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GNet / APPINetwork
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseConstruction and Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions (PPI) NETWORKS for complexes and biological processes
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GSpace is a simulator for large genomic data, based on a generation-by-generation coalescent that takes into account small population size, recombination, and isolation by distance.
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PAPPSO / tandemng-mass
Artistic License 1.0 (Perl)Updated -
LOZAC H LOIC / AgriSoilMoisture
Apache License 2.0Computes soil moisture over agricultural areas
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CoSWoT / UC Pump irrigation
CeCILL-C Free Software License AgreementUpdated -
PAPPSO / pappsomspp
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyPAPPSOms++ is a comprehensive C++ library including useful functions to handle mass spectrometric data, either in a proteomics setting or for data visualization. Abstractions include peptides, proteins, isotopic clusters, mass/drift spectra...
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mechanistic-statistical environement
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Algorithms for dense linear systems and used for Finites Elements Method. Simulators codes.
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A library of Cost Function Networks and other graphical model instances (MRF, PWMaxSat,...).
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toolbar is an exact discrete optimization tool for graphical models. For most use cases, it has been obsoleted by toulbar2 (on GitHub).
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Thomas Schiex / toulbar2-save
MIT LicenseThis a the private clone archive of toulbar2. The real project is on GitHub. This one contains the "diverse solution" branch that needs to be pulled in the main repo (master)
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R'MES is a tool for studying word frequencies in biological sequences.
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Sylvain Jasson / amap
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyAnother multidimensional analysis packag : Hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis with both general and robusts methods