const spawnChild = async (body, profile, uniqueDir, homeDir, unlock) => { const { exec } = require("child_process"); let Client = require("ssh2-sftp-client"); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); // exec( // "bash " + path.join(__dirname, "../resources/"), // (error, stdout, stderr) => { // fs.writeFileSync( // "/home/shatira/snakemake.txt", // stdout + error + stderr, // function (err) { // if (err) throw err; // console.log("Saved!"); // } // ); // if (error) { // console.log(`error: ${error.message}`); // } // if (stderr) { // console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`); // } // console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`); // } // ); // process.platform == "darwin" || process.platform == "linux" // ? exec( // "bash " + // path.join(__dirname, "../resources/") + // " " + // __dirname, // (error, stdout, stderr) => { // fs.writeFileSync( // "/home/shatira/snakemakeConda.txt", // stdout + error + stderr, // function (err) { // if (err) throw err; // console.log("Saved!"); // } // ); // if (error) { // console.log(`error: ${error.message}`); // return; // } // if (stderr) { // console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`); // return; // } // console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`); // } // ) // : ""; const logfile = path.join(uniqueDir, "biseps.txt"); const output = fs.openSync(logfile, "a"); const workflow = path.join(__dirname, "../resources/biseps/"); const command = process.platform == "win32" ? "conda" : `$HOME/miniconda3/bin/conda`; const options = { slient: false, // detached: true, shell: true, // stdio: ["ignore", output, output], }; if (body.remote) { const host = { host: body.machine.hostname, port: body.machine.port, username: body.machine.username, ...(!(body.machine.privateKey === "") && { privateKey: require("fs").readFileSync(body.machine.privateKey), }), password: body.machine.password, }; if ( !fs.existsSync(path.join(uniqueDir, "workflow.tar.gz")) && !body.rerun ) { const child = exec( `${command} run -n bisepsSnakemake --cwd ${uniqueDir} --no-capture-output --live-stream snakemake --profile ${profile} --config platform="other" --archive workflow.tar.gz`, options ); // const child = spawn( // command, // [ // "run", // "-n", // "bisepsSnakemake", // "--cwd", // uniqueDir, // "--no-capture-output", // "--live-stream", // "snakemake", // "--profile", // profile, // "--archive", // "workflow.tar.gz", // ], // options // ); // const child = execFile( // remoteScript, // [env, profile, uniqueDir, shell], // options // ); let data = ""; for await (const chunk of child.stdout) { console.log("stdout chunk: " + chunk); data += chunk; } let error = ""; for await (const chunk of child.stderr) { console.error("stderr chunk: " + chunk); error += chunk; } const exitCode = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { child.on("close", resolve); }); if (exitCode) { const filename = `${uniqueDir}/failed.archive.lock`; fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(filename, "w")); // throw new Error(`subprocess error exit ${exitCode}, ${error}`); } else { const filename = `${uniqueDir}/archive.lock`; fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(filename, "w")); } } const connect = require("ssh2-connect"); const execs = require("ssh2-exec"); connect(host, function (err, ssh) { execs( "ls >", { ssh: ssh }, (err, stdout, stderr) => { console.log(stdout); } ); }); let sftp = new Client(); sftp.connect(host) .then(() => { return sftp.exists(path.join(homeDir, "workflow.tar.gz")); }) .then((data) => { if (!data) { sftp.mkdir(homeDir); return sftp.fastPut( path.join(uniqueDir, "workflow.tar.gz"), path.join(homeDir, "workflow.tar.gz") ); } }) .then((data) => { console.log("Snakemake in remote"); if (body.cluster) { connect(host, function (err, ssh) { execs( `${ body.rerun ? `cd ${homeDir}` : `cd ${homeDir} && tar -xf workflow.tar.gz && rm -rf .snakemake/` } && sbatch exec_scripts/${ "contexts" in body ? " " + unlock : " " + unlock }`, { ssh: ssh }, (err, stdout, stderr) => { console.log("stdout is:", stdout); console.log("stderr is:", stderr); console.log("errors is:", err); } ); }); } else { connect(host, function (err, ssh) { execs( `${ body.rerun ? `cd ${homeDir}` : `cd ${homeDir} && tar -xf workflow.tar.gz && rm -rf .snakemake/` } && bash exec_scripts/${ "contexts" in body ? " " + unlock : " " + unlock } `, { ssh: ssh }, (err, stdout, stderr) => { console.log("stdout is:", stdout); console.log("stderr is:", stderr); console.log("errors is:", err); } ); }); } sftp.end(); }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err, "catch error"); }); } else { const child = exec( `${ unlock ? `${command} run -n bisepsSnakemake --cwd ${workflow} --no-capture-output --live-stream snakemake --profile ${profile} --unlock 2> ${uniqueDir}/biseps.txt` : `true 2> ${uniqueDir}/biseps.txt ` }` + `&& ${command} run -n bisepsSnakemake --cwd ${workflow} --no-capture-output --live-stream snakemake --profile ${profile} 2>> ${uniqueDir}/biseps.txt && ${command} run -n bisepsSnakemake --cwd ${workflow} --no-capture-output --live-stream snakemake --profile ${profile} --report ${uniqueDir}/report.html 2>> ${uniqueDir}/biseps.txt`, options ); // const child = spawn( // command, // [ // "run", // "-n", // "bisepsSnakemake", // "--cwd", // workflow, // "--no-capture-output", // "--live-stream", // "snakemake", // "--profile", // profile, // unlock ? "--unlock" : "", // ], // options // ); let data = ""; for await (const chunk of child.stdout) { console.log("stdout chunk: " + chunk); data += chunk; } let error = ""; for await (const chunk of child.stderr) { console.error("stderr chunk: " + chunk); error += chunk; } const exitCode = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { child.on("close", resolve); }); if (exitCode) { const filename = `${uniqueDir}/failed.lock`; fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(filename, "w")); // throw new Error(`subprocess error exit ${exitCode}, ${error}`); } return data; } }; module.exports = spawnChild;