdf 100755
--- a/snakecnv/bin/delly.py
+++ b/snakecnv/bin/delly.py
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ from subprocess import run
 import pysam
 def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
     ''' A simple to sys.stderr printer wrapper '''
     print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
@@ -89,12 +86,16 @@ def runDelly(args):
     delly_raw = "delly_raw.bcf"
     # construct delly string
-    delly_call_str = "delly call "
+    # TODO warning the genologin delly is not multiprocess
+    delly_exe = "/home/faraut/save/Softwares/delly_v7.9_src/delly/src/delly"
+    # delly_call_str = "delly call "
+    delly_call_str = delly_exe + " call "
     delly_call_str += "-g %s " % genome
     delly_call_str += "-x %s " % exclusion_file
     delly_call_str += "-t %s " % svtype
     delly_call_str += "-o %s " % delly_raw
     delly_call_str += " ".join(bamfiles)
     completed = run(delly_call_str, shell=True)
     if completed:
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ def runDelly(args):
             command = "bcftools convert -O b -o {output}.bcf {template};\n".format(output=os.path.splitext(output)[0],
-                                                                                    template=template)
+                                                                                   template=template)
             completed = run(command, shell=True)
diff --git a/snakecnv/bin/detect_regions_to_exclude.py b/snakecnv/bin/detect_regions_to_exclude.py
index 0ef3acf252b1a582cabe5efbb3fb34fbd95b06df..d46f5a39004824382f5121291ed819631ccad223 100755
--- a/snakecnv/bin/detect_regions_to_exclude.py
+++ b/snakecnv/bin/detect_regions_to_exclude.py
@@ -4,40 +4,65 @@ import argparse
 import os
 from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, mkdtemp
 from shutil import rmtree
+from itertools import izip
 import multiprocessing
 from functools import partial
-from svrunner_utils import eprint
 import numpy as np
-from scipy import stats
 import pysam
 import pysamstats
 import pybedtools
+from svrunner_utils import eprint
-def get_bamcoverage(bamfile, fafile, chrom, window_size=200):
+def compute_mad(a):
+    """
+    Compute *Median Absolute Deviation* of an array.
+    """
+    med = np.median(a)
+    mad = np.median(np.absolute(a - med))  # MAD
+    return mad
+def isSplitRead(read):
+    if not read.has_tag('SA'):
+        return False
+    tag = read.get_tag('SA')
+    num_alt_align = len(tag.split(";"))
+    if num_alt_align > 0:
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
+def get_bamcoverage(bamfile, fafile, chrom, window_size=500,
+                    start=None, end=None):
       pure pysam implementation of pysamstats.load_binned,
       same signature as get_pysamstatsbamcoverage (originally get_bamcoverage)
     mybam = pysam.AlignmentFile(bamfile)
     fa = pysam.FastaFile(fafile)
-    len_chr = len(fa.fetch(chrom))
+    if start is None:
+        start = 0
+    if end is None:
+        end = len(fa.fetch(chrom))
     coverage = []
-    for i in range(0, len_chr, window_size):
+    for i in range(start, end, window_size):
         pos = i + int(window_size/2)
         counts = mybam.count(chrom, i, i+window_size, read_callback="all")
         coverage.append((chrom.encode('utf8'), pos, counts))
+        # print(chrom, pos, counts)
     a = np.array(coverage, dtype=[('chrom', 'S22'),
                                   ('pos', np.int64), ('reads_all', 'i8')])
     a = a.view(np.recarray)
     return a
-def get_pysamstatsbamcoverage(bamfile, fafile, chrom, window_size=200):
+def get_pysamstatsbamcoverage(bamfile, fafile, chrom, window_size=500):
     mybam = pysam.AlignmentFile(bamfile)
     a = pysamstats.load_binned("coverage", mybam,
@@ -54,14 +79,17 @@ def get_coverage_cutoff(coverage):
     counts = coverage.reads_all[np.where(coverage.reads_all)]
-    mode = stats.mode(counts)
-    stdev = np.std(counts)
+    median = np.median(counts)
+    # stdev = np.std(counts)
+    mad = compute_mad(counts)
     # recommanded by SpeedSeq
-    return mode[0] + 3 * stdev
+    # return median + 3 * stdev
+    # we use mad to be more robust to outliers
+    return median + 7 * mad
-def dump_to_bed(overcovered_regions, fout, window_size):
+def dump_overcovered_to_bed(overcovered_regions, fout, window_size):
         From the numpy record array filtered by the cutoff
         dump the corresponding regions to the bed outputfile
@@ -73,20 +101,38 @@ def dump_to_bed(overcovered_regions, fout, window_size):
                                      pos + int(window_size/2)))
+def dump_illcovered_to_bed(overcovered_regions, fout, window_size):
+    """
+        From the numpy record array filtered by the cutoff
+        dump the corresponding regions to the bed outputfile
+    """
+    extension = 10000
+    for chrom, pos in zip(overcovered_regions.chrom,
+                          overcovered_regions.pos):
+        fout.write("%s\t%d\t%d\n" % (chrom.decode("utf-8"),
+                                     max(0, pos - int(window_size/2) - extension),
+                                     pos + int(window_size/2) + extension))
 def detect_high_coverage(chrom, bamfile, fastafile, tempdir,
-                         window_size=20, cutoff=None):
+                         window_size=500, cutoff=None):
         Detecting high coverage regions using get_bamcoverage
         dumping bed output in a tempfile
     eprint("Detecting high coverage regions in %s for %s" % (bamfile, chrom))
     with NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tempdir, mode="w", delete=False) as output:
-        # TODO test for empty bam file (use pysam following https://github.com/pysam-developers/pysam/issues/27)
+        # TODO test for empty bam file (use pysam following
+        # https://github.com/pysam-developers/pysam/issues/27)
         coverage = get_bamcoverage(bamfile, fastafile, chrom, window_size)
+                                   # start=7040000, end=7140000)
         if cutoff is None:
             cutoff = get_coverage_cutoff(coverage)
         overcovered_regions = coverage[np.where(coverage.reads_all > cutoff)]
-        dump_to_bed(overcovered_regions, output, window_size)
+        illcovered_regions = coverage[np.where(coverage.reads_all > 10*cutoff)]
+        dump_overcovered_to_bed(overcovered_regions, output, window_size)
+        dump_illcovered_to_bed(illcovered_regions, output, window_size)
     return output.name, cutoff
@@ -138,12 +184,13 @@ def main(args):
     bed = pybedtools.BedTool(bedout.name)
-    merged_bed = bed.merge()
+    merged_bed = bed.sort().merge()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Extract entries for a "
                                      "specific chromosome from a bam file")
diff --git a/snakecnv/bin/filter.py b/snakecnv/bin/filter.py
index 9f3f7a0959975e198f4675da68e5f0c74370e874..efc484f578056222fa02ba752611474aa3ca747d 100755
--- a/snakecnv/bin/filter.py
+++ b/snakecnv/bin/filter.py
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def filtering(inputfile, outputfile, genotyper, add_infos=True, overlap_cutoff=0
     eprint("Working with " + str(len(SVSet)) + " records")
-    # PASS and "." will be now marker PASS
+    # PASS and "." will be now marked PASS
     # Redundancy annotation
diff --git a/snakecnv/svsnakemake_utils.py b/snakecnv/svsnakemake_utils.py
index cc46fb17c19bdc749013f2dde32668bdce8a9964..fcebced81e16973f71e76121215ac1a43cd08f63 100644
--- a/snakecnv/svsnakemake_utils.py
+++ b/snakecnv/svsnakemake_utils.py
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ class SnakemakeUtils:
         return inputs
     def get_inputs_bams(self, wildcards):
         inputs = []
         indexes = []