diff --git a/xtandempipeline/doc/xtandem_pipeline.pdf b/xtandempipeline/doc/xtandem_pipeline.pdf
index 714d50ef5441b18c8fac229323aeefb6da9e628b..3b14519de89e0d3da52a24dcf3fec5879d23b7f0 100644
Binary files a/xtandempipeline/doc/xtandem_pipeline.pdf and b/xtandempipeline/doc/xtandem_pipeline.pdf differ
diff --git a/xtandempipeline/doc/xtandem_pipeline.tex b/xtandempipeline/doc/xtandem_pipeline.tex
index 6a68220cce59433abe8dbe07c071b92889943704..ae822af8cbf77e7630420f029508891057d006bf 100644
--- a/xtandempipeline/doc/xtandem_pipeline.tex
+++ b/xtandempipeline/doc/xtandem_pipeline.tex
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ PAPPSO - \url{http://pappso.inra.fr/}\\
 \title{$\X$\\Automated analyses, filtering and export of X!Tandem MS/MS results}
-\date{15 February 2012}
+\date{06 June 2012}
 %Modification des entetes et pied de page + marges
 \geometry{top=3cm, bottom=3cm, left=2cm, right=2cm}
@@ -422,9 +422,17 @@ In this case, the column corresponding to the normal and reverse search are indi
+\subsection{"Myosine" branch}
+  \item[3.3.0] Grouping of sub-group have been changed to enhanced rapidity and corrected over-grouping on large dataset (thanks to M. Blein)\\
+ If you have very large dataset, we recommand to reload xtandem results to corrected error.
 \subsection{"Tubuline" branch}
-  \item[3.2.0] Identification from Mascot dat file can now be imported and filtered. All work as X!Tandem result excepts that protein sequence can not be retrieved : PAI and coverage are absent.\\
+ \item[3.2.2] Corrected report of input parameter on X!Tandem output result (thanks to T. Greko).
+ \item[3.2.1] Add new X!Tandem paramaters for multiple search of modifications in one analyse and calculation can now be performed on z > 3.
+ \item[3.2.0] Identification from Mascot dat file can now be imported and filtered. All work as X!Tandem result excepts that protein sequence can not be retrieved : PAI and coverage are absent.\\
   Correction of FDR calculation from Reverse/Decoy search.