From 044bbf6a49ff9ae7c727f1967f0fcde605e28fbf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: local_comparaison <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2024 15:07:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] cleaning code and starting the unittest

---                      | 421 +++++++++---------
 Tests_unitaires/ |  65 ++-
 2 files changed, 271 insertions(+), 215 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 55b1f79..338a8ec 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,12 +7,23 @@ import json
 from urllib import request
 import xmltodict
 import pandas as pd
+FOLDER = "C:\\Users\\mumec\\Desktop\\Mini_codes\\"
-### utils
 def recup_all_inf_excel(file):
+    """
+    This function takes infos from a .xlsx
+    Arg:
+        file = the file to read
+    Returns:
+        Type of return: 1 list of list line
+    """
     datas = pd.read_excel(file, header=None, na_filter=False)
     l_datas = datas.values.tolist()
     return l_datas
 def send_request_to_mapping_api(url, data_json, head, met='POST'):
     This function gives the result of mapping of a metabolites list from RAMP.
@@ -20,8 +31,6 @@ def send_request_to_mapping_api(url, data_json, head, met='POST'):
-        metabolites_list =
-        outfiles = list of names files to write
         url = the url to use
         data_json = the data to post
         head = headers to use
@@ -33,7 +42,7 @@ def send_request_to_mapping_api(url, data_json, head, met='POST'):
     req = request.Request(url, data=data_json, headers=head, method=met)
     with request.urlopen(req) as response:
         result =
-    out_data=result.decode('utf-8')
+    out_data = result.decode('utf-8')
     return out_data
@@ -49,12 +58,12 @@ def excel_file_writer(dataframe, name_out_file, sheetname="Resultats"):
         Type of return: 1 excel file whith 5 columns
-    excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(name_out_file)
-    dataframe.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name=sheetname,index=False, header=False)
-    excel_file.close()
+    ex_f = pd.ExcelWriter(name_out_file)
+    dataframe.to_excel(ex_f, sheet_name=sheetname, index=False, header=False)
+    ex_f.close()
-def pre_cut (list):
+def pre_cut(listed):
     cut only 1 type of ID by the first entree
@@ -66,19 +75,18 @@ def pre_cut (list):
     clean_list = []
     cump = 0
-    while list[cump]=="NA":
-        cump+=1
-    pos_cut = list[cump].index(":")
-    for elem in list:
-        if elem=="NA":
+    while listed[cump] == "NA":
+        cump += 1
+    pos_cut = listed[cump].index(":")
+    for elem in listed:
+        if elem == "NA":
     return clean_list
-### Mapping Ramp
-def mapping_from_ramp_api(metabolites_list, outfile, infos="optimization"):
+def mapping_ramp_api(metabolites_list, outfile, inf="opti"):
     This function gives the result of mapping of a metabolites list from RAMP.
     Here's an example of 4 metabolites giving 505 lines.
@@ -87,73 +95,71 @@ def mapping_from_ramp_api(metabolites_list, outfile, infos="optimization"):
         metabolites_list = a list of metabolites id
         outfiles = name of the outfile to write
-        infos = if all give the full information
+        inf = if all give the full information
         Type of return: 1 excel file whith 5 columns
-    if len(metabolites_list)==0 :
+    if len(metabolites_list) == 0:
         badend = " Your metabolite list is empty. Here's an example"
         badend += "['KEGG:C01157','hmdb:HMDB0000148','chebi:16015']"
         raise ValueError(badend)
-    data_for_request={"analytes": metabolites_list}
+    data_for_request = {"analytes": metabolites_list}
     json_data = json.dumps(data_for_request).encode('utf-8')
-    urlramp =''
-    dichead={'Accept': '*/*','Content-Type': 'application/json'}
-    api_datas=send_request_to_mapping_api(urlramp, json_data, dichead)
-    len_oa=len(api_datas)
-    index_begin_interest=api_datas.find("[")
-    index_end_interest=api_datas.find("]")
-    datas_to_treat=api_datas[index_begin_interest:index_end_interest+1]
+    urlramp = ''
+    dichead = {'Accept': '*/*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
+    api_datas = send_request_to_mapping_api(urlramp, json_data, dichead)
+    index_begin_interest = api_datas.find("[")
+    index_end_interest = api_datas.find("]")
+    datas_to_treat = api_datas[index_begin_interest:index_end_interest+1]
     index = datas_to_treat.find("{")
-    index_begin_lines=[index]
+    i_b_l = [index]
     while index != -1:
-        index+=1
-        index = datas_to_treat.find("{",index)
-        index_begin_lines.append(index)
-    index_begin_lines[-1]=len(datas_to_treat)
-    inputid=[]
-    if infos=="optimization":
+        index += 1
+        index = datas_to_treat.find("{", index)
+        i_b_l.append(index)
+    i_b_l[-1] = len(datas_to_treat)
+    inputid = []
+    if inf == "opti":
         l_met_map = []
-        for index_pos in range (len(index_begin_lines)-1):
-            one_l=datas_to_treat[index_begin_lines[index_pos]:index_begin_lines[index_pos+1]]
-            inputid.append(one_l[one_l.find("inputId")+10:one_l.find("commonName")-3])
+        for index_pos in range(len(i_b_l)-1):
+            onel = datas_to_treat[i_b_l[index_pos]:i_b_l[index_pos+1]]
+            inputid.append(onel[onel.find("inputId")+10:onel.find("commonName")-3])
         for meta_map in inputid:
             if meta_map not in l_met_map:
-            if len(l_met_map)==len(metabolites_list):
+            if len(l_met_map) == len(metabolites_list):
         print(str(len(l_met_map))+" metabolites were found")
-        return(len(l_met_map),l_met_map)
-    elif infos=="all" :
-        pathwaysource=[]
-        pathwayid=[]
-        commonname=[]
-    pathwayname=[]
-    for index_pos in range (len(index_begin_lines)-1):
-        one_l=datas_to_treat[index_begin_lines[index_pos]:index_begin_lines[index_pos+1]]
-        pathwayname.append(one_l[16:one_l.find("pathwaySource")-3])
-        inputid.append(one_l[one_l.find("inputId")+10:one_l.find("commonName")-3])
-        if infos=="all" :
-            pathwaysource.append(one_l[one_l.find("pathwaySource")+16:one_l.find("pathwayId")-3])
-            pathwayid.append(one_l[one_l.find("pathwayId")+12:one_l.find("inputId")-3])
-            commonname.append(one_l[one_l.find("commonName")+13:len(one_l)-3])
-    pathwayname.insert(0,"pathwayName")
-    inputid.insert(0,"inputid")
-    if infos=="all" :
-        pathwaysource.insert(0,"pathway_source")
-        pathwayid.insert(0,"pathwayid")
-        commonname.insert(0,"commonname")
-        list_result=[pathwayname, pathwaysource, pathwayid, inputid, commonname]
+        return (len(l_met_map), l_met_map)
+    if inf == "all":
+        psource = []
+        pathwayid = []
+        commonname = []
+    pathwayname = []
+    for index_pos in range(len(i_b_l)-1):
+        onel = datas_to_treat[i_b_l[index_pos]:i_b_l[index_pos+1]]
+        pathwayname.append(onel[16:onel.find("pathwaySource")-3])
+        inputid.append(onel[onel.find("inputId")+10:onel.find("commonName")-3])
+        if inf == "all":
+            psource.append(onel[onel.find("pathwaySource")+16:onel.find("pathwayId")-3])
+            pathwayid.append(onel[onel.find("pathwayId")+12:onel.find("inputId")-3])
+            commonname.append(onel[onel.find("commonName")+13:len(onel)-3])
+    pathwayname.insert(0, "pathwayName")
+    inputid.insert(0, "inputid")
+    if inf == "all":
+        psource.insert(0, "pathway_source")
+        pathwayid.insert(0, "pathwayid")
+        commonname.insert(0, "commonname")
+        list_result = [pathwayname, psource, pathwayid, inputid, commonname]
         list_result = [pathwayname, inputid]
-    df_result=pd.DataFrame(data=list_result).transpose()
-    excel_file_writer(df_result,outfile, sheetname="Resultats du mapping")
+    df_result = pd.DataFrame(data=list_result).transpose()
+    excel_file_writer(df_result, outfile, sheetname="Resultats du mapping")
+    return (len(list_result[0]), list_result)
-#### MetaboAnalyst
-def mapping_from_ma_api(metabolites_list):
+def equiv_from_ma_api(metabolites_list):
     gives the results of name conversion on MetaboAnalyst
@@ -163,21 +169,22 @@ def mapping_from_ma_api(metabolites_list):
         Type of return: dic
-    if len(metabolites_list)==0 :
+    if len(metabolites_list) == 0:
         bout = "Your metabolite list is empty. Here's an example"
         bout += "['1,3-Diaminopropane','2-Hydroxybutyric acid']"
         return bout
-    headers = {'Content-Type':"application/json",'cache-control':"no-cache"}
-    metabo_data=''
-    for name in metabolites_list :
-        metabo_data=metabo_data+name+';'
-    payload = {"queryList": metabo_data,"inputType": "name"}
+    headers = {'Content-Type': "application/json", 'cache-control': "no-cache"}
+    metabo_data = ''
+    for name in metabolites_list:
+        metabo_data = metabo_data+name+';'
+    payload = {"queryList": metabo_data, "inputType": "name"}
     json_data = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8')
     ma_url = ""
-    api_datas=send_request_to_mapping_api(ma_url, json_data, headers)
+    api_datas = send_request_to_mapping_api(ma_url, json_data, headers)
+    return "The request is complet"
-### ConsensusPathDB BrgEnrichment
 def get_cpdb_available_fset_types(entity_type):
     function getCpdbAvaibleFsetTypes translation. give the FsetTypes allows.
@@ -220,6 +227,7 @@ def get_cpdb_available_fset_types(entity_type):
     results = {"ID": ids, "description": desc}
     return results
 def get_cpdb_available_accesion_types(entity_type):
     function getCpdbAccessionTypes translation. give the accesion types allows.
@@ -259,7 +267,7 @@ def get_cpdb_available_accesion_types(entity_type):
         xml_content =
     xml_dict = xmltodict.parse(xml_content)
     xmlbod = xml_dict["SOAP-ENV:Envelope"]["SOAP-ENV:Body"]
-    results= xmlbod["ns1:getAvailableAccessionTypesResponse"]["ns1:accType"]
+    results = xmlbod["ns1:getAvailableAccessionTypesResponse"]["ns1:accType"]
     return results
@@ -307,6 +315,7 @@ def get_cpdb_available_accesion_id(acctype, accnumbers):
     return dic_results
 def get_cpdb_version():
     function getCpdbVersion translation. return the cpdb version used
@@ -314,7 +323,7 @@ def get_cpdb_version():
         only print the version
-    body = f'''
+    body = '''
         <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cpd="cpdbns">
@@ -334,12 +343,14 @@ def get_cpdb_version():
     with request.urlopen(req) as response:
         xml_content =
     xml_dict = xmltodict.parse(xml_content)
-    results= xml_dict["SOAP-ENV:Envelope"]["SOAP-ENV:Body"]["ns1:getCpdbVersionResponse"]["ns1:cpdbVersion"]
+    xml_body = xml_dict["SOAP-ENV:Envelope"]["SOAP-ENV:Body"]
+    results = xml_body["ns1:getCpdbVersionResponse"]["ns1:cpdbVersion"]
-def mapping_ora_cpdb(accnumbers, acctype, cpdbidsbg = None, pthreshold = 0.05, infos="all",ofile="C:\\Users\\mumec\\Desktop\\test_out_cpdb.xlsx"):
+def m_ora_cpdb(accnumbers, acctype, cpdbidsbg=None,
+               pthreshold=0.05, infos="all",
+               ofile="C:\\Users\\mumec\\Desktop\\test_out_cpdb.xlsx"):
     Give the result of id mapping on CPDB
@@ -353,20 +364,19 @@ def mapping_ora_cpdb(accnumbers, acctype, cpdbidsbg = None, pthreshold = 0.05, i
         Type of return: excel file
-    cpdbids = get_cpdb_available_accesion_id(acctype, accnumbers) # dictionnaire
-    tab_cor=[cpdbids['accNumber'],cpdbids['cpdbId']]
-    if len(accnumbers)>1:
+    cpdbids = get_cpdb_available_accesion_id(acctype, accnumbers)
+    tab_cor = [cpdbids['accNumber'], cpdbids['cpdbId']]
+    if len(accnumbers) > 1:
         cpdbids = pd.DataFrame(cpdbids)
         cpdbids = pd.DataFrame([cpdbids])
     l_id = cpdbids["cpdbId"].tolist()
     l_id_c = []
     for testid in l_id:
-        if testid is not None :
+        if testid is not None:
-    cpdbidsfg = [f"<cpd:cpdbIdsFg>{''.join(dat)}</cpd:cpdbIdsFg>" for dat in l_id_c]
+    idfg = [f"<cpd:cpdbIdsFg>{''.join(dat)}</cpd:cpdbIdsFg>" for dat in l_id_c]
     body = '''
         <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cpd="cpdbns">
@@ -375,7 +385,7 @@ def mapping_ora_cpdb(accnumbers, acctype, cpdbidsbg = None, pthreshold = 0.05, i
-    '''.format("metabolites", "P", ' '.join(cpdbidsfg))
+    '''.format("metabolites", "P", ' '.join(idfg))
     if cpdbidsbg is not None:
         cpdbidsbg = ["<cpd:cpdbIdsBg>{}</cpd:cpdbIdsBg>".format(" ".join(map(str, dat))) for dat in cpdbids[:, 1]]
@@ -398,121 +408,114 @@ def mapping_ora_cpdb(accnumbers, acctype, cpdbidsbg = None, pthreshold = 0.05, i
     with request.urlopen(req) as response:
         xml_content =
     xml_dict = xmltodict.parse(xml_content)
-    xml_dict_body = xml_dict["SOAP-ENV:Envelope"]["SOAP-ENV:Body"]["ns1:overRepresentationAnalysisResponse"]
+    xml_dict_body = xml_dict["SOAP-ENV:Envelope"]["SOAP-ENV:Body"]
+    xml_dict_orar = xml_dict_body["ns1:overRepresentationAnalysisResponse"]
-        name = str(xml_dict_body["ns1:name"])[2:-2]
+        name = str(xml_dict_orar["ns1:name"])[2:-2]
     except TypeError:
         print("Mapping empty")
-        return([])
-    else:
-        print("CPDB mapping ok")
-    details = str(xml_dict_body["ns1:details"])
-    pval = str(xml_dict_body["ns1:pValue"])[2:-2]
-    qval = str(xml_dict_body["ns1:qValue"])[2:-2]
-    a_e_n = str(xml_dict_body["ns1:allEntitiesNum"])[:-2]
-    if infos=="optimization":
+        return []
+    print("CPDB mapping ok")
+    details = str(xml_dict_orar["ns1:details"])
+    pval = str(xml_dict_orar["ns1:pValue"])[2:-2]
+    qval = str(xml_dict_orar["ns1:qValue"])[2:-2]
+    a_e_n = str(xml_dict_orar["ns1:allEntitiesNum"])[:-2]
+    if infos == "opti":
         splited = details.split("',")
         l_map = []
         l_map_cor = []
         for entree in splited:
             entree_split = entree[2:].split(";;")[-1]
-            if (len(entree_split[7:])>13):
+            if len(entree_split[7:]) > 13:
                 map_p = entree_split[7:].split(",")
-            else :
+            else:
                 map_p = entree_split[7:]
             for meta in map_p:
                 if meta not in l_map:
-            if len(l_map)==len(accnumbers):
+            if len(l_map) == len(accnumbers):
-        for id in l_map:
-            id_clean = tab_cor[1].index(id.replace("k","kegg").replace("c","chebi").replace("']",""))
-            l_map_cor.append(tab_cor[0][id_clean])
-        return(l_map_cor)
-    if infos=="all":
+        for id_m in l_map:
+            id_t = id_m.replace("k", "kegg").replace("']", "")
+            id_cln = tab_cor[1].index(id_t)
+            l_map_cor.append(tab_cor[0][id_cln])
+        return l_map_cor
+    if infos == "all":
         splited = details.split("',")
         fsetid = ["fsetId"]
         cpdburl = ["URLCPDB"]
         url = ["pathway link"]
         pmids = ["PMIDS"]
         ovlent = ["menber input"]
-        overlapping =["Input overlapping"]
-        output_1=[fsetid, cpdburl, url, pmids, ovlent, overlapping]
+        overlapping = ["Input overlapping"]
+        output_1 = [fsetid, cpdburl, url, pmids, ovlent, overlapping]
         for entree in splited:
             entree_split = entree[2:].split(";;")
-            if len(entree_split)==5:
-                for index,infos in enumerate(entree_split):
-                    output_1[index].append(infos)
+            if len(entree_split) == 5:
+                for index, infos_split in enumerate(entree_split):
+                    output_1[index].append(infos_split)
-            elif len(entree_split)==4:
-                for index,infos in enumerate(entree_split[:3]):
-                    output_1[index].append(infos)
+            elif len(entree_split) == 4:
+                for index, infos_split in enumerate(entree_split[:3]):
+                    output_1[index].append(infos_split)
-            else :
+            else:
-    for pos in range(1,len(output_1[0])):
+    for pos in range(1, len(output_1[0])):
         output_1[0][pos] = output_1[0][pos][7:]
         output_1[1][pos] = output_1[1][pos][8:]
-        if len(output_1[3][pos])>3:
+        if len(output_1[3][pos]) > 3:
             output_1[3][pos] = output_1[3][pos][6:]
         output_1[4][pos] = output_1[4][pos][9:]
     name_splited = name.split("', '")
     source = ["source"]
-    for nam_i,nam in enumerate(name_splited):
-        l_nam = len(nam)
+    for nam_i, nam in enumerate(name_splited):
         p_ind = nam.index("(")
         sub_nam = nam[p_ind+1:-1]
-        while sub_nam.find(" ")!=-1:
-            p_ind+=sub_nam.index("(")
+        while sub_nam.find(" ") != -1:
+            p_ind += sub_nam.index("(")
             sub_nam = nam[p_ind+2:-1]
         sub_nam = sub_nam.strip("(")
         name_splited[nam_i] = nam[:p_ind-1]
-    name_splited.insert(0,"Pathways") # modifier avec les sources
+    name_splited.insert(0, "Pathways")
     psplited = pval.split("', '")
-    psplited.insert(0,"p-value")
+    psplited.insert(0, "p-value")
     qsplited = qval.split("', '")
-    qsplited.insert(0,"q-value")
+    qsplited.insert(0, "q-value")
     numsplited = a_e_n.split("',")
     size = ["size"]
     e_size = ["effective_size"]
-    for ee in numsplited :
+    for ee in numsplited:
         p_index = ee.index("(")
     for links_i, links in enumerate(url):
         url[links_i] = links.replace("url:", "")
     ovlent_c = ["menber input"]
-    for l_ovlent_index, l_ovlent in enumerate(ovlent[1:]):
+    for l_ovlent in ovlent[1:]:
         clean_id = []
-        #print(l_ovlent)
         ov_splited = l_ovlent.split(",")
         for o_s_i, o_s in enumerate(ov_splited):
-            if o_s_i==0:
-                clean_id.append(tab_cor[0][tab_cor[1].index(o_s.replace("C","kegg:C").replace("']",""))])
+            if o_s_i == 0:
+                o_s_i_temp = o_s.replace("C", "kegg:C").replace("']", "")
+                i_u = tab_cor[0][tab_cor[1].index(o_s_i_temp)]
+                clean_id.append(i_u)
-                clean_id.append(tab_cor[0][tab_cor[1].index(o_s.replace("k","kegg").replace("c","chebi").replace("']",""))])
+                o_s_temp = o_s.replace("k", "kegg").replace("']", "")
+                i_u2 = tab_cor[0][tab_cor[1].index(o_s_temp)]
+                clean_id.append(i_u2)
-    out_f = [psplited,qsplited, name_splited, source, url, ovlent_c, overlapping, size, e_size, fsetid, pmids, cpdburl] # remplacer les ovlent par les input de base fournit par l'utilisateur.
+    out_f = [psplited, qsplited, name_splited, source, url, ovlent_c,
+             overlapping, size, e_size, fsetid, pmids, cpdburl]
     out_df = pd.DataFrame(data=out_f).transpose()
-    excel_file_writer(out_df,ofile, sheetname="Resultats")
+    excel_file_writer(out_df, ofile, sheetname="Resultats")
+    return ovlent_c
-### Multimapping
-def multimapping_ramp(file ,num_col, outfiles,infpath="Yes"):
+def multimapping_ramp(file, num_col, outfiles, infpath="Yes"):
     Processe multimapping from multi list
@@ -530,18 +533,18 @@ def multimapping_ramp(file ,num_col, outfiles,infpath="Yes"):
     l_o_l = [[] for _ in num_col]
     l_o_d = []
     for elem in read_l_id:
-        for pos,v_id in enumerate(elem):
+        for pos, v_id in enumerate(elem):
             if str(v_id).strip() != "nan":
     for pos, val in enumerate(l_o_l):
-        if infpath=="Yes":
-            l_o_d.append(mapping_from_ramp_api(val, outfiles[pos], infos="all"))
+        if infpath == "Yes":
+            l_o_d.append(mapping_ramp_api(val, outfiles[pos], inf="all"))
-            mapping_from_ramp_api(l_o_l[pos], outfiles[pos])
+            mapping_ramp_api(l_o_l[pos], outfiles[pos])
     return l_o_d
-def opti_multimapping(file, outfolder, mapping="NO"):
+def opti_multimapping(file, outfolder, mapping="YES"):
     Processe optimal mapping of RAMP and CPDB
@@ -555,101 +558,99 @@ def opti_multimapping(file, outfolder, mapping="NO"):
     inf = recup_all_inf_excel(file)
     to_test = []
-    recap=[[]]
-    ### cas CPDB
-    l_opt_cpdb = []
-    cpdb_outfile = FOLDER+"optimapping_cpdb.xlsx"
+    recap = [[]]
     id_dif = []
-    col_aso_id = []
+    col_id = []
     for line in inf:
     for ind_head, headers in enumerate(inf[0][1:-1]):
         if headers not in id_dif:
-            col_aso_id.append([ind_head+1])
+            col_id.append([ind_head+1])
-            col_aso_id[-1].append(ind_head+1)
-    for index_t_i, type_id in enumerate(id_dif):# boucle sur les différents id
+            col_id[-1].append(ind_head+1)
+    for i_t_i, type_id in enumerate(id_dif):
+        # boucle sur les différents id
         acctype = type_id
-        meta_mapper = []
-        id_to_search=[i for i in range(len(inf)-1)]
+        id_to_search = list(range(len(inf[1:])))
         l_opti_for_this_id = ["NA" for i in range(len(inf))]
-        for num_col in col_aso_id[index_t_i]:# boucle sur les colonnes d'un même id
+        for n_col in col_id[i_t_i]:
+            # boucle sur les colonnes d'un même id
             col_actu = []
-            for l in inf[1:]:
-                col_actu.append(l[num_col])
+            for lig in inf[1:]:
+                col_actu.append(lig[n_col])
             col_actu = pre_cut(col_actu)
             new_id = []
-            for index_to_test, id_to_t in enumerate(col_actu):# boucle sur les id d'une même colonne
-                if index_to_test in id_to_search and id_to_t!="NA":
+            for index_to_test, id_to_t in enumerate(col_actu):
+                # boucle sur les id d'une même colonne
+                if index_to_test in id_to_search and id_to_t != "NA":
-            if len(new_id)!=0:
-                cpdb_out_opti = mapping_ora_cpdb(to_test, acctype, infos="optimization")
+            if len(new_id) != 0:
+                cpdb_o_opti = m_ora_cpdb(to_test, acctype, infos="opti")
                 for t_new in new_id:
-                    if t_new in cpdb_out_opti :
+                    if t_new in cpdb_o_opti:
-                        l_opti_for_this_id[col_actu.index(t_new)+1]=t_new
+                        l_opti_for_this_id[col_actu.index(t_new)+1] = t_new
                 for index_change in id_to_search:
-                    if col_actu[index_change]!="NA":
-                        to_test.remove(col_actu[index_chang])
-            if len(cpdb_out_opti)==len(inf[1:]) or num_col==col_aso_id[index_t_i][-1]:
-                if mapping=="YES":
-                    outfile = outfolder+acctype+"_mapping_opti_cpdb.xlsx"
-                    mapping_ora_cpdb(cpdb_out_opti, acctype, infos="all", ofile=outfile)
+                    if col_actu[index_change] != "NA":
+                        to_test.remove(col_actu[index_change])
+            if len(cpdb_o_opti) == len(inf[1:]) or n_col == col_id[i_t_i][-1]:
+                if mapping == "YES":
+                    cpdbf = outfolder+acctype+"_mapping_opti_cpdb.xlsx"
+                    m_ora_cpdb(cpdb_o_opti, acctype, infos="all", ofile=cpdbf)
                 l_opti_for_this_id[0] = "CPDB "+acctype
-    ### cas ramp
     for line in inf[1:]:
     l_opt_ramp = []
     l_opt_ramp_tri = ["NA" for i in range(len(inf))]
     n_meta_map = 0
-    ramp_outfile = FOLDER+"optimapping_ramp.xlsx"
-    n_meta_map, l_opt_ramp = mapping_from_ramp_api(to_test, ramp_outfile, infos="optimization")
-    if n_meta_map==len(inf)-1:
-        mapping_from_ramp_api(l_opt_ramp, ramp_outfile, infos="all")
-        return("la premiére liste est optimal")
-    else:
-        to_test.clear()
-        index_still=[]
-        for index_l, li in enumerate(inf[1:]):
-            if li[1] not in l_opt_ramp:
-                index_still.append(index_l+1)
-                if li[2]!="NA":
-                    to_test.append(li[2])
-            else:
-                l_opt_ramp_tri[index_l+1] = li[1]
-        input_col = 2
-        while n_meta_map!=len(inf)-1 and input_col!=(len(inf[0])-1): # prend en compte la derniére colones de fold-change
-            if len(to_test)!=0:
-                n_meta_sup, second_map = mapping_from_ramp_api(to_test, ramp_outfile, infos="optimization")
-                n_meta_map+=n_meta_sup
-                l_opt_ramp+=second_map
-                index_to_remove = []
-                for s_ind in index_still:
-                    if inf[s_ind][input_col] in second_map:
-                        index_to_remove.append(s_ind)
-                        l_opt_ramp_tri[s_ind] = inf[s_ind][input_col]
-                for ix in index_to_remove:
-                    index_still.remove(ix)
-                to_test.clear()
-            input_col+=1
-            for ind_ind in index_still:
-                if inf[ind_ind][input_col]!="NA":
-                    to_test.append(inf[ind_ind][input_col])
-    if mapping=="YES":
-        mapping_from_ramp_api(l_opt_ramp, ramp_outfile, infos="all")
+    ramp_outf = FOLDER+"optimapping_ramp.xlsx"
+    n_meta_map, l_opt_ramp = mapping_ramp_api(to_test, ramp_outf, inf="opti")
+    if n_meta_map == len(inf)-1:
+        mapping_ramp_api(l_opt_ramp, ramp_outf, inf="all")
+        return "la premiére liste est optimal"
+    to_test.clear()
+    index_still = []
+    for index_l, li in enumerate(inf[1:]):
+        if li[1] not in l_opt_ramp:
+            index_still.append(index_l+1)
+            if li[2] != "NA":
+                to_test.append(li[2])
+        else:
+            l_opt_ramp_tri[index_l+1] = li[1]
+    input_col = 2
+    while n_meta_map != len(inf)-1 and input_col != (len(inf[0])-1):
+        # prend en compte la derniére colones de fold-change
+        if len(to_test) != 0:
+            n_sup, s_map = mapping_ramp_api(to_test, ramp_outf, inf="opti")
+            n_meta_map += n_sup
+            l_opt_ramp += s_map
+            index_to_remove = []
+            for s_ind in index_still:
+                if inf[s_ind][input_col] in s_map:
+                    index_to_remove.append(s_ind)
+                    l_opt_ramp_tri[s_ind] = inf[s_ind][input_col]
+            for ix in index_to_remove:
+                index_still.remove(ix)
+            to_test.clear()
+        input_col += 1
+        for ind_ind in index_still:
+            if inf[ind_ind][input_col] != "NA":
+                to_test.append(inf[ind_ind][input_col])
+    if mapping == "YES":
+        mapping_ramp_api(l_opt_ramp, ramp_outf, inf="all")
     l_opt_ramp_tri[0] = "RAMP"
     recap = pd.DataFrame(data=recap).transpose()
     n_out_f = outfolder+"recap_mapping_opti.xlsx"
     excel_file_writer(recap, n_out_f, sheetname="Resultats")
+    return "all is ok"
-### Lancement
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    FOLDER = "C:\\Users\\mumec\\Desktop\\Mini_codes\\"
-    f_enter = FOLDER+"fichier_entree_test_multi_mapping.xlsx"
-    opti_multimapping(f_enter, FOLDER)
+    F_ENTER = FOLDER+"fichier_entree_test_multi_mapping.xlsx"
+    opti_multimapping(F_ENTER, FOLDER)
diff --git a/Tests_unitaires/ b/Tests_unitaires/
index b0b0fd5..222d0fd 100644
--- a/Tests_unitaires/
+++ b/Tests_unitaires/
@@ -3,7 +3,17 @@ import sys
 import Mapping_using_the_API
-class TestMappingAPI(unittest.TestCase):
+class Testutils(unittest.TestCase):
+   """
+   recup_all_inf_excel(file)
+   send_request_to_mapping_api(url, data_json, head, met='POST')
+   excel_file_writer(dataframe, name_out_file, sheetname="Resultats")
+   pre_cut(listed)
+   """
+   def test_recup_all_inf_excel(self):
    def test_send_request_to_Mapping_API(self):
        result =Mapping_using_the_API.send_request_to_Mapping_API('',["hmdb:HMDB0000064"],{'Accept': '*/*','Content-Type': 'application/json'})
@@ -13,13 +23,58 @@ class TestMappingAPI(unittest.TestCase):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
           Mapping_using_the_API.send_request_to_Mapping_API('',[],{'Accept': '*/*','Content-Type': 'application/json'})
-   def test_mapping_from_RAMP_API(self):
+   def test_excel_file_writer(self):
-   def test_excel_file_writer(self):
+   def test_pre_cut(self):
+class TestMappingAPI(unittest.TestCase):
+   """
+   mapping_ramp_api(metabolites_list, outfile, inf="opti")
+   m_ora_cpdb(accnumbers, acctype, cpdbidsbg=None,
+               pthreshold=0.05, infos="all",
+               ofile="C:\\Users\\mumec\\Desktop\\test_out_cpdb.xlsx")
+   equiv_from_ma_api(metabolites_list)
+   """
+   def test_mapping_ramp_api(self):
+   def test_m_ora_cpdb(self):
+   def test_equiv_from_ma_api(self):
+class TestCPDBannexe(unittest.TestCase):
+   """
+   get_cpdb_available_fset_types(entity_type)
+   get_cpdb_available_accesion_types(entity_type)
+   get_cpdb_available_accesion_id(acctype, accnumbers)
+   get_cpdb_version()
+   """
+   def test_get_cpdb_available_fset_types(self):
+   def test_get_cpdb_available_accesion_types(self):
+   def test_get_cpdb_available_accesion_id(self):
+   def test_get_cpdb_version(self):
+class TestMultiMapping(unittest.TestCase):
+   """
+   multimapping_ramp(file, num_col, outfiles, infpath="Yes")
+   opti_multimapping(file, outfolder, mapping="YES")
+   """
+   def test_multimapping_ramp(self):
+   def test_opti_multimapping(self):
 if __name__=='__main__':
\ No newline at end of file