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L XC / jvenn
Otherjvenn is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a flexible tool, based upon the venny tool first developed by J.C Oliveros (Oliveros, J.C (2007) VENNY, An integrative tool for comparing lists with Venn Diagrams).
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A fork of asf-challenge, for studying host density effects on dissemination speed. Info about the ASF challenge can be found here https://www6.inrae.fr/asfchallenge
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Confidence intervals for a ratio of variables. https://umr-astre.pages.mia.inra.fr/confint_ratio/
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Laurent Cauquil / Cheatsheets
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Collaboration project with the Red-Cross International Comitee (CICR) for providing scientific and technical support to PPR and PPCB vaccination activities.
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Projet Difuse Activite 1: Caractérisation de la diversité des pratiques et des points de vue des acteurs manifestant leur volonté de s’engager dans le changement face aux urgences socio-écologiques au sein la Recherche Pour le Développement.
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Projet pour élaborer le support de présentation du projet CANULAR. Le document est en LaTeX et le CI/CD permet de générer directement un fichier PDF.
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Requirements and design of a R package for analysing data from Mark-Capture-Recapture experiments for the effective management of invasive Aedes mosquitoes.
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Livre bookdown de Data Science appliquée à l'agronomie sens large
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Effect of boosted SIT on the apparent density of Ae. aegypti in La Reunion Island: a field experiment. Slides: https://umr-astre.pages.mia.inra.fr/boosted-sit/Release_BGT.html
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Aurelien Cottin / Rmarkdown workshop 2022
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International2h workshop slideshow on how to use Rmarkdown format for writing reproducible report (or slideshow, or even paper)
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Analysis and figure production for Ts estimation and stomatal conductance method comparison.
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metagenopolis / benchmark_mock
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterBenchmark second and third generation sequencing technologies on 3 synthetic microbial communities
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