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* Add a benchmark mode to permit to run benchmark on a set of problems described in a `csv` files and make easy comparison.
* Improve colour rendering in log system. Replace specific Linux/Unix source code about colour in (pseudo)terminal with the `fmt::text_style` and `fmt::terminal_color` enumeration.
* Add warning message for unknown parameters

* core: add init policy cycle:
  * `bastert` (default): use cost values.
  * `random`: use random value.
  * `best`: use best solution found if available (`bastert` otherwise).
  * `bastert-cycle`: start with bastert policy then start a cycle between random, best and bastert.
  * `random-cycle`: start with random policy then start a cycle between best, bastert and random.
  * `best-cycle`: start with best policy then start a cycle between bastert, random and best.

* core: add lagrangian runtime constraint order.
  * `lagrangian-decr`: sort violated constraints according to the Lagrangian multiplier values in decremental order.
  * `lagrangian-incr`: sort violated constraints according to the Lagrangian multiplier values in incremental order